
Silent Ride Back

As everyone boarded the plane, Guo was already instructing the pilot to take off. They had already been delayed enough.

The faster they crossed into Canadian airspace, the smaller the chance their flight would be called back. The pilot was paid either way, so he did as instructed.

In a matter of minutes, the small jet was already on the tarmac, making his last checkups before takeoff. The pilot was used to this kind of hastiness.

Once the tower gave him the green light, he was off the ground in seconds.

The hastiness of takeoff was felt inside the passenger cabin. They were all strapped in, but they still felt the increase in pressure from accelerating so abruptly.

As soon as the jet was high enough in the air, it sped up to full speed, the pilot uncaring of the extra fuel cost. His boss told him to get into Canada fast, and he intended to do just that.
