
Chapter 28 progression

Summer came quickly after the whole Stain debacle. After my ascension into the top 10, I suddenly found myself working for longer and longer hours and lacking any time to train myself.

Luckily the fact that I knew the Shadow Clone lutsu helped me immensely. Honestly, if I didn't know better I'd say that this jutsu was specifically created to ease one's administrative burdens. At any rate, it is a useful took in my kit. The only downside to it is the clone's fragility, something that I still haven't found a way to remedy.

Still, I can't complain too much, after all it did allow me enough time to learn Wood Release. I haven't done much with it except for being able to make trees grow taller, but with enough time, I'm sure that I'll reach the level of proficiency that Yamato was able to achieve in the Narutoverse at the very least. After that, well you know the saying, Hashirama's the limit.

Izuku's been growing well these past few months.

When I saw the recording of his Provisional License

Exam I was impressed. It seems that Izuku truly is lightning natured and he even managed to get a bootleg version of the Chidori to work for him.

Highly impressive, considering that it took me the better part of a year training with it on and off in order to get that kind of proficiency. Slowly but surely it seems that Izuku is working his way up to the Lightning Chakra Armor of the Raikages. I mean, I'm barely proficient in the technique and it's doing wonders for me both in terms of defense and offense and that's besides the absolute miracle it does in terms of mobility. If Izuku manages to get to the level of the legendary Third Raikage... One For All powered Sage Mode is already making a monster out of him, adding the ultimate shield and spear of the Lighting Chakra Armor on top of that is more than a bit of overkill in my opinion. And that's before we even take into account his Uzumaki-like proficiency with seals.

Speaking of seals, we've recently had resistance seals placed on us. It was becoming difficult for Izuku and me to get any sort of meaningful workout done that doesn't involve beating the ever-loving shit out of each other. That's another area that Izuku's been excelling recently. I don't know it it's because he can use more Nature energy or what, but he seems to have developed some sort of battle precognition. True, it's nowhere near the Sharingan's battle precognition, even when I had just unlocked it, but it's there and it's enough to give Izuku an edge in combat. Where before he was guaranteed to lose against me no matter what, nowadays it can really go either way in a pure taijutsu match, if I don't use any chakra at all that is. His chakra capacity is increasing almost exponentially. Right now, he's at what I could only consider to be low to mid jonin. This increase came with an increase in his capacity to utilize the wellspring of power that is One For All to near 20% continuously.

Luckily enough, Izuku isn't turning into a muscle head, which is a good thing. The absolute last thing this world needs right now is All Might version 2 and yes, I'm looking at you Nighteye when I say this.

Over the past 4 months Izuku has made incredible advancements in the field of Fuinjutsu. He managed to take fuinjutsu to a level I could have never imagined. Jutsu, Barriers, traps and even restrains, all made possible by Izuku's work in the field. I couldn't be prouder and while it's true that he's shit at Ninjutsu that doesn't really matter when you can move faster than most humans can react and punch with enough strength to collapse a decent sized building.

As I sit here and look over what we've accomplished so far, I can't help but feel a modicum of pity for the rest of humanity. Very few will ever get to experience the feel of Chakra rushing through your body or the blood pumping thrill of battle at the kind of level that Izuku and I are at. The use and study of chakra will go on, that is not an issue. Even if Izuku and I fall before we can pass on our knowledge, chakra will be rediscovered someday far in the future. This being said, I can't but imagine what a future community of chakra wielders would be like and how will the world at large take to our existence. I can't imagine the world governments being happy that such powerful people exist in the world. I should begin planning, just in case it ever comes to light that I'm actually quirkless.

It was a hot summer day when Izuku got the notice that he was leaving for the summer training camp. I watched him go without much interest, after all I too would join him later on at the camp.

Seeing as UA has become a target for villains, Nezu has asked me to accompany the student on their trip, well half of it. Honestly, it's more of a cover so that I can train in peace for at least a week. Heck, even the state-of-the-art lab I installed in my hideout has done nothing but collect dust for the past four months.

I'm still worried, though. Sending the entire first year hero course students out into the woods, far away from any town and any kind of support in case of an attack is reckless. Sure, there will be 6 pro-heroes with them, 7 if you count me, but I won't be there all the time. Being the number 9 pro-hero is not easy work, despite what the tabloids might say. I can understand the reasoning behind this move. With the random nature of this camp it will be harder for villains to track the students to their training site. It would have been an excellent strategy if not for the small fact that our enemy is a 200-year-old quirk stealing sociopath who's definitely not going to fall for this trick. And let's not forget that he has his own professional spy network. One so good that l'l bet my sword that Nezu is searching high and low for any potential traitor among UA's staff and students.

