
The Omni-Mage

The trip was close to its end by noon, and the men could already see the outline of a city over the trees. From afar, all they could see was the top of towers and the tip of what seemed like a castle keep.

Once the group was close to the treeline, Aberon ordered everyone to disembark the carriage.

"We walk the rest of the way." He ordered.

"What about the carriage?" Astaroth asked curiously.

"It stays here until we return." Aberon stated, walking away in the capital's direction.

After the men all disembarked, they caught up with Aberon and walked towards the city.

Half of the way there were plains and fields of crops, then the other half transitioned into small houses and huts, most likely the farmers' houses.

They walked on the beaten dirt path that led to the walls encasing the main part of the capital. The immense stone walls were so long, they disappeared into the distance on each side.
