
Chapter 24

I: Zack sat on the couch and stared at the ground. He was so depressed there was nothing that seemed to be able to cheer him up. He slowly stood to his feet as she said she would make some food and he nodded slowly to her. He went to take a shower and he closed the door to the bathroom as he did it.

Zack took time to shave, and he washed his wild hair to make it easier for her to cut it. He sat in the chair, but his shoulders were down, and he stared at the ground as he thought of what to say.

"Thank you for coming Jess." He finally said quietly as his hair dripped on his shirt. As she began to cut his hair he looked up to her sadly and clasped her hand. "I do love you Jess. More than you will ever know."

He sighed and then asked the true question on his mind. "Is Seth pissed because of what I did? Is he angry I did not visit you?"

B: She finished preparing the soup for Isaac and he sat down, and she looked at him. "I know you love me, Isaac. And no Seth is not mad. He is upset with Alexander, for kicking you out when I needed you most." She smiled down at him while she cut his hair. "Isaac, you need to stop acting like this. This is not you. You are a strong-willed man. You are quirky and hilarious." She finished cutting his hair and bent down to look him in the eyes.

I: Zack looked at her sadly. "You're right Jess. It isn't me. But what else am I supposed to do? The one person I loved was in need of me and I couldn't be there. I can't hunt because I will just wind up hurting innocent people. Jess look at me. I have nothing to live for right now. I would say that our love will keep me strong but honestly Jess, you deserve someone better than me." He stood and took her hands.

"I don't know how to get myself back to how I was Jess. Help me. I want your help. Please help me get back to my old self again." He hugged her close.

B: Jess listened to him. "Isaac, it was not your fault that you were not there for me. You can hunt. You need to learn to control your anger. Seth had to. It's not easy but it is doable." She smiled and kissed his hands. She pulled him close and smiled. "I will help you. I would love to help you." She whispered.

I: Isaac nodded and hugged her. "Anger is something that has been in my family for many years. I do not believe I can escape it Jess. I have tried everything to keep my anger under control. I never had a chance to solve most of my anger. The issues with my parents, the issues with my life, I can't seem to solve them because they are in the past. But my brother will never trust me again. He is still hurt that I trusted that girl so blindly and nearly got him killed for it. He told me not to trust her and I didn't listen to him. Derek will never forgive me. I should have confronted her Jess. He is waiting for me to confront her about what she's done and drag her back to the Institute for the punishment she deserves for the evil that she has done. I don't know why I haven't confronted her yet. Maybe I'm afraid of what she will say. I don't know."

B: "It is hard, but you can do it, Isaac. I believe in you." She said softly. "Isaac, you need to talk to him. Try and work it out. And you will have to confront her, sooner or later. Because you can never let someone go until you confront them. Isaac, I want you to do what is best for you. I want you to talk with your brother. Then confront her. It will help you. Believe me." She kissed his nose and then his lips.

I: "Will you go with me to talk to them? I would go alone Jess but I'm afraid my anger will get in the way and nothing will ever be solved." He said but stopped as her lips met his own. He closed his eyes and softly kissed her back. When she released him, he looked into her eyes. He softly pulled her closer to him and he kissed her deeper. He pulled her onto his lap and rubbed his hands slowly down her sides. "Jess, you really have to stop letting me kiss you. I'm afraid it's making me want more than I should have."

B: She smiled. "Yes, I will go with you." She kissed his nose and hugged him. As she hugged his she whispered in his ear. "Maybe I want you to want more. Maybe I am ready for that." She let go and walked to the kitchen. She got out two bowls and two spoons. She put the soup in the bowls and turned the stove off. She came back to him and handed him a bowl. "Eat up." She smiled and went to sit on the couch.

I: His eyes became wide and he stared with his mouth slightly agape as she left his lap to go to the kitchen. He was still in shock by the time she handed him a bowl of soup. He shut his jaw and swallowed hard as he took the bowl from her. He took a small sip and then more, and he began to eat as if he had been starving for days.

"Jess, are you sure about that? I mean we...Seth and-... I don't want you to rush it. I am- I want..." He stopped speaking as his words became jumbled. "I don't want to force you. I want you to decide when you're ready. I know waiting is hard for me, but I will wait as long as it takes Jess. As long as it takes."

B: She ate some soup as he rambled. "Isaac, I need you to listen to me and listen hard. I am 100% ready to go that far with you. My close call with death has made me open my eyes to how much I love you. I want you. I have for a while. I just never said anything." She spoke softly. She continued to eat as she watched him closely.

I: He stared at her and then his jaw dropped. "A while?" He set down his bowl. He had completely lost his appetite with this new information. "A while?" He repeated as if he could not fathom it. He sat closer to her and looked at her seriously. "How long is a while Jess? You have wanted to be intimate with me and you never told me? I thought...I didn't want to be like that mundane asshole, so I kept blowing it off. Please talk to me Jess. Why have you been hiding this from me?" He looked at her sadly. "Do I frighten you?"