I set down my cup of coffee and go to get dressed.

I'm not taking any weapons or armor with me today, just a change of clothes and my workout clothes and whatever toileting necessities I might need. It's very convenient to carry everything with me nowadays since Izuku managed to crack the code for the storage seal. After I finish packing the clothes storage seal and roll it back up I shove it in my pants pocket. On my way out I pick up a meter long and relatively thick roll of paper. This is the

'battle scroll' as lzuku constantly insists on calling it. Because I'm not as proficient or knowledgeable with seals as Izuku, I can't pull off complex seals from memory and simply slap them down with chakra engraving. No, I have to use the tried and true method of unfurling the seal and slapping it down on the thing I want to use it on, or not. It all depends on the situation, and only then can I actually activate the seal. Take for example Rho Aias. I have to use the seven talismans and throw them the air, before I can activate the main seal which is one of the few that I know by heart. Izuku doesn't need to do that, he can just whip up the seal in midair in its completed form. Now yes, technically I could use the Sharingan to simply memorize the seal and regurgitate it as many times as necessary, but I'm sorry to tell you that fuinjutsu doesn't work like that. You have to be perfectly aware of how each strand of chakra interacts with the rest and that can only be achleved with practice. A lot of practice, the kind that I didn't have time to do since I came onto the stage as a pro-hero.

Moving on, I left the house, scroll safely tucked in a hard plastic cover across my back. With that I took off running up the nearest building and across the rooftops. Normally I would just fly or run normally wherever I would want to go, but I felt like I had to stretch my legs today. An hour later I arrived in the parking lot where the summer training torture- I mean camp will begin.

As I jump over the highway, I see a black car already parked there. From the car three people come out.

"Mandalay, Pixie-Bob, good to see you" I called out

The two seemed surprised to see me

"Rikudou, how did you manage to get here so fast?" asked Mandalay

"I ran" I said blankly

The looked unsure and confused. I turned my attention to the small child of the group

"And who's this?" I asked with a quirked eyebrow

"Oh, that's my nephew, Kota. Kota this is Rikudou, he's the number 9 pro-hero" said Mandalay

The kid scoffed and looked away.

Ok, that's the first time that has happened. I look at Mandalay who looks at the scene with sorrow but does not seem surprised by it. Strange, though this is not my priority right now.

"Is everything set?" I ask

"Yes, of course, everything's set" said Mandalay

"We're ready to rumble" said Pixie-Bob with a cheer

"Good. Just so you know, I'll have my brother skip this so called 'initiation'" I said

This surprised them

"Not that we're completely opposed, but why?" asked Mandalay

I looked out at the beautiful scenic valley and pointed to it

"Do you want all that to go up in flames?" I asked

This seemed to shock the two heroes

"What? Surely he's not that powerful, not even Endeavour can do that much damage" said Pixie-Bob

"Well, normally he wouldn't, but I checked my armory before I left and there were more than enough incendiary grenades missing to burn twice that amount of forest and that's before I go into his personal offensive toolkit. Suffice it to say, the test will be too easy if you throw Izuku into the mix" I said

The two heroines looked at each other somewhat worriedly. It's just my luck that in that exact moment, the bus with class 1-A arrived.

All the kids came out of the bus and into the parking lot. They seemed somewhat confused as to why they were here.

"Ni-san, what are you doing here?" asked Izuku as he noticed me

This drew the attention of several of his classmates. From the looks on their faces I could tell that they were surprised to see me here.

"I'II be joining you at the training camp, mostly to act as added security. Now gather round so that I can explain what's going to happen next" I said

It took a while, but the kids all shuffled into a loose half circle around us. I sent a small nod at Aizawa and he nodded back. I could see him skulking back to the bus.

Clapping, I drew the attention of the students

"Now that everyone's here, we can begin the summer training camp" I said

The lida scion put his hand up

"Excuse me sir, but this is a parking lot, what are we supposed to do here?" he asked

"Oh, that's simple, but I'll let Mandalay explain more. For now, Izuku come here for a bit" I said

Izuku stepped up somewhat unsure. I was after all still smiling and he knew that wasn't a good thing. I put my hand out

"The incendiary grenades you took from the armory" I said

Izuku went red at being caught red handed like that. A gasp was heard from his classmates along with surprised cries of 'Midoriya'. It took a bit of fidgeting from Izuku and a flash of the Sharingan from me, but I managed to get him to cough up a small mound of paper bombs, kunai and a few scrolls filled with a few hundred grenades. Looking back I could see that his classmates were clearly shocked. I turned to address them

