
SS - Site Unseen

Keepin' my mind on a better life

Where happiness is only a heartbeat away

Paradise can it be all I heard it was

I close my eyes and maybe I'm already there

I'll take those long nights, impossible odds

Keepin' my eye to the keyhole

All that to be just what I am

Well I'm gonna be a blue collar man


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♦ Topic: Mutant Attack on Cleaveland

In: Boards ► EMERGENCY ► Ongoing Super Attack ► Cleaveland, Ohio

OhighO (Original Poster)

Posted On Oct 25th 2018:

Mutant attack in Cleveland, Ohio, PRT response failed, heroes dead. Anyone in the area should find a secure shelter and wait for further news. I will update this thread as we know more.

*Edit: Superman managed to get the mutant out of the city. Rescue operations are ongoing in the city while he battles it in less populated areas. Other heroes' responses were delayed for some reason.

*Edit: More heroes have arrived, some X-men, some PRT, and some Justice League. Mutant has biological adaptation. Lethal permission has been given. Fighting continues as the creature heads east. Nearby towns are being evacuated.

*Edit: Wonder Woman came to aid with fighting the creature. Glory Girl and Panacea came to help. The latter's powers have changed (improved?), and now has a flying brick package. They managed to kill the mutant. It got better. Washington and Metropolis are beginning to evacuate.

*Edit: Two new heroines. One (blonde, armoured, on a horse with a glowing lance. A knight?) held off the mutant for a few minutes, then evacuated the heroes. Possibly magic called out some spell (Bright Engewn?). The other (Wonder Woman's twin? Sister? Clone) took over and is fighting the thing with a bunch of projections and an assortment of weapons. (Testing what it's adapted to already?)

*Edit: It's dead. Finally. The Elden Lord showed up casually, gave Wonder Woman 2.0 a sword that killed it first try. Now he's staring down the heroes. We might have a fight on our hands. I don't think the heroes can win this in the state they are in.

*Edit: Bejesus H. Christ on a pogo stick.

Good news, there doesn't look like there's going to be a fight. One of the Elden Lord's wives just healed the entire northeastern US with a golden tree three times the size of Everest. My scraped leg, stuffed nose, arthritis? All gone. A giant purple dragon just flew over the city and repaired every single pothole in the road and rebuilt the bridge and buildings Doomsday knocked down.

Bad news, the heroes fucked up. Badly. Apparently, the delay in response time was because a huge portion of the heroes who could be called were on the other side of the world setting up an ambush for the Elden Lord while he was eating breakfast with his family. If he wasn't a good guy, married to a version of Wonder Woman and LITERAL KING ARTHUR (who is a hot blonde), then Washington, Metropolis and who knows how many other cities would have been destroyed before Doomsday would have been put down for good.

*Edit: This issue is no longer an emergency. This thread is closed and archived. A separate thread has been created to continue the discussion HERE.

(Showing page 13 of 124)


Replied On Oct 25th 2018:

This doesn't look good. I've never seen Superman this beat up. The Flash is stuck doing search and rescue and can't help. The other heores are barely damaging.


Replied On Oct 25th 2018:

This is rough. To anyone in the area, I hope you are safe.

►SUPERfan (Super Groupie)

Replied On Oct 25th 2018:

They'll get it. You'll see.


Replied On Oct 25th 2018:

It's not that I don't think they can win. It's just at what cost.

A lot of people have died. Heroes as well. It's like a mini-Endbringer.

►Bruce Lao

Replied On Oct 25th 2018:

I see what you mean. You think it is one? It's not acting like the others.


Replied On Oct 25th 2018:

I don't know. All I know is I feel like shit. The Simurgh is gone, we have our first win against them, then this shit happens. It's like we can't catch a break.

►Bruce Lao

Replied On Oct 25th 2018:

I feel ya. We just got to hope that the League, the PRT or someone will stop it.


Replied On Oct 25th 2018:

Glory Girl! Wonder Woman! They're tough enough that they can take it head on.

Why is Panacea flying thought?

►SUPERfan (Super Groupie)

Replied On Oct 25th 2018:

They killed it!


Replied On Oct 25th 2018:

It got back up. Even when they kill it, it just heals. Nothing can stop it. We're doomed.

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♦ Topic: Doomsday Incident Discussion

In: Boards ► Supers ► Incident Discussions ► Cleaveland, Ohio

OhighO (Original Poster)

Posted On Oct 25th 2018:

Continuation of the Doomsday Incident thread here.

