
Episode 14: (Apple Bloom Arc) Shadow’s Virtuous Awakening

Scene 14.0: Ponyville, Road To Vanhoover, 3:40 PM, Day 10 Of 365


Phase 1:

Vs. [UN] Zombie Chimeras


Overtaken with rage with Blaze for speaking the truth, Trotter unleashes her Undead Chimera Necrons to erase Shadow's Friends from existence as they stand ready together to defeat Trotter. The 3 Large Beasts charges at the young heroes; Shadow gazes at every creature and without saying a word, he signals what all of them should do as all of them are made to make teams of 2: Flurry stands behind every creature and surrounds them with a barrier to protect them from the negative effects of Necron's Magic taught to her by her father, Shinning Armor paired with a healing spell taught to her by her mother, Cadance while Yavish protects her from any who tries to stop her; Rose summons her Katana and stands in front of Apple Bloom in order to protect her from Trotter along with Gatz; Florid in her Nirik Form paired with Krystal transformed into the same large bug that her Uncle, Pharynx always turn into; since they has fought alongside before, Luster and Slipstream team up to take on the Zombie Chimera while Blaze and Shadow faces off against the biggest of the Undead Chimeras. However while every creature is distracted, Trotter's Undead Crow perches at a nearby tree behind Apple Bloom and Rose, waiting for its chance to strike.


Battle 1:

Changeling Princess (Queen) Krystal & Kirin (Nirik) Princess Florid Harvest


Krystal pins the Chimera she's fighting down while Florid gallops around the monster creating a circle of flames in order to keep it from escaping. After the Circle of Flame is complete, Krystal reverts back to her base form and starts to attack the Chimera with blasts of green magic and Florid's Nirik Flames intensifies as the fight rages on. Suddenly Krystal's and Florid's eyes starts glowing Green and Blue respectively and then…



Let's Finish This! FLORID!!!



(Nirik Form, Demon-Like Voice, Excited Smile)



Krystal transforms herself into the Multiple Races of Equestria: Dragon, Griffon, Hippogriff, Yak, Nirik, Earth Pony, Pegasus, Unicorn, Alicorn and finally in her True Form attacking the Chimera's Body as well as its Lion, Goat and Snake Heads consecutively in all of these forms; and as soon as she's done, Krystal jumps back doing a somersault as Florid charges from below at the Chimera as soon as Krystal jumped into the air and lands a flurry of blazing hooves and kicks at the Chimera on the opposite points where Krystal hit it and as soon as Florid moves away from it and rejoins Krystal, they both gives the Zombie Chimera a Sneer as their horns glow intensely as Florid's Magical Auras resembles Rain Shine while Krystal's Magical Aura resembles a Changeling Queen that isn't Chrysalis. Suddenly the Chimera Spontaneous Combusts in a combination of Green and Blue fire, ending their fight. Krystal and Florid does a groovy victory dance to celebrate. Krystal/Florid Harvest Team-Attack: "Flames Of Destructive Chaos".


Battle 2:

Princess Twilight Sparkle's Student Luster Dawn & Hippogriff Princess (Secret Agent) Slipstream


As soon as they charge at the Undead Necron they are fighting, Luster tries her best to keep up with Slipstream who is far more experienced fighting creatures like this. However Luster notices that Slipstream is not reprimanding her for making a few mistakes during the fight, instead she's giving Luster her space to do what she can and Luster feels more motivated to do better and at that moment, Luster notices that the Chimera has specific weaknesses that Living Chimeras do not have. Using what she has learned, Luster attack the Zombie Chimera's weaknesses which impresses Slipstream as she gives a Wily Smiles and Whistle on how Luster managed to give them some breathing room as she gives Luster a Thumbs-Up for the Awesome Job she did. Luster's Eyes Glows a Beautiful Bright Gold as Slipstream's starts to glow Ruby Red as their magical aura starts to become visible becomes.



(Wily Smile)

Are You Ready To End This, Luster!?




Right Behind You, Slips!


