
Stopping Kai [5]

Amelia acted quickly and shot an arrow enveloped in a thick layer of mana. 

Her arrow left a trail of azure blue light and hurtled towards Kai, who was still in mid-air.


When Kai noticed an azure blue light speeding toward him, he quickly raised his greatsword to block the attack.


While he was successful in blocking the attack, the force of the impact of the collision between the arrow and his sword flung him back in the air.

His body skidded across the ground a few times before he managed to perform a flip and land squarely on his feet.

"You're dead, girl," Kai sneered, his tone dripping in venom as he looked at Amelia.

But before he could say anything else, Elijah jumped up on his and brought his giant battle hammer down, intending to crush Kai with it.

"Fool," Kai scoffed as he flicked his wrists and rotated his greatsword over his head to deflect the trajectory of Elijah's battle hammer.