Discussions on power speculation for the Elden Lord and his family HERE.

Before anything else, I just want to say thank you to Melina and Glynda Goodwitch.

My mom would not have survived her injuries without you. If you ever read this, know that the city of Cleveland and everyone else in the US Northeast will never be able to thank you and your family enough.

My heart goes out to everyone who wasn't as lucky as me.

(Showing page 53 of 456)


Replied On Oct 26th 2018:

Like, I get it. I am also freaked out by the dragon bigger than most countries sleeping in the ocean nearby after it ate the source of my nightmares, but why didn't they try and talk to him. They apparently had plenty of chances. Instead, they ambushed him at breakfast.

I don't know about you guys, but when a bunch of people in costumes surround me before I've had all six cups of coffee, my response is somewhere between 'fuck off' and 'You all are going to die.'

I'm just glad he showed up when he did. My uncle lives in Metropolis.


Replied On Oct 26th 2018:

@Pastofthefuture I don't think you do get it.

I agree it's helped us out alot, the Simurgh and now Doomsday, but that doesn't mean it should stay on Earth. If it snores there's going to be a hurricane. I think the heroes are right to be cautious of it. It was clearly lying that whole time. It knew about Doomsday, it probably knew it was going to attack. Then it swooped in and made itself look like a hero.

If anything, I wish Superman and the league hadn't caved so easily.


Replied On Oct 26th 2018:


►Tinmother (Moderator)

Replied On Oct 26th 2018:

@QualityworkR Take a temp ban.

We've all lost someone. Keep it civil.


Replied On Oct 26th 2018:

@Notparanoid While I wouldn't put it like @QualityworkR, I do think he has a point.

Mikael has no reason to help us at all. At any point in time, he can take his Island and leave for any number of planets in the universe. (Or other realities since he would have had to travel to them to marry an alternate version of Wonder Woman.)

Despite all that, he's not only been the only one to kill an Endbringer, but his family has also been helpful. To say nothing about stopping Doomsday (the entire point of this thread) when nobody else could, they then healed LITERALLY EVERYONE and repaired all the damages done and then some.

I hope he never leaves Earth if this keeps up.

►Answer Key

Replied On Oct 26th 2018:

Do you know how rare it is for Supers to clean up their messes afterwards? It's practically unheard of except in specific situations. I am not saying it's their fault, most of the time. They try to minimize collateral damage, but once an incident is pacified, they move on to the next.


Replied On Oct 27th 2018:

Fun fact, in the wake of Doomsday's attack on Cleaveland a few days ago, property prices didn't fall, nor did insurance rates rise, unlike in every other incident. It was the exact opposite.

My family and I were nowhere near the disaster, but we were worried about being able to keep our home with the increased rates that were bound to come. We couldn't afford it.

But, thanks to that beautiful purple dragon, property values have skyrocketed, and insurance tanked. Somehow, she managed to fix every problem our building had from miles away. Our leaky faucet isn't even leaky anymore.



Replied On Oct 27th 2018:

@Joshthebossh I'm honestly jealous. I lived in Seattle when Magneto did that thing with the meteor. Lost everything but our lives.

It sounds terrible, but for every person that dies or knows someone that does, a hundred more go bankrupt.


Replied On Oct 27th 2018:

Again, I am not saying it hasn't done some good, I am just waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Nobody with that much power doesn't have some long-term plan. And he is not a nice guy. He literally threatened to skin people on international TV.


Replied On Oct 27th 2018:

After they tried to steal from him. And he didn't, did he?

He's on vacation. His plan involves sleeping in.

...Or not sleeping at all, seeing his wives.

... I'm not jealous. You are!

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(Showing page 54 of 456)


Replied On Oct 27th 2018:

Is it wrong that the thing that most stood out to me wasn't the alternate versions of heroes, that King Arthur is a smoking hot blonde woman, that there is a thunder of dragons capable of doing whatever the fuck they want, that the heroes were persecuting a family due to a miscommunication, or that the entire east coast just got the best healthcare?

What stood out to me most was that Elden Lord's harem complimented him into a blushing mess.

We know Mikael is a dork (when he's not being absolutely terrifying), but the second question we must all ask ourselves is:

Is Dragon Jesus a tsundere?


Replied On Oct 27th 2018:

My fanfic senses are tingling.