Slipstream flies as high as she can while Luster start to charge up her magic at the tip of her horn as her Magical Aura resembles Princess Twilight Sparkle. The injured Zombie Chimera attacks Luster, but thanks to her hitting its weak spots, the Undead Monster is moving sluggishly that Luster is able to dodge it quite nimbly. As soon as Slipstream reaches the Stratosphere, she drops back down Superman-Style that is creating a powerful wave in front of her as her Magical Aura starts to resembles Queen Novo. Luster notices Slipstream dropping, so she moves out of the way as Slipstream slams her Closed Claw-Fists on the back of the Chimera leaving it severely hurt and once Slipstream flies out of the way, Luster blasts the Zombie Chimera with a large Magical Wave that completely disintegrates the Undead Necron. Luster and Slipstream do a High-Five to celebrate their victory. Luster Dawn/Slipstream Team-Attack: "Slam Buster".


Battle 3:

Chaos Pony Platinum Shadow and Dragon Prince Blaze


Blaze grapple the Undead Chimera's claws with his own and stare down at each other as the Chimera snarls and roars on his face as Blaze states that it should try some mints as Shadow jumps over them and blasts the Snake Head's eyes leaving it blinded. Blaze follows by breathing fire on both the Lion and Goat Heads completely blinding the Undead Necron temporarily. Blaze starts to ruthlessly attack the monster in front while Shadow attacks it from behind in his Earth Pony Form. The Zombie Chimera's eyes fully heals and starts to fight back as Shadow quickly changes to his Pegasus Form and takes flight alongside Blaze above the Zombie. Shadow's eyes starts to glow Emerald Green while Blaze's starts to glow Sapphire Blue as they look down at the beast.



(Evil Smile)

Time To Show This Freak The Power Of The Sons Of Dragon Lord Ember!



(Evil Laughter)

Let's Turn Up The Heat, Shadow!


Both Shadow and Blaze bellows as they charge at the Chimera at high speeds that can rival the 2nd fastest Wonderbolt in all of Equestria and their speed as well as their bodies were so rock hard (Shadow's Due To His Armor) that were cutting the zombie severely injuring it and forcing it to lie on the ground as they scream "Ora, Ora, Ora" Repeatedly. Shadow switch back to his Unicorn Form and lands far from the monster with Blaze landing right besides him. Shadow charges his magic to the point that his Magical Aura takes the form of an Alicorn with the same Physical Traits as Shadow while Blaze charges his Fire Breath while spreading his wings that his Magical Aura resembles that of the Legendary Dragon, Bahamut. After they finish charging their attack, they both fire it at the same time and before it hits the Zombie, the attacks combine into a Powerful Yet Flashy Attack that obliterates the monster into nothing. Shadow gives an Amused Cool-Looking Scoff as Blaze Raises his nose up and does an Amused Scoff Too as a he spouts a flame as he scoffs. Platinum Shadow/Blaze Team-Attack: "Blazing Platinum Wave".


Trotter is furious at her greatest creation being so easily destroyed by Shadow and his friends. However she looks at the tree behind Apple Bloom while making it seem she's looking At Apple Bloom without giving away that her Zombie Crow is hiding in wait to make its move.



It's over, Hag.



(Evil Sneer)

Wrong, My Dear Apprentice. I Have Not Yet Begun To Fight!


At that moment Trotter makes a horrible hiss at Shadow, signaling her crow to capture Apple Bloom. The Undead Crow transform into a large hideous monster with a red eye, a decomposed white eye, exposed ribs and purple poisonous smoke pouring out of its orifices and large wounds just like the Undead Chimera and snatches Apple Bloom as it uses liquid sludge-like miasma spat out from it's cracked beak at Rose and Gatz in order to kill them. They manages to dodge it, but it inadvertently gives the Undead Crow enough room to take flight. As the Zombie Crow hovers in the air, Trotter opens a portal next to her and when she enters it, she appears on top of her Necron.


Shadow, Rose:





(Evil Maniacal Laughter)

Finally After 1,500 Moons! My Restoration And Ascension To Surpass All Is At Hand!


Trotter flies away with Apple Bloom as Shadow and his friends follow her into the Everfree Forest and possibly to her hideout.