"Now, don't be discouraged. Izuku had a good idea when he decided to stock up on weapons before he left his house, but the sad reality is that you won't be allowed to carry a small arsenal of weapons on your person at all times, nor will you be able to do so. This training camp was made to test your limits, and so without further interruption, I hand you off to Mandalay. Except Izuku that is" I said

"Wait, that's not fair! Why does he get special treatment" protested the kid with purple balls for hair

I looked at him

"Don't think this is anything easy. Izuku is simply on another level than the rest of you. It would be unfair to limit him by making him slow down for you" I said

Izuku cringed at the tone I used and Bakugou chose that moment to explode

"Are you looking down on us, you fucker!" yelled


"Watch your tone with me you mongrel. Don't think that I won't imbed your skull six feet in the ground simply because you're a student" I said in a cold tone as I flashed my Sharingan

The killing intent that was leaking off me made the people present take a step back. Except Izuku that is

"Ni-san, enough!" said Izuku as he released his own chakra presence to combat mine

I said nothing as I reigned in my power

"Sorry about that, Mandalay, if you will"

This seemed to snap her out of her daze

"Oh, right. The training camp is at the base of that mountain. Your job is to reach it before lunch, so in about three hours at the earliest. Since this is private property, you can use your quirks"

The students looked at one another

"I have a bad feeling about this one, guys" said


"Yeah, me too" said Kirishima

The class began to slowly back away and towards the bus. Izuku came to my side and gave them a pitying look.

I began folding hand seals and slapped my palm on the ground

"Earth Style: Mobile Earth" I said

The ground on which the students were standing moved and flipped them off the cliff and into the forest bellow. From here on out it was Pixie-Bob's turn. I turned to see Izuku looking at me expectantly.

"So, what now?" he asked

"Now we head to camp. It's been a while since we sparred and I need to check our progress with the resistance seals. Afterwards, we'll train your Lightning chakra" I said

He nodded and vanished in a Body Flicker. I turned to the other pro-heroes.

"I'll meet you at the camp" I said and followed with my own Body Flicker

The remaining heroes looked at the space where Madara had just been. Mandalay turned to Aizawa, but he cut her off before she could ask anything

"Don't bother trying to understand them. I trust the problem children enough to know that they won't slack off. It's for the best that they train separately anyways" said Aizawa

Mandalay shut her mouth and nodded. She had known that Rikudou and his brother were special cases, Nezu had told her so from the beginning, but only now did she truly understand what he meant.

Returning to normal speeds, I took a seat at the bench where Izuku was waiting for me.

"So, nil-san, what are we going to do?" he asked


restrained a cringe myself. He was glaring at me. I should have expected this, honestly. Izuku is a sucker for fairness and hates being the one apart.

A remnant from his shitty childhood.

"Well, first we're going to go over some jutsu that I have in mind for you. I noticed that besides your fists and that thing you do when you try to coalesce lightning chakra into something akin to my Chidori you have no offensive tools if you are ever in a position that makes you unable to use fuiniutsu" I said

Izuku grimaced. He knew this weakness of his then

"So what are you going to teach me, nil-san" he asked somewhat excitedly

I grinned at him and put out my hand. In my palm a rasengan whirled to life. Izuku's eyes went wide at the jutsu and grinned back. I let the rasengan dissipate.

"But first, let's have a spar. It's been a while since wewent full force against each other" I said

By this point Izuku's grin turned bloodthirsty as his eyes shone green with power. Ah, there it was, the battle maniac that Izuku had suppressed inside for almost 10 years.

I too, took a combat stance and at an unseen signal we exploded into motion.

The rest of class 1-A trudged through the forest defeating beast after beast, but it was not easy going. They were beginning to lose steam and with their objectively biggest powerhouse gone, the pressure on Katsuki and Shoto to perform was that much greater.

"You know, I hate to be that guy, but we could have really used Midoriya's help right about now" said


"I know what you mean, man. These things would be weak to physical attacks from Midoriya" said


The rest of the class didn't voice their opinion, but it was quite clear to see where they stood.

Normally this exercise wouldn't be difficult, but then again they normally had Izuku on their side.

For the first time in their lives some of the students began to wonder if this is how hero society would be like if All Might was no longer around. With top heroes scrambling to hold back the tide of villains with ever increasing power.

It took them several good hours, but they eventually managed to get to camp. Unsurprisingly they found Aizawa waiting for them along with the other heroes they encountered at the bus stop.

The surprising fact was that the Midoriya brothers were nowhere to be found.

