
Unbelievable Truths

Back in the stands, Astaroth and Khalor had just finished their discussion, which turned out to be more of a monologue from Khalor. Astaroth was visibly shaken.

What Khalor had just told him was not only unbelievable, it was also inconceivable for anyone. Some things he said were so far out of the realm of the possible that Astaroth's head was hurting right now.

The conversation was over just in time to see the end of Gulnur's combat. Astaroth wanted to cheer his friend on, but his head was still processing Khalor's words.

So he only watched in a daze as Gulnur started his offensive. He saw the whole chasing and shield charge, culminating to the shield lob and Gulnur's ultimate move; Retribution Strike.

Astaroth was slowly snapping out of his daze, with every move his friend did. And for a moment, he saw hope.

Hope that Gulnur would come out victorious. Hope that a wild card tank would beat a highly experienced DPS.