Scene 14.1: Everfree Forest, Dark Uncharted Region, 4:09 PM


Phase 2:



Shadow and his friends follows Trotter to the dark and uncharted territory of the Everfree Forest which is known to be extremely dangerous and any who ventures this far, never return alive or at all. They are all afraid except of Blaze, Gatz, Slipstream, Apple Rose and Shadow, but Apple Bloom is in danger so they have no choice but to push forward. Suddenly they all hear a rumbling in the bushes nearby and they all want to scream, but Shadow puts the tip of his hoof on his mouth signaling them to keep quiet and that he will look into it. They all nods in agreement as Shadow heads to bushes carefully to investigate. As he nears the bushes, Shadow could smell something odd; he peeks into the bushes and sees what he was smelling as he blushes like crazy. He also sees that the ones behind the bushes hasn't noticed him, so he turns around, walk a few feet away from the bush and…



(Blushing, Dork Expression, Deep Breath)




I never liked that Tongue Twister.



Yavish can't do Tongue Twisters.




Why did you had to do that, Shadow?




And why you had to be so darn loud about it too?


Blaze, Krystal:

(Hard Blush, Ashamed, Hard Gulp, Thinking)

Because The Ones Behind The Bush Are Doing Perverted Stuff!! That's Why!!!



(Hard Blush, Ashamed, Hard Gulp, Thinking, Covering Face With Wing While Peeking Through Slightly Open Feather, Wolf Whistle)

Kyuu, Kyuu!



(Curious Expression)

Why are you behaving like this?


Blaze, Krystal, Shadow:

Don't Ask Questions You Don't Want To Know The Answers To.






At that moment the bushes rustles harder as 2 females come out and both are blushing like crazy too. These two are: Fluttershy and Zecora which shouldn't be there.




Looks like we found out why Fluttershy isn't Married to Discord.




Fluttershy and Zecora!? I Literally Never Saw That Being A Thing!




So…Fluttershy is Zecora's…I Have Sooooooooo Many Questions Right Now…but that can wait. We Need To Save Apple Bloom First.

(Out Loud)

Fluttershy! Zecora! We have a dire situation right now! Apple Bloom has been kidnapped!!!




Oh, My! Who would do such a thing!?



Someone you never heard of. She's an Evil Earth Pony named Trotter Poisonia. She's also known as The Hag of Raddos.




Do My Ears Deceiving Me? Please Say Contrary!



You know of Trotter, Zecora?



Long Ago In Homeland Farasi, Trotter brought nothing but destruction to my society.

Looking for power beyond control, but she failed in her goal.

The Zebras, Abada and Kelpies Tribes Unite, and got rid of her Blight.



When was that?



A Thousand Moons Ago, Young Platinum Shadow.



Where did she take Apple Bloom?



We believe she's hiding in the uncharted area of the Everfree Forest.



You are in luck, because Zecora and me know this part of the forest like the back of our hooves.



(Blushing, Ashamed Expression)

So I noticed…



(Blushing, Pouting)

Don't think like that!


Blaze, Krystal, Shadow:

(Ashamed, Blushing, Thinking, Avoiding Eye Contact With Fluttershy)

Too Late! I'm Already Thinking About It!



Oh, Pooh. We'll talk later about that. You should follow us. There are deadly critters here that are far too deceiving and that makes them very dangerous. Follow us and try to stay hidden.


As Shadow and his friends follow Fluttershy and Zecora, they stumble upon a lot of monstrous and deadly creatures and they encountered one that resurrected Shadow's Long Dormant Phobia: A Cute Little Bunny Rabbit. As soon as Shadow saw the white bunny rabbit, he froze in place as he makes an "Attack On Titan" Facial Expression Of Dread; luckily he and his friends were hiding well that the rabbit doesn't notice them. Luster, Flurry and Florid were so moved seeing a cute critter in a Dark, Dangerous and Deadly Location of the Everfree Forest, they were compelled to grab it and keep it safe; but Fluttershy and Zecora stopped them with cold sweats running down their heads. The Young Mares are puzzled on why no creature wants to save the Precious, Wonderful, Adorable, Lovable Bunny Rabbit and horrifyingly found out why as a Large Manticore attacks the "Cute Little Bunny Rabbit" only for said Rabbit kill and eat the Manticore as it opens its impossible oversize mouth complete with sharp large fangs. As soon as every creature saw the "Killer Rabbit" eat the Manticore whole and alive, they all made the same Facial Expression of Dread Shadow is currently sporting as they have developed the same phobia as Shadow: "Fear Of Killer Rabbits".


