
Episode 16: (Apple Bloom Arc) Journey To The Underworld

Scene 16.0: Ponyville, Sweet Apple Acres, 2:22 PM, Day 15 Of 365


Shadow face-hoof out of exhaustion unaware of what everyone's reaction; but now he is fully aware of his surroundings and everyone is saddened, furious, torn, broken and distraught. Shadow pulls Goldie Delicious' Letter he found in the book back at her cabin and gives it to the Princess.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:


What is this?



Goldie Delicious' Warning…About the War Of Elements told to her by Lord Thanatos. I found it inside the chest inside her cabin. This letter was hidden inside the pages of the Book of Eden that contains the Secret History Of The Apple Family. The only way to obtain it was either being a member of the Apple Family or using Haycart's Technique and Earning The Respect of the Spirit of the Book. I was asked to give this to you by the Spirit.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

(Accepts Letter)

Shadow…Are you…The Chosen Child of the Ancients?



I'm not interested in Doomsday Fairy-Tales. Right now I am only interested in saving Apple Bloom.

(Evil Eyes)

I see that the Psyche-Locks and the Thorn Crowns are gone. I knew it was odd seeing Big Mac having the crown since only those with a deep seeded regret have them, but it looks like even Gods can place them in order to protect you from a memory that can destroy your mind if you are not ready to face it. But I couldn't see those locks because it must had a different color or Apple Jack's Thorn Crown, I found out that since you weren't fully conscious when that tragic event happened, there was no need to keep it on you. If the Psyche-Locks were Black, I would've seen it as easy as the normal locks. I guess that locks used by deities must have a unique color that can avoid being detected by the likes of me.


Sugar Belle:

So…Big Mac, Apple Jack and Apple Bloom has a sister and she's Apple Bloom's Twin Sister.



(Normal Eyes)

She…was never…

(Thinking, Annoyed)

Darn! I can't find the words to say that Rose was never meant to exist without sounding insensitive…especially that the tension right now is so thick you can cut it with a knife.

(Out Loud)

Apple Jack…


Apple Jack:

It's not your fault…and…I don't blame that little filly for what happened to Apple Bloom either…especially that she is…she is—it's all Mazard's…No…Trotter's Fault! She…


She lied to us…she used us…she even…she even…


At that moment she starts sobbing uncontrollably that Rainbow Dash hugs her hard in order to calm her down. Rarity looks away in sadness for Apple Jack and in disgust on what Trotter did to the family of her dear friend. Fluttershy just couldn't believe some pony as Evil as Trotter existed while Pinkie's hair goes straight and her bright colors goes dark with her eyes showing how dark she is going to be if she had met Trotter. At that moment, Q flies in through the window with a jeweled encrusted ring in his beak and gives it to Shadow.



Finally they answered.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

What's that ring, Shadow?



You'll see.

(Chanting In Unknown Language)

`~!@#$%^&*()-_=+[]\{}|;:'",./<>? Klaatu Barada Nikto!


Everyone is a little dumbfounded on Shadow speaking some sort of alien language, but even more so with how he ended the words. Suddenly the ring shatters and it shiny particles opens a small window-like portal where an Anthropomorphic Black Alicorn that is Shadow's Eccentric First Teacher with the same colors as Shadow as he is in the middle of a Shower singing "Happiness Is Great In The Shower" in tempo using his own voice and no musical assistance. As soon as everyone sees him, the females look away as the males close their eyes in annoyance while Shadow face-hoofs in shame as he clears his throat in an overblown fashion in order to catch his Annoying Teacher's attention.


??? (Anthropomorphic Black Male Alicorn [Ancient Alicorn Of Eccentric Chaos]):

(Feigning Annoyance & Ignorance)

It never fails! As soon as I'm in the shower…Ring, Ring! Someone always comes a-calling!

(Snaps Fingers To Wear Armor)




Oh, Stop Faking!! You Did This On Purpose!!!