"Sensei, where is Midoriya?" asked lida

just as he was about to answer, an explosion rocked the clearing. Aizawa gave a defeated sigh as Mandalay of the Pussycats looked at the location of the explosion with worry.

"Don't worry, they're just winding down now" said


Just then, a streak of green shot out from the trees and into a larger clearing near the camp. A second, brighter streak of blue followed. The two streaks clashed ever so often with each other making the ground where it happened buckle and crater under the tremendous pressure they were exerting.

"That doesn't look like they're winding down" said


"You weren't here a few hours ago. At least they're not throwing lightning at each other anymore" said Aizawa in a depressed tone

"Wait, throw lightning? Wasn't it fire that he was throwing in the Sports Festival?" asked Kaminari

As if to spite them, Madara returned to a normal speed as he sped through some hand seals.

Seemingly catching Izuku off guard, Madara managed to connect a stream of lightning with Izuku, only for the latter to seemingly block the lightning with his own green one and redirect the stream of blue lightning at a nearby tree setting it on fire. Seeing this, Madara spat out a water ball at the tree as he dodged Izuku's counterattack. As soon as the motion was over, the two once again vanished in streaks of blue and green.

The class looked over dumbly at the spot where this short exchange had taken place

"What the fuck?" asked Katsuki, seemingly voicing everyone's thoughts

"Ok, that's enough gawking. Get cleaned up and take your bags from the bus. Tonight, we're cooking dinner, but that won't happen again" said


That seemed to spurn the others into motion.

An hour later, they were all cleaned up and hungry as all hell. It just so happened that right then, a thoroughly exhausted Izuku came out of the forest being half carried by his brother.

"Midoriya!" came the cry of some of the class

"Oh, hey guys!" came back an overly cheery response

That seemed to take some of the students by surprise for a bit. It was easy to see why considering that he was missing most of his clothes and had he had cuts and bruises on his exposed skin as well as several burns. That being said, Madara was far from being in pristine condition himself. His t-shirt was dirty, and he had more than a few marks denoting that someone had used his face to break rock. Though in the end, it was obvious that Madara came out on top.

"Come on, you little battle maniac. You dragged this fight on long enough. Let's get some food in your stomach and put you to sleep" said Madara as he dragged Izuku after him

After I made Izuku eat something whatever force was keeping him awake seemingly failed as he passed out. I sighed and picked him up and tucked him in one of the spare sleeping bags in the boy's room. After that, I headed out to where dinner was served, after all that fight may not have been a drain on my chakra, but it sure as hell was one on my stamina and I was hungry.

I didn't expect Izuku to put up that much of a fight to be honest. Going for nearly 7 hours non-stop is quite something. If I didn't have chakra to sustain me, I would have probably died of exhaustion.

What truly surprised me, was the near exponential power increase as he reached a stable 20% One For All. As he was right now, he was creating bursts of air pressure with each punch. I can't help but wonder what his power would be like when he manages to reach stable 100%.

"Oy, Midoriya-san over here!"

The call from the students snapped me out of my musing. I probably shouldn't, but I will indulge myself for this night. After all, it would not do for the famed Rikudou to be seen mingling with lowly mongrels. As approached, I could see that most of the class had gathered around a campfire alongside a good portion of class B.

"What are you still doing out? You do realize that tomorrow's training will not be easy" I said

"Yeah, but we're toasting marshmallows on a campfire" said the pink one, Ashido I believe her

name was

The irony in that statement was that only she was toasting marshmallows on a stick

"Hey, I know, how about we tell stories. Midoriya-san, will you join us?" asked Kaminari

I took a seat in a spot that was most surely left open for lzuku

"Call me Madara. It'll be less confusing this way" I said

It felt nice to unwind like this.

"You know, you're not really how I expected you to be, ribbit" said Asui, the frog quirk girl

I raised an eyebrow at that comment.

"Yeah, I mean, you were such a badass at USJ and the entire media knows just how dedicated you are to your job and I just didn't expect you to be so laid back and honest. Especially since Aizawa-sensei said that he didn't really think you were a hero" said Kirishima

The group was silent as I mulled over what I had heard. Even those few from class B were listening attentively. I sighed

"Aizawa is correct. I may not be the money grabbing type, but I'm not a hero. You see, by my definition a hero is someone that achieves great deeds and becomes immortalized in legend that will persist far beyond his own life. In today's world a hero is someone who selflessly gives their all for the benefit of others, someone that goes to incredible lengths to save just one more person. I am not that type of person. My choice to become a hero is solely a pragmatic one. Being a hero is a sure way to gain prestige quickly and the license is useful if I ever need to defend myself" I said

They were silent after my admission. Now, I don't normally go around spitting out my life's story to every new person I meet, but just like when I told the Nezu and the others about Chakra at the beginning of my stay at UA my tale now has another purpose.