As they arrive at a location that is so horrific that none could stomach it. It was a Den of Undead Necrons of many types of creatures and critters: Zombies of all kinds and species which breaks Fluttershy's Heart seeing innocent beings used in such a manner as the whole area is surrounded by blood and death. Shadow now can confirm that Trotter's hideout is nearby.


In Trotter's broken down hideout, the Evil Hag licks Apple Bloom's cheek in a sadistic manner, but is shocked and enraged upon learning about Apple Bloom's Body that she wasn't expecting.




Nooo…NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo…THIS CANNOT BE!!! My Necro Seed!!! Why is my Necro Seed nowhere to be found in you!? Unless…That Wretched Goldie Delicious! She must have removed it, but how!? It is impossible to do so unless…

(Licks Apple Bloom Again, Shocked)

The Anima Of Eden…she infused it inside of you!

(Looks At Apple Bloom's Insides Using Evil Eyes)



Trotter's screams could be heard from where Shadow and his friends are; fearing that Trotter will harm Apple Bloom by the sound of her scream, Shadow rushes to fight Trotter's Necron Army on his own, breakthrough them like a One-Stallion-Army. Both Fluttershy and Zecora stands in his way as soon as they got the Zombies attention.



We Will Deal With Their Dreadful Fate, Save Apple Bloom Before It Is too Late!


Shadow nods in agreement and he and his friends rushes to save Apple Bloom while Zecora and Fluttershy battle the Undead.


Phase 3:

Vs. The Hag Of Raddos


As soon as Shadow and his friends arrive, they are beholden in terror as they all witnessed Apple Bloom heavily injured as Trotter has beaten her severely. Shadow's fury is reaching heights that he never felt before as Trotter is in the same state as she gives a Death Glares at every creature.


Apple Rose:

(Shocked, Saddened, Enraged, Dark Evil Aura, Glowing Evil Eyes, Death Glare)




(Enraged, Dark Evil Aura, Glowing Evil Eyes, Death Glare)

It's Ruined…It's All Ruined…All These Years…All Of My Struggles…All Of My Sacrifices…All Of My Hard Work…Gone And Destroyed By You Worthless Do-Gooders!!! My Necro Seed Was Destroyed As Soon As I Planted It…



(Enraged, Glowing Evil Eyes, Death Glare)

We Know…Goldie Delicious…Infused The Anima Of Eden Inside Of Apple Bloom Which Protected her From Your Necromancy…making her immune to your advances.



Then Answer Me This My Dear, Beloved Apprentice…Why Is The Anima Destroyed?



What are you talking about?



The Anima Inside This Worthless Wretch Is In Pieces And Powerless!!! It's Completely Useless To Me Now!!!




The Anima is…in pieces? That's impossible unless…

(Discreetly Looks At Rose)

So…Rose becoming a True Living Pony is not only because of my Mother's Memento…The Anima of Eden right now is…

(Out Loud, Addressing Trotter)

You have lost, Trotter! Give up and I promise to show you mercy which you completely Do NOT Deserve.



(Maniacal Laughter)

You are right…I Lost Everything…But…Before I Go…I will take this world and every creature in it to the Ether with me.