??? (Ancient Alicorn Of Eccentric Chaos):


(Wily Smile)

…You Got Me! I Sure Did! This Room Is So Dark It Puts The Chaotic Void To Shame! It Is My Patriotic Duty To Not Allow The Void To Lose To Equestria When It Comes To Our Darkness! The Chaotic Void Is All About Darkness! Equestria Is So Bright And Sugar And Rainbows And Friendship! And Now You Want To Compete In Being As Edgy As Us!?

(Putting Up His Dukes)

Now Thems Fighting Words!!


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

Are all Ancients this…Unorthodox?


??? (Ancient Alicorn Of Eccentric Chaos):

Ooh! It's Princess Twilight Sparkle! Allow me to give you the Universal Greeting from the bottom of my heart: Ba Weep Granna Weep Ninny Bong!


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

Why do I feel that sounds more offensive than a greeting?



Actually that Greeting means: "We Come In Peace", "Take Me To Your Leader", "Care To Dance?", "Hello, We Mean You No Harm", "We Come In Peace" or whatever seems appropriate. It was a very common greeting during the Golden Age of the Great Alicorn Nation before it fell during the War.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

So it was a Greeting created by Alicorns? Forgive my rudeness. Ba Weep Granna Weep Ninny Bong!


??? (Ancient Alicorn Of Eccentric Chaos):


Ba Weep Granna Weep Ninny Bong! We didn't create that greeting, we just use it because it was a very catchy set of words we heard from an alternate reality. Anyhoo…I love making friends with new creatures. I hope you can visit my domain one day, my dear.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

Of course…I'm sorry, I didn't get your name.



(Face-Hoof, Annoyed Whispering)

Here We Go…


??? (Ancient Alicorn Of Eccentric Chaos):

My Name…

(Dramatic Pause Followed By Playful Smile)

…Is Not Important!


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

(Annoyed, Hiding Annoyance)

You mean that your name is "Not Important" or You just don't want to disclose it.


??? (Ancient Alicorn Of Eccentric Chaos):

That…Is Not Important.


Every Creature:

(Annoyed, Thinking)

Is This Guy For Real!?



(Annoyed Sigh)

Enough with the games…


??? (Ancient Alicorn Of Eccentric Chaos):

But I Love Games!!!





(Clears Throat, Calms Down)

Sorry, Apple Jack. Big Mac.


Apple Jack, Big Mac, Sugar Belle, Rainbow Dash:

(Disappointing Stare, Eyebrow Raised)



Yeah, I deserve that look. Anyhoo! You know why I called you. Did Lord Thanatos Agreed To See Me?


??? (Ancient Alicorn Of Eccentric Chaos):

(Dark & Serious Expression, Stern Demeanor)

You did well in contacting us, my boy. If you had stormed after this Homunculus after she ran back home, you could have started a War between Us and the Gods. Thanatos was not in the mood after what happened to his Daughter and her Twin Sister.



I was right. You were keeping tabs on us.


Apple Jack:

If that's true, then why didn't ya do somethin'!?!?!?


??? (Ancient Alicorn Of Eccentric Chaos):

(Evil Glare At Apple Jack, Deep Voice, Intense Glowing Red Evil Eyes, Powerful Unknown Aura)



Apple Jack:

(Frozen In Fear)


??? (Ancient Alicorn Of Eccentric Chaos):

This world of your belongs to you. We Ancients and the Gods Agreed to grant you your Freedom no matter what with no restriction at all. We will supervise you, but we refuse to be your Chaperons and step in when you are in danger or if you are committing heinous and evil acts like Trotter. We will pass judgment on you once you meet your Final Fate just like Trotter Poisonia. Right now she is being punish in ways none of you could ever imagine. Not even your feeble minds can conjure up any Nightmares that can compare to the horrors we can dish out. Your parents are in Elysium because of their Purity, but Trotter right now is the deepest corners of Hades wishing she didn't go down the path she chose. But I digress…Thanatos is not happy especially after that hard push you were doing in convincing his daughter to save her sister.