"But then, how did you get to be All Might's successor?" asked a thoroughly confused Kendo

I chuckled

"Who said I was his successor? I certainly didn't" I said

"B-But the press conference-" began Momo, but I cut her off

"I was announced as his heir, that is true, but heir doesn't mean successor. I may have taken up his role as head of Might tower but I am not the true heir to his ideals and conviction. His did not pass onto me his will. I am merely a placeholder until the true heir is ready" I said

They were silent as they digested what they earned. The idea that out there is another that will one day be the successor to All Might and myself was quite something.

"It's Izuku, isn't it"

All the students gave their full attention to Shoto as he looked at me with narrowed eyes

"He's All Might's true successor, isn't he?" said


I looked him straight in the eyes

"He is" I acknowledged

"Then why did you take his spot?" asked Uraraka, fists clenched in righteous fury

"Bold of you to assume that I even want this spot"

This got a reaction out of her "Tell me, do you know how much time All Might has left as a hero?

A year? Less? I'll tell you. Right now, he can only use his quirk for at most one and a half hours a day and he spends most of that time using it to keep up the form you're all accustomed to in order to try and pass on whatever he can to the next generation before he inevitably dies. This condition is a result of a battle he fought some 6 years ago" I said

This sent a wave of sock though the students.

"Who could wound All Might like that?" asked


I closed my eyes as I gathered my thoughts

"This is a story I do not share lightly. By the mere fact that I told you about All Might's reduced state means that I have broken that man's trust. You will keep whatever you learn here to yourselves. What I will tell you will more than likely frighten you and if come tomorrow you wish to leave the hero course I will not hold it against you. I'm telling you this because as UA students and more importantly as classmates and friends of the true Successor to the Symbol of Peace, you will inevitably be targeted by villains belonging to the organization of All Might's arch nemesis such as the League of Villains. I'm not going to baby you. Whatever childhood you may have left ends now. From now on you will be soldiers in the war against the Symbol of Evil also know as All For One" I said

The mere mention of the name sent shivers down the spines of those who heard it.

"Who is he? And why haven't we heard about him?" asked Shoto

He was leaning forward, curious about this facet of history that he had never heard about.

"All For One story is one that has long since transcended into legend. The most accurate version of events we have today goes like this.

Sometime at the beginning of quirks themselves there was a man with the power to take the quirks of others and use them for himself as well as bestow them upon whomever he saw fit. Using this power he carved himself a place in the underworld using the chaos of the era and his ability to redistribute quirks to ensure the absolute loyalty of his followers. Somewhere along the line he either discovered a quirk or a set of quirks that grant him immortality. He has reigned since then as the Emperor of Evil. All Might is the first hero to stand against him and win, or should I be more accurate, he was the first hero to survive" I paused for a bit "After the US attack I confirmed that All For One lives on as the puppet master behind Tomura Shigaraki and the League of Villains. When the time comes, and make no mistake that it will, I will be the one to lead the charge against All For One"

The little clearing was silent. Of course, I didn't tell them the full story. One For All is still secret knowledge, kept ever from the Hero Commission, but they now knew enough to make an informed decision. With All For One on the move I had to ensure the future of Hero society if All Might and I fell in battle. This will be a test of the heart and mind to these kids. The ability and will to stand agast such immeasurable power for the sake of protecting those behind your back is essential in the times to come.

Silently I stood up and headed for the shared teacher's room where would sleep. As I passed through the lounge I was met with a still awake Aizawa working on something on his computer.

"What are you doing up?" I asked

"Couldn't sleep might as well do something productive with my time" he lifted his eyes and narrowed them at me "You told them, didn't you?"

Inodded and sat down in the armchair next to him as he mumbled to himself about problem children.

"It was necessary" I said

"They're still kids. They shouldn't have to deal with this" said Aizawa

"You're right, they shouldn't. But then again they shouldn't have to go through such intensive training just so that they could take that stupid license exam and have a way to legally protect themselves against villains. You're turning them into child soldiers Aizawa. At least I have the decency to not beat around the bush when it comes down to it. They deserve to know what they're up against. At the very least, it isn't too late for them to withdraw from the hero course and find a safer path in life but we will know that those that remain are mentally prepared for what we're about to do to them" I said

Aizawa held my gaze for a while before breaking away to stare out the window. I took this que as a dismissal and went to bed.

A/N if we get to 25 power stones I will do a double upload
