
Chapter 49: Alpha of the Dagrun Pack


The caves were dark and silent as William followed Marianne through the twisting maze of tunnels. Both in wolf form, they padded noiselessly through the many passages.

The burning scent of freshly snuffed torches filled the air. As they made a sharp turn through a narrow pass, Marianne stumbled over the wooden husk of one such torch. William realized that Anthony must be putting them out as he went.

The tunnel narrowed yet again. Marianne shifted into her human form and slipped sideways through the passage. William shifted as well, following her lead.

“Most of the cave system is beneath the surface. The tunnels plunge deeper underground than I care to go. These upper ones are fewer, but they’re … twistier,” she whispered.

“I need to get up there,” William reiterated.

“Aye,” Marianne said. “We’re nearly there.”