I knew she was in pain, but I didn't knew her confusion was just as bad as her emotional turmoil. If I knew how bad she was dealing with it, I would have been a lot more soft-spoken. I will apologize to her once I see her. And I will apologize to everyone else after all of this is over. So let me ask again: Did Lord Thanatos Agreed To Meet Me?


??? (Ancient Alicorn Of Eccentric Chaos):

He has. But he has laid out some conditions.



Name them.


??? (Ancient Alicorn Of Eccentric Chaos):

1 – You Must Meet Him In His Domain: The Mausoleum Of Hate.



I wonder why he calls it that since he's the God of Nonviolent Deaths. His sisters, The Keres are the Violent Ones that they are known as "The Spirits of Slaughter And Disease".


??? (Ancient Alicorn Of Eccentric Chaos):

2 – You Are Not Allowed To Come Alone. Someone Must Accompany You. Also Princess Twilight Sparkle Is Not Allowed To Come Due To Her Prophecy Drawing Near. Coming To Thanatos' Domain Will Accelerate Her Final Fate To Come That Much Sooner Than She Is Destined To.




HOLD IT!!! No One Here Has The Fortitude Or the Same Level Of Power As Me To Survive the Severe Pressure Of Hades And Beyond. The Princess Can And Maybe Flurry Heart Because They Are Both Alicorns, But No One Else Can Do That.


??? (Ancient Alicorn Of Eccentric Chaos):

Can I offer a suggestion?



(Defeated Sigh)

When you get this serious, I get worried more than usual with your suggestions, but we are running out of time so tell us.


??? (Ancient Alicorn Of Eccentric Chaos):

Zecora The Zebra there is hiding the Alicorn Amulet at the request of Princess Twilight Sparkle after she won it from Trixie. I know it is a dangerous Artifact created by one of our descendants, but it is a necessary item that is needed to move around the Underworld without any deadly side-effects.



Hold It!!! I have seem the Alicorn Amulet in multiple locations all around Equestria. Can't we use one of those?


??? (Ancient Alicorn Of Eccentric Chaos):

I did say that The Creator is one of our Children, so it is obvious he would create countless fake replicas in order to keep the real one from the wrong creature's grasps. I don't know how you did it my dear, but you found the real one quite easily.



(Braggart Attitude)

Of course I found it easily, For I Am The Great and Powerful, Trixie!!!


Every Creature:

(Annoyed Stare At Trixie)


??? (Ancient Alicorn Of Eccentric Chaos):

(Amused Chuckle)

That Narcissistic Attitude must have caused a lot of trouble for everyone including yourself. I like that type of creatures.


Every Creature:





Wait for it…


??? (Ancient Alicorn Of Eccentric Chaos):

Of course! Everyone loves the Court Jester-Types. "The Town Fool" as we all love to call them.




That's not a nice thing to say!



Forgive his rudeness, Lady Trixie. But that's just how he is. Back to the topic at hand. The Alicorn Amulet.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:


The Alicorn Amulet was created by a Child of the Ancients!?


??? (Ancient Alicorn Of Eccentric Chaos):

You must have heard of him. The Alchemist Genius, Alchemus.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

Star Swirl The Bearded Fellow Apprentice!? He disappeared after Nightmare Moon was sealed in the Moon 1,000 Moons Ago.


??? (Ancient Alicorn Of Eccentric Chaos):

Did you actually say Moon 3 Times in the same sentence?


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

Aren't you supposed to be "Doom And Gloom" right now?


??? (Ancient Alicorn Of Eccentric Chaos):

Aren't I allow a little humor while I am like this? Don't Answer That.



I'm sorry, Princess but we are going to need that Amulet. We can choose who can come with me after this. What's next of his conditions?