►Acree (Super Groupie)

Replied On Oct 27th 2018:

But who do you ship? I mean, they're all together, obviously, but whose OTP. The four-armed blueberry kuudere goddess? The valiant and busty blonde knightess? The amazon? Or one of the others.


Replied On Oct 27th 2018:

Yoruichi Shihouin. No question. Anyone who disagrees is scientifically wrong.

Two words: Cat Girl.

They're all dragons, right? What do you think the others look like? I bet she's a cat dragon.


Replied On Oct 27th 2018:

@Ekul You, my good sir, are wrong. You obviously don't watch Floofdragons Stream. If you've ever heard Priscilla and Mikael sing together, you'd know they are made for each other.

PS: Dragon girls > cat girls.


Replied On Oct 27th 2018:

@Addons Ah, the classic tale of a bard and a dragon.

Or, in this case, two dragon bards together.

But you are all missing the obvious answer.


Not only is she a figure from Earth (hometown represent!) but she was the one to tease him past the point of no return.

And Elf girls are best.

►OhighO (Original Poster)

Replied On Oct 27th 2018:

Ah, the internet.

Come for a serious discussion on an incident that could have ended major cities. Stay for the waifu wars.

BTW: Glynda Goodwitch (is that her real name? Seriously?) is clearly the best. Not only is she tall, incredibly busty, blonde, and the single most useful woman alive right now, but she also has that hot secretary/librarian look.


Replied On Oct 27th 2018:

Can we all just take a moment to appreciate that Dragon Jesus is clearly a Man of Culture? Baring a loli, he has most major bases covered. And there might be more we aren't aware of.


Replied On Oct 27th 2018:

Dragon's Day, MR. Krew edition: 3 Doomsday, 6:15-19

And the Elden Lord lay his eyes upon the flock, the heroes you once opposed him now supplicating at his feet in twisting regret. His consorts at his sides spoke the words of truth:

Let there be no discrimination.

Let no judgment be cast on others based on race, colour or creed.

All are welcome. Tall and small. Thick and thin. No matter your fetish, your preference, or your disposition, all are welcome to join together in love and acceptance.



Replied On Oct 27th 2018:


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♦ Topic: Trigon the Terribly Dead

In: Boards ► Supers ► Elden Lord ► Encounters

Titanomachina (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)

Posted On Oct 30th 2018:

And he's done it again! Another possible apocalypse averted by our resident White Dragon.

For those living under a rock, here are the cliff notes.

A few of the Elden Lord's consorts (Glynda and Scathach) have been training the Teen Titans. Supposedly this was to help ease the tension between his family and the PRT. That is probably true (Alt!Wonder Woman and Artoria have also been working with the league recently for the same goal) but not the extent of the Dragon's plan, oh no.

To make a long (and still a bit unclear) story short, a bunch of demons were planning to ritualistically sacrifice Raven to summon a Demon Lord and open a gate to hell in the process.

So the Elden Lord laid a cunning trap.

After luring the demons out into the open (minimizing casualties as he could), he saves our favourite goth heroine and kills not only the cultists but the demon lord as well, while barely lifting a finger. Scathach, meanwhile, is being the personification of Scarousal and fighting an army from hell by herself. Glynda Goodwitch rescues the Titans (who were mind-controlled by the demons.)

There are videos, pictures, and reports HERE, but I would caution anyone before clicking the link. It is some disturbing stuff.

(Showing page 3 of 423)


Replied On Oct 30th 2018:


I was right!

It clearly doesn't care about people. Why else would he let the Teen Titans walk into a trap like that? Or let so many people die? They were bait.

All it cared about was getting one of its women more power. Now, on top of a dragon the size of a continent, we have to worry about its pet Demon Lord.

And look what it did to those guys! The Elden Lord is no hero!


Replied On Oct 30th 2018:

I don't like people dying any more than anyone does, but what other option was there?

I'm not being facetious. I am asking a genuine question.

What do you do if you know an attack will happen but not where, when, or by whom, and only know their goal?

What happened to the people in that mall sucked, no questions about it, as did what happened to the Titans, but I genuinely cannot see another option. Things could have been so much worse if the demons, the gate, or Trigon had gotten away to fight another day.

►Pedantics (Super Groupie)

Replied On Oct 30th 2018:

The Elden Lord has repeatedly repeated that he's not a hero, nor will he follow human laws unless it's convenient. He'd never pretended to be anything but what he is. That doesn't mean the good he does is bad.

PS: Even if you ignore everything else, you gotta admire the balls of this guy to trade bants with a Demon Lord so casually.


