
Mercenary Circle

It was lunchtime and the same group consisting of Alex, Oliver, Rachel, and even Alisa were trying to eat lunch, but were having a hard time doing so. The group was surrounded by Alisa's fans asking for her autograph. Seeing as they wouldn't be able to eat properly they wanted to change locations but Alisa said that there was no need. 

"Excuse me, everyone, can you please give us some space so we can eat," Alisa spoke with her signature smile making some of the students swoon. 

"You heard Miss Alisa, you guys are bothering her."

"Okay everyone move back and give her some space." 

Some of the students started making other students move back. Seeing the scene before them Alex and the others had very similar thoughts and asked in their minds. 

'Why didn't you do that in the first place?' Unaware of the thoughts of the three Alisa simply smiled and started eating. 


When the four of them were done eating the one who started the conversation was once again the very energetic Oliver.

"Hey my comrades I was thinking about that circle we were about to create, and I decided to change it."

Rachel was the first to react to Oliver's statement.

"Hey, Oliver are you sure you want to talk about this now with her listening in?" 

"Oh, Rachel I feel sad that you don't think of me as a friend even though I already think of you as one." 

"She's right Rachel, Alisa is also a comrade who was gained through battle and hardships." 

"What do you think Alex?" Rachel looked at Alex hoping he would side with her. 

"I'm fine with her being part of the group." 'Since she is also a candidate for my mission target.' 

Hearing Alex's answer with his usual stoic expression made Alisa smile and Rachel frowned. 

"... Fine, she can be a part of the group." 

"Thank you, everyone, so what is it is group about?" 

"Oh right, you don't know we were thinking about I was thinking about making a club but since we don't have enough members we opted to become a circle instead."

"That sounds interesting so what is your circle going to be about?" 

"I call it the Mercenary Circle!" Oliver made some exaggerated hand gestures as he opened his arms wide.

"Mercenary Circle?"

Alex, Alisa, and Rachel reacted at the same time, confused as to what Oliver wanted to do. Seeing his three comrades' confused faces was making Oliver grin from ear to ear.

"Yeah, I want to create a Mercenary Circle with you my precious comrades. I won't lie to you my comrades, but I want to witness youth in all its splendor and I want to witness it with you three alongside me. Yet I do not know where to start, I wanted to be in every club, but you could only pick one club. So I decided to make a club with you my comrades to feel the passions of youth. It was then with you my comrades, that we decided to make the self-defense circle, yet now I have a better idea that could better achieve what I dream of mine, and that is the Mercenary Circle. Let's not be humble, the four of us are above average in both academics and Athletics, in this school we are considered the Elite, are we not?... So I decided, that like Mercenaries on the battlefield, we would be bought by the highest bidder, that is, of course, a metaphor. The whole purpose of our circle is to help other clubs with their problems."

After saying his speech in an excited and passionate tone Oliver looked at his three comrades waiting for a reaction. Alisa clapped her little hands and spoke up. 

"That sounds very interesting." 

Of course, Rachel, as usual, was the first to question the so called Mercenary Circle.

"When you say problems? What do you mean specifically?"

"Good question comrade Rachel. When I say problems, those are something like the baseball club missing some players so we would need to substitute, or like when the light music club is down by one lead singer we would replace the lead with one of our own, or if the physics club needs help in an experiment we would assist them to the best of our abilities."

Oliver answered Rachel with a serious look on his face, while Alex nodded his head finally understanding what Oliver wanted to do.

"So then will be like handymen for clubs?... I understand the concept of this so called Mercenary Circle, but how will we decide who we're going to help? At the moment we only have four members, so we can't actually help all of the clubs."

Rachel asked another valid question which did not bother Oliver in the slightest, it only made him smile excitedly even more than before.

"Like I said we will be like a mercenary group, we will only respond to the highest bidder, that is, of course, another metaphor. We will not be taking money, instead we will respond to the first club that requested help, on a first come first serve basis so to speak."

Every time Oliver responds to Rachel's questions his hands would make weird gestures as he explains things. This distracted Rachel for a moment before continuing her questioning.

"Ok, then how are we going to convince the teachers and the student council president to approve a circle named Mercenary Circle?"

"Comrade Rachel you have so many questions but I'm an experienced mercenary and have been to numerous dangers, do you think I have not planned in advance."

Alex felt that Oliver's words were trustworthy so he nodded in agreement. 'Even in front of Rachel he still decides to tell the truth of his identity, of course, Rachel will dismiss it as part of his delusions but I know the truth... Really his way of staying hidden by being loud is inspiring.'

Alex admires the way Oliver hides his true identity by being verbal about it, thus making others dismiss it as delusions of a weird high school student. Even though the truth was the identity Oliver had made up was the real identity of another person, Alex wholeheartedly believed Oliver was that person.

Rachel looked at Oliver and could only sigh at how ludicrous he sounded, 'Here he goes again... I know he is a good person, but every time I hear him talk like this, I just want to smack him in the head.'

"So Oliver how are you going to convince them? I hope after all that talk of being experienced you actually have a plan."

"You hurt me with your words comrade Rachel, it's Simple really, I'll just say that our circle is an advocate of student cooperation. The reason for our circle's creation is to share a cooperative spirit with all the students of the school. Not only that we don't really violate any rules that affect the school too much, and finally we are not a club just a circle, we won't get club funding we will only be given an empty classroom to conduct our meetings, so in short making a circle is much easier to be approved than a club. If we ever want to jump from circle to club, then by that time I would have thought of a solution, but for now, this is what we need to do. Not to mention in our group there are some influential people. Does this answer satisfy you comrade Rachel?"

Oliver looked at Rachel with his trademark serious-looking face, but deep inside he was rejoicing at how calm and collected he looked. Oliver was even doing a guts pose in his head.

'Take that comrade Rachel, I'm not someone who gives up so easily.'

"Fine then, it seems like you thought of everything, so I'll let you handle all the formalities of creating the circle."

Rachel felt like a very hectic school life was coming her way. What happened to her casual school life?... Ever since meeting Alex it was one thing after another. Everything seems to be going at a fast pace when Alex is involved.

"So how about you two are you okay with all of this?"

Rachel looked at the silent Alex who didn't say a word the whole conversation and the excited Alisa who was simply smiling.

"Like I keep on saying no matter what kind of circle is made, as long as you guys are there then I will be there as well."

Rachel could only shrug already expecting this one answer of Alex. Hearing it so many times had given her a bit of resistance to it at this point, and now she wasn't even turning a tiny bit red.

"As expected you guys are so interesting, of course, I want to help you guys in this circle of yours," Alisa answered happily.

'It truly was the right decision to transfer to this school.' 