??? (Ancient Alicorn Of Eccentric Chaos):

3 – You Are Only Allow To Speak About Apple Bloom And The Situation Surrounding This Ordeal. You Are Not Allowed To Talk Anything Beyond That.



I have questions about this "War of the Elements" Stupidity and about the other 4 Children of the Ancients. I know I am one but who are the others?


??? (Ancient Alicorn Of Eccentric Chaos):

Some Questions Are Too Soon To Be Answered, So…

(Evil Glare At Shadow, Deep Voice, Glowing Red Eyes)

…Do Not Push Your Luck! Even Though You Are Our Kin, We Will Not Show You Any Mercy If You Test Our Patience.



(Unaffected By Glare, Disappointed Sigh, Bows)

I Understand, My Lord. I Will Step In Line…

(Stern Stare At 1st Teacher)

…For Now.


??? (Ancient Alicorn Of Eccentric Chaos):

(Lighthearted & Carefree Expression, Dorky & Goofy Attitude)

WELP!!! That is all! I hope we can do this again sometime real soon!

(Na-Nu Na-Nu Hand Signals)

Na-Nu Na-Nu!


The window portal closes and every creature starts talking all at once at Shadow in an annoyed tone on how rude his First Teacher turned out to be.



One at a time please! I am not a God!



Call me crazy but it felt like we were dealing with Discord.



Are all Chaos Creatures as…what's the word I am looking for? Eccentric?




Yeah, Pretty Much.



He was quite rude. Knowing our names, but not introducing himself? He's quite uncouth, Darling and he's your First Father Figure?



Unfortunately. Now then…The Alicorn Amulet?


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

I really don't want to do this, but we need to save Apple Bloom.



I Will Retrieve The Amulet. I Hope It Does Not Impose On Our Benefit.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

Thank you, Zecora. I agree with her. The Alicorn Amulet is dangerous. We need a strong willed and strong minded creature to control its power until you get back.


Flurry Heart:

Aunt Twilight? I can go with Shadow. He said it himself. Since I am an Alicorn, I might withstand the negative effects of Hades and Beyond. That way we wouldn't need to use the Alicorn Amulet.



True, but…Just because you are an Alicorn, that doesn't mean you can withstand the horrors of that realm. I don't think you should come, Flurry.



But I am just as capable as every creature here! You just can't—



I already made my decision. Besides…even if I did want you to come, The Princess already made the choice before I did.




Aunt Twilight?


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

I'm sorry Flurry, but Shadow is right. I cannot allow you to go to meet Lord Thanatos. You are too important—



(Saddened, Angry)

Because I'm an Alicorn!? Or Is it that you still think I'm still the Same Filly That always got into trouble!?


Princess Twilight Sparkle:






(Storms Out)



I'll go talk to her.



I'll join you.


Krystal and Florid follows Flurry to try to calm her down.



I'll apologize to her when we get back. Also I am glad that Krystal and Florid aren't in the room now since I don't want them to go to meet Lord Thanatos either. So we have a choice of Blaze, Gatz and Slipstream for the trip.




Hey!!! What About Me And Yavish!?!?!?



Yavish don't wanna go!!! Yavish don't want to have nightmares for the rest of Yak life.



It would be an educational experience to see what happens to all evildoers when they meet their punishment, but I fear it would influence how I would lead Griffonstone in the future. I'm afraid I must pass.


Blaze, Slipstream:

(Look At Each Other & Nods)

We Nominate Luster To Go!


Every Creature:





And why are you doing this?



You know why.



(Whispering To Shadow)

That was a weak apology back at Goldie Delicious' Cabin 5 days ago. That's not how you usually apologize. Now it's time for you to apologize for real.



Now it's not the time for that! Give me a real reason why you don't want to go.



I need to talk to my "Big Sister".



And I need to make a few arrangements that can't ignore.



I understand about Slipstream's Quote On Quote – "Big Sister". But what arrangement you need to do that can't wait until we get back?



