
Part 3 - Final Stage

17 students remaining

In the bushes with her blanket over her shoulders, Noriko hugged her knees and stared at the ground. It was still very dark and insects were humming the way a fluorescent light sputters out before it dies. Sakamochi's midnight announcement came on right after they reached this area. He announced the death of Hirono Shimizu (Female Student No. 10), who had—although Noriko herself didn't see it—killed Kaori Minami and fled from Shuya, followed by the addition of three forbidden zones. At 1 a.m. F=7, at 3 a.m. G=3, and at 5 a.m. E=4. Noriko and Shogo's sector, C=3, was still safe. Shuya's name wasn't mentioned, but…

Ten to twenty minutes later, there was distant gunfire again and then the sound of that machine gun. Noriko's heart froze. The sound continued.

She couldn't forget it. It was unmistakable—the sound of Kazuo Kiriyama's machine gun. Unless someone else had the same gun. Regardless, the sound was enough to make her wonder whether Kazuo had finally caught up to Shuya.

Before Noriko could mention this to Shogo though, there was an incredible explosion. The hand grenade they encountered when they were fighting Kiriyama was nothing compared to this. And then there was the faint sound of the machine gun, once or twice. After that the island returned to silence. Even Shogo seemed surprised by the sound. He was carving an arrow-like object with his knife when he suddenly stopped and said, "I'm going to go have a look. Don't move," and walked out of the bushes. He came back immediately and told her, "A building's on fire on the east side." Noriko started to ask, "Could it be?…" but Shogo shook his head and said, "It's quite a ways south from where Kiriyama was. Shuya escaped into the mountainside, so it can't be him. Let's wait for him here." Noriko felt relieved for the time being. But nearly an entire hour had passed since then. Shuya still hadn't returned.

Noriko held her wrist under the coin-sized moonlight coming through the branches and checked her watch. It was 1:12 a.m. She'd been repeating this gesture as if it were a magical ritual. Then she buried her head between her knees.

A horrible image flashed by in her thoughts. Shuya's face. His mouth half-open and eyes looking off into the distance, the way he looked singing a song called "Imagine" (Shuya said it was a rock standard) during one of their breaks in the music room, out of the teacher's sight. But this face had a large, black dot similar to one worn by a Hindu worshipper. Without warning, red liquid came oozing out of the dot. The large dot was in fact a very dark and deep hole. The blood poured out from his brain, covering his face…like cracks running through a piece of glass__

Noriko shivered and shook her head, dismissing the thought. She looked up at Shogo, who was leaning against a tree trunk, smoking a cigarette. There was a handmade bow next to him and several arrows stuck in the ground.


He looked like a silhouette in the dark. He removed the cigarette from his mouth and rested his right wrist on his upright knee.

"What is it?"

"Shuya should be here by now."

He put his cigarette in his mouth again. Its tip reddened, faintly lighting up his calm face. Noriko felt impatient. His face darkened again and smoke drifted out of his mouth.


His calm tone also irritated her. But then she reminded herself how he'd saved her and Shuya several times over, so she restrained herself.

"Something must have…happened."


"What do you mean, 'probably'?"

His silhouette raised its arms. The lit cigarette moved. "Calm down. That was definitely Kazuo's machine gun. Unless they supplied an identical machine gun to someone else. And given how the explosion occurred over there, it means that Kazuo was fighting someone besides Shuya. Shuya escaped from Kazuo. I know that much."

"But then why isn't he—"

He interrupted, "He's probably hiding somewhere. Or he might have gotten lost." She shook her head. "He might be hurt. Or even worse…"

She felt a chill run down her spine. She couldn't continue. The image of Shuya with the red spider-web face and half-open mouth flashed by again. Shuya might have escaped from Kazuo, but he might have been severely wounded, he might be dying right now. Even if that wasn't the case, what if he was attacked by someone while he was running through the mountains… or what if he fell unconscious somewhere, and what if that was in a forbidden zone, then Shuya would end up dead. That's right…Shuya might have run into the base of the northern mountain which was in sector F=7, directly north of the school, sector F=7 which was a forbidden zone as of 1 a.m. And now it was past 1 a.m. Which meant…

She shook her head again. That couldn't be. Shuya couldn't die. Because…Shuya was like a holy man with a guitar. He was always kind to everyone, he was always so sympathetic to the sorrows of others, but he would never lose that powerful smile, he was so upright and transparent and innocent but also tough. He's like my guardian angel. How could someone like that die? There's no way he could…but still…

Shogo quietly said, "He might be, he might not be."

She turned her wrist and nervously checked her watch again. She moved her leg painfully and sidled up to Shogo. She squeezed Shogo's left hand, which was on his knees, with both hands.

"Please. Can't we go…can't we go look for him? Will you come with me? I can't do this on my own. Please."

Shogo said nothing. He only lifted his left hand slowly, returning Noriko's hands to her thighs, and tapped them lightly. "We can't. Even if you insist on going alone, I won't let you. Shuya wanted me to look after you. He took a big risk making us leave before him. I don't want to jeopardize all he did for us." She bit her lower lip and stared at him.

"Don't give me that look. You're making this hard on me." Shogo scratched his head with his hand holding his cigarette and said, "You care about Shuya, right?" She nodded. She didn't hesitate.

He nodded back and said, "Then let's respect his wishes."

She bit her lip again, but then looked down and nodded. "All right. We can only wait, right?"

"That's right." He nodded.

They were silent for a while but then he asked, "Do you believe in sixth sense?" The topic was so unexpected Noriko widened her eyes. Was he trying to distract her?

"Well…a little. I don't really know though," she responded. "Do you?" He crushed his cigarette into the ground. Then he said, "Absolutely not…well, I don't think it matters either way. All that stuff about ghosts, the afterlife, cosmic power, sixth sense, fortune telling, psychic powers, that's just the talk of fools who can only deal with reality by avoiding it. I'm sorry. You said you believed a little. That's just my opinion. But..."

She looked at his eyes. "But?"

"But sometimes without any apparent reason I'm certain about things I can't know for sure. And for some reason I've never been wrong when this happens."

She remained silent and stared at him.

He said, "Shuya's still alive. He'll be back. I know it."

Her face suddenly relaxed. He might have been making this up on the spot, but even so she was touched he made the effort.

"Thanks," she said, "You're kind, Shogo."

He shrugged. "I'm just telling you how I feel." Then he said, "Shuya's a lucky guy." She looked over at him. "Hm?"

"Lucky that someone loves him this much."

She smiled just a little. "You got it wrong."


"It's unrequited. Shuya likes someone else. I'm nothing compared to her."


She looked down and nodded. "She's really awesome. I don't know how to describe her. She's so strong and beautiful. I'm jealous, but I can understand why he's attracted to her." He tilted his head and said, "I don't know." He flicked his lighter several times and lit another cigarette and added, "I think Shuya cares about you now."

She shook her head. "Oh no."

"When he comes back," he smiled, "you should let him have it, call him a jerk for making you worry like this."

She smiled a little again.

He blew out smoke. "Now lie down. You haven't fully recovered yet. Once you're drowsy, get some sleep. I'll stay up all night. If Shuya shows up, I'll tell him to wake the princess with a kiss."

"Uh huh." She smiled and nodded. "Thanks."

She still sat up another ten minutes. Then she wrapped herself in the blanket and lay down. She still couldn't sleep though.

17 students remaining