At that moment Trotter begins attacking our young heroes with her Shadow Tentacles, Poisonous Miasma and Her Undead Crows and Ravens. Trotter fights them all at a distance and any who gets close, she would use her Miasma both Gas and Liquid Variants. Shadow's rematch with her will not end the same way now that he has his friends with him, he doesn't need to heavily resort to his Short-Burst Teleportation like earlier today. Flurry Heart once again takes her role as Team Healer while every creature fights Trotter. Blaze, Gatz and Slipstream attack Trotter from above and at high speeds, Shadow and Luster use their Unicorn Magic to fight Trotter at a distance and shoot down her Zombie Crows and Ravens before they get the chance to swarm them with numbers. Krystal transforms into a A Black and Green Dragon and with Florid's help they use Fire Attacks to cripple Trotter. Yavish rushes to save Apple Bloom, using his small yet powerful body to run through all obstacles to reach her; once he does, he gets her to safety and protects her form any and all dangers. While Rose summons her Katana and cuts any and all of Trotter's Tentacles that are aimed at every creature's vital spots and as soon as she notices that Trotter knows that Flurry is the Team Medic, Trotter tries time and again to increase her chances of victory by taking her out, but Rose always thwart her efforts. Meanwhile not far from them, Fluttershy and Zecora are having a hard time fighting Trotter's Undead Hoard and when they are about to be swarmed, a pack of Grey Timber Wolves comes to their rescue. The fight with Trotter is starting to have its toll on herself as her Necromancy is weakening and the number of her Crows and Ravens are getting low. Seeing that she's going to lose, Trotter summons the Giant Crow she used to capture Apple Bloom and starts to try trample all of her enemies and attacks them with the liquid sludge-like miasma, but Shadow and Blaze use their "Blazing Platinum Wave" Team-Attack and permanently brings down the Giant Crow. The fight ends with Krystal and Florid use their "Flames Of Destructive Chaos" Team-Attack on Trotter, leaving her on the floor heavily injured and unable to move. Shadow walks towards the downed Trotter as he looks down at her with great disdain as Trotter looks up at Shadow in the same manner. Apple Bloom regains consciousness to witness how it all ends.



It's over…Hag. Grogar's Legacy and Your Legacy ends here, today and now.



(Furious, Weakened)

Curse You…CuRsE yOu…cUrSe YoU…CURSE YOU ALL TO HELL…What Are You Waiting For!? End Me! Succeed Where All Who Came Before You Have Failed…Be The First To Brag That You…Platinum Shadow…Ended The Great Trotter Poisonia Once And For All…






As Luster tries to stop Shadow from doing the unthinkable, she herself is stopped by Apple Rose to see if Shadow is truly worthy of his Family Legacy. Shadow raises his right hoof and screams as he slams it next to Trotter.



I…Will Never Take A Life. Not even someone as despicable as you. You deserve to be imprisoned for all eternity and that's what I will do.


Every creature is proud that Shadow is still himself even after all of the evil that Trotter have propagated, he is willing to take the high road and be responsible for his actions. Blaze breathes a sigh of relief seeing that his brother has matured to the point to show mercy to even a monster like Trotter. Suddenly out of nowhere, a black crystal in the shape of a heart is tossed in front of Trotter and she notices a deep dark flame inside of it and she recognizes what it is. Shadow, Slipstream and Luster also recognizes the crystal and tries to stops Trotter from unlocking its power, but it was too late as Trotter fuses with it and undergoing a powerful metamorphosis with a blinding flash of light…


Phase 4:

Vs. Black Heart Trotter Poisonia


Shadow jumps away from the transforming Trotter and when the flash of light dies down, all of them are in shock to see the crystal fused onto Trotter's Chest, her blood veins linked to the crystal, pumping dark magic into her now Youth Restored Body as the parasite Grogar implanted in her disintegrated into nothing, restoring not only her youth, but her True Full Power As Well. Trotter in her Prime looks just like a matured Alicorn (Minus the Horn and Wings), her old grayish brown-haired coat is now Dark Brown, her gray braided mane is now as Black as the Night, vampire fangs and her outfit resembles that of an Evil Shaman Priestess complete with bird skulls and black feathers as her eyes resembles that of Sombra when he was pure evil.