You'll understand real soon. Just trust me on this.



(Annoyed Sigh)

Fine! I guess it's just us, Luster.



I'll do my best not to hold you back.




I know you won't because I trust and believe in you, Luster.



(Sad Smile)

Thank you, Shadow.




Why are you sad after me telling that, Luster? Does…she doesn't believe me?

(Out Loud)

Please Make The Necessary Preparations Right Away. We are heading to Tartarus as soon as we have everything we need.


Every Creature:



As Shadow and his friends prepare, they are unaware that they are being watched by a mysterious set of eyes with an ominous green glow as this creature is hiding in the shadows a he chuckles with the same sounding voice that laughed at the Death of Trotter 5 Days Ago. Meanwhile out in the field of apple trees, Krystal and Florid are looking for Flurry and Krystal easily finds her because she has the same eyesight as Shadow: Able To See Magical Auras. But Krystal's eyesight is not like Shadow's when he can turn on or off, it is a permanent trait she was born with. As Florid still is looking around on the other side of the incredibly large fields of trees, Krystal transform into one of the Apple's Puppies and walks to her. Flurry notices Krystal's Puppy Form and ignores her not knowing it is Krystal, she sneaks behind Flurry, reverts back to her to her true form and hug her.



I know how you feel, Flurry. Remember what I told you when we started to know each other? Just like you, my family…my Changelings were very overprotective of me and I felt more like a prisoner than what my dad wanted all Changelings to be: To Be Free To Love And Free To Be Yourself Without Hurting Others. That's when I learned the truth: Protection Is Not Love And Does Not Equal Freedom And All It Did Was Hurt Me In Ways…I Wanted All To End. If Not By Them…Then By Me.



I get it. But…I know if I did that…every creature that truly loves me will be torn and…I really wish they all have more faith in us.



They will one day, but waiting around doing nothing won't get us anywhere fast.



You mean…?



No. Going to the Underworld is still something that we shouldn't do. When the time comes at the right moment, we WILL steal the show and everyone will finally accept that we are not as defenseless as they think we are. So please…don't be angry and sad anymore. I know for a fact that your aunt loves you more than you think. She's is willing to forfeit her Kingdom and own life for you…both if necessary.



I don't believe she would be willingly.



(Remembering Twilight's Aura Flow)

Oh, I don't know about that.



(Sad Giggle)

Are you really Shadow's Sister? You act like him sometimes it's both funny and scary.



(Sad Smile)

I wish I was really his biological sister. We have almost the same way of doing things. But I feel that I still have ways to go to match his personality.




Oh, I don't know about that. I only known Shadow for at least a month when he came to the Crystal Empire and boy, is he unique. But after I came here…I see a lot of similarities between you two that I felt drawn to you. It's true that you are young and Shadow is quite experienced, but give it time. I bet you will be just as resourceful as him before we all know it.




Thanks, Flurry. I needed to hear that.




And Thank You Too, Krystal. I needed to hear what you had to say too.


Scene 16.1: Tartarus, Phlegethon River, 5:55 PM


After going past the Prison of Tartarus, Every Creature arrives at the The Phlegethon River, One of the Five Rivers in the Underworld; the others being Acheron, Cocytus, Lethe, and Styx. All of them except for Blaze, Florid (in her Nirik Form), Princess Twilight Sparkle, Flurry Heart, Krystal (Transformed as a Dragon) and Shadow are looking at Every Creature drinking tons of water due to the fact that Phlegethon is known as The River of Fire and the amount of heat coming from the river of lava is so intense none of them can stand it. The other rivers are know as follows: Acheron is The River of Sadness, Cocytus is The River of Weeping, Lethe is The River of Forgetfulness, and Styx is The River of Hatred.



(Panting & Sweating Due Intense & Extreme Heat)

How can you stand all of this heat!? I can understand why the Princess, Flurry, Florid, Krystal and Blaze can stand it, but how can you, Shadow?



