
Chapter 13: Time to Go

*The Hunting Party*

Cormac stared at the tracks he found. There were only a few strange impressions, and most of them were indistinct. Only one was truly clear, and what he saw made no sense. This print was far too large to be Brynn’s.

“Did any of you lose a boot while you ran? Maybe you were disoriented and didn’t realize you’d come in this direction.” He was growing more concerned by the minute.

“No,” Garan said firmly, and the others shook their heads as well. “Cormac, this wasn’t made by any of us. But it doesn’t matter. It couldn’t be Brynn?”

“No,” Cormac said, an uneasy feeling settling low in his gut. “It couldn’t be.”

“Then leave it, and show us which direction she did go,” Vesta said.

“I’ve lost her trail,” Cormac admitted, “but she seemed to be heading in the same direction as these. That way.”