Replied On Oct 30th 2018:

@Pedantics Yes, it does. If you're not being a hero for the right reasons, you are not a hero, plain and simple. You cannot trust heroes in it for money, fame, or power. It obviously has other goals, and doing good is tangential to them. Ergo, we cannot trust it.


Replied On Oct 30th 2018:


In order to not get banned, I'll keep it civil, but I severely dislike people like you. You are the type of person who thinks others risking their lives, their families, and their lively hoods is only acceptable if they are doing it 'altruistically.'

Heroes need to eat, sleep and make money in order to survive, just the same as us. Only selfish idiots demand others sacrifice their lives for them without a reward.

Look at the Titans. They are volunteers that just went through hell in order to save people. They didn't need to do that. Instead of worrying about motivations, we should judge them based on their actions. And their actions, like those of the Elden Lord, Glynda, Scathach, Artoria, Alt!WW and Alt!Raven, make them heroes in my book.

►Mainlytrouble (Super Husband)

Replied On Oct 30th 2018:

@Fillers Well said.

Our hearts and prayers go out to everyone in San Fransico.


Replied On Oct 30th 2018:

I hope the Titans are doing all right. Nobody should have to go through that. Especially heroes that young.


Replied On Oct 30th 2018:

You know, I kind of feel bad for the League. They are constantly being shown up.


Replied On Oct 30th 2018:

I don't. I'm just happy someone is planning ahead for once. Too often, heroes only show up when it's too late. It's not their fault, but the Elden Lord clearly does things differently. He plans ahead and sets traps. If that Demon Lord had managed to get through, we'd all be doomed.


Replied On Oct 30th 2018:

To be fair to heroes, I am sure they do plan ahead and set traps. It's just that what they can prepare for is limited to their power and knowledge. The Elden Lord obviously has more of both thanks to his Wonder Woman and, now we know, Raven.

BTW: Milf Raven is the best thing ever. Of all time.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ... 421, 422, 423

♦ Topic: Elden Lord Interview

In: Boards ► Supers ► Elden Lord ► Info

Notprobed (Original Poster) (Veteran Member)

Posted On Nov 3rd 2018:

As is the case with everything Elden Lord-related, there is a lot to unpack here.

This thread is a general one about the interview. Specific topics such as Religion, Powers, or particular Consorts have their own threads.

I'll start us off with the most essential questions:

Who gets the TV rights for the story? My vote is HBO.

And who plays who?

(Showing page 9 of 999)


Replied On Nov 3rd 2018:

Does anyone else find it weird how much the dragon from space knows about human history? Like, I get he had to have stopped off here at some point to meet Medea or Scathach, if nothing else, but he knows a lot about other stuff.

I mean, most Christians don't even know about its early days and its controversies as it became the state religion in Rome, but the alien does? Was he around for it? Or is there something I'm missing?

►Answer Key

Replied On Nov 3rd 2018:

I think he was human. Not like us-human, but similar enough that he wants to study us. He did say his race could have bred with us. That is usually the sign of one species, even if they are different in appearance. If I found out a race of people who look exactly like me were out there, I would want to study them too. He's been here for a month and a half now. Maybe he's catching up on what he missed.

Then again, a bunch of aliens look human, so what do I know.


Replied On Nov 3rd 2018:

Please click this link.

We are starting a petition to ask the Elden Lord to create an afterlife.


Replied On Nov 3rd 2018:

Damnit! Rick-rolled again!

But that isn't a half-bad idea. I don't mind a bit of sacrifice, prayer or whatever if you get a guaranteed party for eternity.


Replied On Nov 3rd 2018:

@Man-a-hat-in Didn't you hear him? You don't get to choose your afterlife. Whoever you make a deal with does. For all you know, his afterlife could be an eternity on his Death Island.

Who needs that many poisonous swamps?


Replied On Nov 3rd 2018:

I mean, if I have to choose between a peaceful but boring forever or one created by Ham Dragon Jesus, I kinda want to try the latter, if only for morbid curiosity.


Replied On Nov 3rd 2018:

Ha. Morbid. *Eye Rolling intensifying.*


Replied On Nov 3rd 2018:

I'm still reserving judgment before I say one way or the other. I don't like his family situation, it doesn't sit right with me for so many women to be with one man, or how he dealt with those men in San Fran, but he has done a lot of good.

I'm still in wait-and-see mode.