I lived for years in the Dragon Lands. This feels like I'm back home again after all this time.




Well Bully For You…



Princess, You have the amulet with you?


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

(Opens Small Chest)

Here it is. Luster. You need to be careful. This Amulet can grant you untold power and it seems it can also protect you while you venture deeper into the underworld. However its magic will corrupt you slowly but surely. And if you rely on its Magic, it will take a hold of you sooner than later.



(Grabs Alicorn Amulet)

Yes, Princess. I'll be careful.



Don't put the amulet on yet, Luster.






Our ride isn't here yet and we can't risk the dark influence of the amulet get a hold of you if we speed it up now.


Every Creature:

Our Ride!?



You Think We Can Swim This Sea Of Hot, Scorching, Melting and Morbid Lava? Even if we decided to go to the other rivers, we will meet Lord Thanatos the fast and easy way, but we will become permanent residents at his castle.



I rather wait for our ride.


Apple Jack:

When will our "Ride" get here?



Usually he never gets here when the living are in perfect health. But…

(Pulls Seapony Statue Out Of Bag)

With this we can summon our ride. There should be a small shrine, a stone lantern, a large statue or pillar with a hole in it around here somewhere.



(Nirik Form, Demon Voice, Upbeat Personality, Cluelessly Standing Next To Phantom Statue)

Gee…where do you think we can find one of those?



(Notices Statue Next To Florid, Sarcastic Attitude)

Oh, I don't know. Perhaps we should look to our right and see what happens.



(Looks Left)

I don't see anything, Blaze.



(Annoyed Sigh, Facepalm)

Your Other Right, Florid…




Hey! Where did this came from?


Pinkie Pie:

(Pretending To Be Shocked & Scared)




(Annoyed, Face-Hoof, Clenching Teeth)

I'm getting a migraine here.



Oh, Dear.


Shadow places the Seapony Statue inside the Phantom Statue, a statue in the shape of a large ghost with a hollowed area that looks like a small compartment in the shape of the Seapony Statue. The statue starts to glow bright Gold as the statue shoots a beam of pure light from its top up into the roof of the realm. Suddenly a voice came out of nowhere from the direction of the Phlegethon River and to everyone shock as they see The Ferryman Charon. Charon resembles an Anthropomorphic Pony in the same vein as Thanatos and the Phantom Statue wearing a pure black shroud covering him from head to toe and as every creature looks at his face and are scared to see his lifeless eyes, crooked smile and the complexion of a thin and wrinkled old stallion that is pure white from the tip of his mane down to his hooves with the high pitched voice of an old man.



Greeting. Have You Summoned Me To Meet Your Destiny Early?


Every Creature:

(Scared For Their Lives)




(Annoyed Sigh)

It's been a while, Lord Charon.



(Deep Demonic Voice, Glowing Red Eyes)

The Child of the Ancients, Platinum Shadow. Lord Thanatos is expecting you.



Thank you for sparing much of your busy schedule for a lowly outsider such as I, my lord.



Lord Thanatos also requested you travel with another. Have you made the decision on who should it be?



I am, My Lord.










I have a message from your Grand-Mare.




What? What did she say?



That she is sorry she couldn't be there on your birthday as she promised.



(Tearing Up, Trying To Stay Strong)

Thank you…for telling me, my lord.



With that said…I am forbidden to bring you with me due to your life-force will not withstand the enormous pressure of the underworld.



(Shows Alicorn Amulet)



The Alicorn Amulet. Very well. You may accompany the Child of the Ancients. But be forewarned, Luster Dawn. You are not allowed to leave The Child of the Ancients side and listen to his advice and suggestions, for they will help you return to this side of reality. Ignore them and You will remain in the underworld for the rest of eternity.



I understand, my lord.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

How long will this take?



Unfortunately…A Full Day For A Round Trip.


