

As the eggshell cracked open, a small black feline creature slowly crawled out of it. The creature had four tentacles that protruded out from the bottom of its spine as they continuously writhed around its body.

The creature had black glossy fur that covered the entirety of its body and it shone brightly as it reflected the light in Bryan's bedroom.

As soon as Bryan laid his eyes on this creature, his body froze from utter fear. The creature naturally emitted an otherworldly aura of dread and terror!

When Bryan had initially brought the egg home, he had thought that if the creature by chance happened to attack him after hatching, he would easily be able to deal with it. But now, as he saw the creature standing before him, he was scared out of his wits.

Beads of sweat began to form on his forehead as he stared at the creature wide-eyed. He couldn't move. No! Forget moving, Bryan couldn't even utter a word!
