
Unwelcoming Party

Jack smiled in response to Alexander's statement. This eased his plans up, by a lot, if the kid was willingly stepping up.

"In this case, let us go over what we are going to tell the media. The press conference is in two hours, and I want us to be coherent."

Already, Guo was seeing the vans amassing at the private hospital's entrance, with journalists setting up and talking to each other, probably gossiping or theory-crafting.

He sent a quick message to some of his staff to set up a small stand, where Jack could stand above them for ease of view. Of course, this stand would be filled with microphones from all news channels and other news outlets, like podcasts and amateur journalists.

This wasn't Jack's first rodeo, and he would be fine. But Guo wondered how Alex would fare in front of three dozen hungry journalists, bombarding him with questions. The young man had never been interviewed before, that he knew of.