Sweetie Belle:

Can't you teleport back to Sweet Apple Acres? Apple Bloom will…



Apple Bloom still have time even with us taking a full day. But sadly the underworld is literally a Prison World. The only ones that can teleport out of here are the ones who gets permission from the ruling deity from the region.



Can't you ask Lord Thanatos to let you teleport out of here?



I'll try, but it won't be easy. There has always been a lot of Bad Blood between The Gods and The Ancients. You might not know this but The Gods respect the Elements of Harmony, but they fear that they will side with the Ancients if a War were to break out. The reason for that is…The Ancients were the First and Original Elements of Harmony.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

That explains on why you are an Element Bearer.



Sorry for keeping it a secret. I just found out everything just recently and it was too much to take in. I even found out things about my mother I didn't know or was ready to know.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

It's alright, Platinum Shadow. We understand. When Me and my Friends became the Elements of Harmony…At first we were excited, but we did not know at the time on how much responsibility comes in maintaining such elements and making sure we never lose our way. There were times that our Elements were challenge and in those times we ended up questioning if we should be Honest, Generous, Loyal, Laughing, Kind or Friendly. I believe that when you were fighting Trotter, you questioned if you should have gone against your Element's Power.



I feel that…if I had done her in then and there…Apple Bloom would've never—


Apple Jack:

Now stop right there! Now that I know the truth…I hate her…I hate her so…so much…I…I Have Never Hated Any Creature As Much As I Hate Her For All The Evil She Has Done…But…No Matter How Much I Hate Her For What She Gone Done To All Of Us…I Would Never Wish For Her Death. That's One Line No Creature Should Cross.




Apple Jack…


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

We all feel the same way, Platinum Shadow. If you allow such darkness to take over your heart…You Would Lose The "Platinum" That Is Your Soul.



(Moved, Smiling)

Thank you, you made me realize my mistake. You are right. No One Should Speak Or Think Such A Despicable Thing. I almost gave up on my Element and in the process…I would have lost my family legacy too.



That is sweet of them. It must be nice to have friends like them, Platinum Shadow. But unfortunately I am a very busy Ferryman and you are testing my patience.



Forgive me, Lord Charon. Luster? You Ready?



Yeah. I'll put on the amulet before I set a hoof on the boat.


Apple Jack:

Platinum Shadow…



Don't worry, we'll bring Rose back and save Apple Bloom.


Apple Jack:

Can you deliver a message to the little filly?



Of course. What is it?


Apple Jack walks towards Shadow and whisper something in his ear that surprises him. He looks at Apple Jack, but she covers her face with her hat whenever she's too emotional; however Shadow managed to get a peek on her face which makes him sad and angry. Sad because he never wanted to see Apple Jack suffer like this as he notices tears running down her red and swollen eyes, and Angry at himself for allowing it to happen. He once thought that if he had ended Trotter when he had the chance, this would have never happened. But thanks to Princess Twilight Sparkle, he now knows he can't think that way for he is the Bearer of the Element of Life like his Mother before him. As Shadow and Luster boards Charon's boat, but not before Luster puts on the Alicorn Amulet and is infused with its power as Luster starts to display the same Evil Eyes as Trixie when she was under its influence and as Shadow when he looks for Auras. As Charon starts to row his boat, every creature are wishing them good luck as they wave at them. But once again, unknown to them, The Mysterious Creature Hiding In The Shadows chuckles evilly seeing both Shadow and Luster head to Thanatos' Castle located in The Mausoleum Of Hate. As soon as they all leave, the Mysterious Pursuer spreads his large wings and takes to the skies as he keeps a close eye on Shadow and Luster for 2 different reasons. The First Reason is his Mission while his Second Reason is A Personal One as he looks at both of them in a way that is not in any sense malicious, but oddly enough with respect. What is his Mission and relationship to them both? Only time will tell…


To Be Continued…

Script by: Starscream Σ

Owned By: Hasbro

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