
A Hectic Chase And Fight

When the knives killed monsters, they didn't stop and waited for more to arrive. In return, they started to move up and down, expand further outward or shrink their circular area of activity inside.

In the eyes of Sith's team watching this spectacular performance, it looked as if these knives got a will of their own. But that wasn't true. No one ever heard about living knives, not even in legends or fairy tales.

"Is it a wind element?" one of his team couldn't help but ask, "but… I never saw nor heard about someone at bronze grade who could use wind element to such proficiency!"

"No, it's not," Sith knew that his team member didn't even believe his words, "it's lightning element."


"Are you sure?"

"I never heard of any lightning element spirit masters back at the Aspire academy."

"If this is true, then he should be someone famous out there. Why didn't we ever hear about his name before?"