Black Heart Trotter:

(Evil Sneer, Sultry Voice, Condescending Stare, Licks Lips)

It's been far too long since I felt sooo good. The Power Within Me…Is Just As How I Used To Be. Let's see how fully restored I am…


Trotter disappears into a puff of miasma and reappears in front of Flurry and smacks her so hard that she is literally send flying to a nearby tree and knocking her out instantly. Blaze attack Trotter only for her to evade it with no effort and hits Blaze on his solar plexus taking him out as well. Seeing on how Powerful and Dangerous Trotter has become, Krystal transforms into a Dragon as large as Blaze's Grandfather, Torch and Florid amplifies and intensifies her Nirik Flames to be as powerful as magma and lava as they try to incinerate Trotter into nothing. After trying to burn her out of existence, Trotter condescendingly brushes her mane aside with a sneer in her face and slams both Krystal and Florid with her tentacles and tosses them away like rag-dolls. Gatz and Slipstream charges at Trotter like before with a high speed aerial assault, but Trotter is not amused as she disappointingly looks down at them on how weak they are as she poisons the air with her miasma and leaving them out of commission. Shadow, Yavish and Luster attacks Trotter in hopes to stop her with what they have left. Shadow shifts between all 3 of his pony forms, Luster uses all of her Unicorn Magic and Yavish tries to smash her with his iron body. Yavish slams into her, only for Trotter to smack him away like a bug, Luster fires a large magical wave at Trotter, only for the Evil Mare to power walk the wave (like Broly did with Goku's Kamehameha in his First DBZ Movie) and when she reached Luster, she kicks her right in the face. Enraged for hurting his friends, Shadow attacks Trotter with everything he has, but Trotter is disappointed at Shadow's power as she beats him up far worse than she did his friends. After beating him up, Trotter looks at Shadow with disgust as she starts to remember how she beat up his mother, Stardust Memory in her youth when she was a filly. Now she set her sights on both Apple Bloom and Apple Rose with a Glare filled with Unbridled Hatred toward them. Trotter feels like the Apple Family has been a thorn on her side ever since she met Bright Mac and Pear Butter and now she can have her revenge on them by destroying Apple Bloom. And sending a message to Thanatos by erasing Rose. Since Apple Bloom is no match for her, Trotter decides to kill Rose first. Shadow watches in despair unable to help them and cursing himself for not healing fast enough as his memento is starting to flicker. Trotter mercilessly, brutally and savagely beats Rose to a pulp as she laughs maniacally at Rose's suffering. Rose tries to fight back, but the Rejuvenated Trotter is far too powerful for her to fight against as Trotter shatters Rose's Katana with a powerful chomp and maniacally sneers at the shocked Rose. Rose curses at her weakness as she is supposed to Thanatos' Top Grim Reaper and yet she is no match for Trotter. Falling into despair herself, Rose resigns to her fate knowing deep down in her heart that winning against Trotter is now impossible. Trotter sees this and starts laughing and taunting Rose as the light fades from her eyes which bring such sadistic delight in Trotter as Apple Bloom cries out for Trotter to stop and to any creature to help Rose, but all are too injured to even move; all they can do is witness the horror. Shadow tries to get up, but his body won't listen to him and his memento flickers even faster. Trotter summons her tentacles as it is her intention to finally end Rose and as she tries to skewer her like a Shish-Kebab, but to every creature is in shock that the one that got stabbed was Apple Bloom on her back as she jumped in the way to protect Rose. Rose is traumatized as she sees Apple Bloom on top of her smiling sadly with tears running down her face and reaching Rose's face.