►Acree (Super Groupie)

Replied On Nov 3rd 2018:

I saw those videos. Threw up my dinner. But, weirdly, I think I like it better that way. Not the brutal murder part, that was gross, but the willingness to get shit done, ya know? It seems like every day, there is news about another jailbreak, and it's nice to know some villains are gone for good.


Replied On Nov 3rd 2018:

@Acree I get you, there are a bunch of villains that should be shot, but we have to realize that it is a dangerous game to be playing. If we leave the decision on who lives and who dies to those with superpowers, moral or not, then we cease to have any control over our fate.

I like Superman, and I trust Superman, but I don't want the boy in blue to be able to decide my justice system. It's not perfect by any stretch, and it struggles with the rise in the number of Supers in the last few decades, but it is ours.

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(Showing page 10 of 999)


Replied On Nov 3rd 2018:

No, but seriously, the more I learn about Mikael, the less freaked out about him I am. By this point, we know more about his life than most heroes that have been around for ages.

Knowing his story now, or at least the basics, I feel like I understand him more than actual heroes. He was dealt a shit deal, and went through some terrible stuff, but he came out on the other side remarkably human (in attitude, if not race and power)

Notice how he speaks of his wives? Everything he does is tied to them.

How do I put this? It's like a family man holding the nuclear launch codes. You know they pose an existential risk, but you're not afraid because you know they would never hurt their wife and kids. Or wives, in this case.


Replied On Nov 3rd 2018:

I can imagine it now:

Wife 1: You destroyed the Earth! You're sleeping on the couch!

Mikael: Yes, dear.

Wife 2: I'm the couch.

►Pedantics (Super Groupie)

Replied On Nov 3rd 2018:

Familiarity breeds contempt.

Or: I was scared of Space Dragon, but he keeps making my life better (entertaining and safer), so now I'm not.


Replied On Nov 3rd 2018:

I'm still scared of the lizard from space with teeth the size of actual mountains; thank you very much.

...But if he's looking for another consort, I won't say no.


Replied On Nov 3rd 2018:

I get ya. His not really a himbo, too smart and crafty for that, but he does have that biker dad energy, you know?

Guys want a good girl who will be bad only for them.

Girls want a bad boy who will be good only for them.

I can't think of a better example of the latter than a man literally providing his wife with her Demon Lord dad's heart on a platter.


Replied On Nov 3rd 2018:

Currently, the Mikael/Raven (demon-dragon) pairing is still going strong, but so far, it is falling behind in the polls. Knight-dragon is in a solid third place behind Wonder-dragon but ahead of Blueberry-Dragon in fifth.

In an overwhelming lead is Bard-Dragon, by 15%. It used to be neck and neck before the interview.

If you want to vote on your favourite pairing for Dragon Jesus, you can find my site here.

The 'other' option is for any consorts we don't know about or any he adds while on Earth.


Replied On Nov 3rd 2018:

I just had an excellent idea for a poll.

What is the next unbelievable thing the Elden Lord (or one of his wives) does that sets the internet on fire?

Impressive villain capture/kill. Answering more existential questions? Something wholesome? Something disturbing? Resurrects Elvis?

Fill it out here.

►Thequiethalf (Super Wife)

Replied On Nov 3rd 2018:

Elvis never died, idiot.

I have my money on another interview, myself. One with one or more of the women. I get that the Elden Lord is kind of the "Big Thing" right now, but I would like to get more information from the women since he won't speak about their secrets.

They've been pretty lowkey, all things considered.


Replied On Nov 3rd 2018:

@Thequiethalf I agree. I want to learn more about them.

It's a bit weird, now that I think of it. If I saw Mikael in the street, I'd like to shake his hand or give a high five, but if I saw any of the women, I think I'd be too intimidated to even say hello.

How is the dragon the size of the continent the most approachable one in that family?

►Xamaniac (Super Groupie)

Replied On Nov 3rd 2018:

@Tripleres You need to add another option to your poll.

It's almost time for another attack.

At least if the pattern holds after Ziz's death.

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To be honest, I wanted to make a PHO SS after I finished Probation, but IRL stuff meant I didn't have enough time to complete the next chapter on time, so I decided to write this with the time I did have. (Probation 6 is going to be a big one)

This will be the last PHO SS in Volume 2, and I will probably only do 1 or 2 more in Volume 3. I like them, but I want them to serve as a perspective on how the rest of the world has handled the incidents since Emancipation 3 more than I want to pad the word count.

I'll see you all next time.

ReadingDangerouslycreators' thoughts