
Surprise Surprise!

***Back to Astaroth, falling into darkness***

"YEEEEEEHAAAAAHHHHHH!" Astaroth shouted, as he was free falling into the darkness of the pit.

The feeling of falling like this felt quite exhilarating.

He guessed this was how parachutists felt as they dived, before opening their chutes. Of course, he had no parachute, but he was not worried.

He had faith that he would survive this fall. Meanwhile, the others falling with him had already started finding their own solutions.

The druid had used magic to grow a gigantic dandelion in his hands. The dandelion was in the seeding phase of its growth, so its head was white and fluffy.

The multiple white strands caught the wind of the downfall, reducing his falling speed to a very much survivable level. Astaroth zoomed past him, as I'die slowed down.

Next, he flipped on his back, to see how the others were faring. The redhead, Phoenix, had pulled out a leather tarp with two handles.