Apple Bloom faints as Rose cries out for her. Disgusted by this sacrifice, Trotter tosses Apple Bloom away like she was nothing. Shadow's memories of events that he has lived like this starts to pour out in his minds like a raging storm…all of the times he failed…all of the times he's suffered…all of the times others suffered…even the memories he gained by being inside of the book containing the Secret History of the Apple Family…even the death of Bright Mac and Pear Butter…just flooded in his very being causing him to undergo a strange transformation surrounding him with the purest of light. As the light as fades, every creature if fully healed and Shadow is surrounded by a Pure White Aura as his eyes reflects the same glow. Trotter recognizes this power as she remember as young Stardust Memory underwent the same type of awakening. Shadow bellows as he attacks Trotter as she is about to counter him with her tentacles; but to her surprise, her tentacles disintegrates as soon as it touches Shadow's Pure White Aura and as soon as he hoofs her one on the face, the injuries Shadow is inflicting her resembles a burn marks. Trotter fights Shadow with all of her power, but Shadow's Awakening is tied to his Element of Life, completely neutralizing Trotter's Necromancy which is the Power of Death. They all notice that Shadow's Memento is glowing as purely as his Aura and Eyes. No matter what Trotter uses, she can't touch Shadow so long as his Pure Aura is protecting him. Enraged that she will lose the fight, Trotter is forced to undergo a monstrous metamorphosis, becoming a large beast comprised of Undead Monstrosities she had created all of her life while her upper body is her normal form with large claws for wings and a crooked horn resembling Chrysalis' Horn; and her frontal hooves are replaced large zombie dragon claws that can crush a castle. Every creature runs away from them as they take the traumatized Rose and the injured Apple Bloom with them. Trotter starts attacking Shadow with all of her evil might and even though Shadow is in his Unicorn Form, he is able to fly around thanks to the Pure Aura Surrounding him. Shadow starts attacking specific areas on Trotter's Undead Parts of her Monstrous Body; she mocks Shadow as the locations he is attacking is not hurting her, what she doesn't know is that Shadow is not intending to hurt her, but defeat her with a power greater than Death. After attacking specific spots on Trotter's Large Body, Shadow starts moving in a blur like he is dancing in midair creating afterimages as he moves. Trotter tries to smack him down from the sky, but she misses every time and when she thinks she manages to hit him, but in reality she touches his afterimages. She fires all kinds of dark magic and poisons at him, but none connects; she loses patience and fires a large magical beam from her mouth and multiple magical lasers and it misses him, but destroys a nearby mountain and a large portion of the nearby forest. Shadow quickly prances and pounces on specific points around Trotter's body in the shape of a Pentagram as he moves elegantly around Trotter as his afterimages starts to surround her like if he has cloned himself. As he suddenly stops, he and his Afterimage Clones, claps their hooves and suddenly on Trotter's body, The Pentagram Surrounding her and the location Shadow touched when Trotter wasn't looking as divine and holy light of life starts to surrounds the entire area. Trotter screams in terror as all of the death and carnage around them is cleansed and purified and Trotter's Black Heart Crystal shatters due to the intense power of Shadow's Element of Life.


Every creature is shocked in a very positive way that when all hope was lost, Shadow managed to save the day and the Dark Region of the Everfree Forest has been made much more brighter. The ghosts of the dead inside the Undead look at every creature with happiness in their faces as they thank them all for setting them free from Trotter's Evil Control as they move on to the Afterlife. Even though the Black Heart Crystal has been shattered, Trotter's youth is still intact, but her Necromancy Powers are permanently been stripped away from her as she tries to attack Shadow using it, but nothing happens. She realized that since Grogar's Parasite is no longer within her, she lost her magical connection to him. Trotter glares at Shadow as he returns to normal as his friends, Fluttershy, Zecora and the pack of Grey Timber Wolves stand by him.



This is the end. You are no longer a High Priestess now that you have lost your Necromancy Powers. It's time to face justice in a dungeon, Trotter.



Very Well. But Know This My Dear, Beloved Apprentice. I Will Never Stop!!! I Will Rule This World And Reshape It In My Image Soon Enough!!! And No Dungeon Will Ever Hold Me For Long For I Am—


Out of nowhere, Trotter is struck down by magical beam right through her heart, killing her where she stands. Trotter can't believe her wretched fate as she falls to the ground dead: She has finally regained her youth only to lose her powers, immortality and her dignity as a High Priestess in this manner to the descendant of the family, the Son of the Mare she hated the most in all of her existence. Shadow and his friends look around to find who ended Trotter only to hear a Distorted Laughter from afar. The Laughter of a Male creature. A Voice not only familiar to Shadow, but to Fluttershy as well. Shadow rushes to Apple Bloom and is distraught that even though Trotter is now gone forever, Apple Bloom is still in mortal danger thanks to Trotter's Power infecting her as she is burning up with a very high fever and her complexion is getting morbidly pale. How will he save her from this predicament where all have not survived?


To Be Continued…

Script by: Starscream Σ

Owned By: Hasbro

StarscreamSigmacreators' thoughts