
Chapter 64 : Game

At morning

Alex woke up and took a bath and came to eat breakfast

" Good morning, Alex "

Hearing the voice Alex said

" Good morning! Annabeth "

The two sat at a table and began to eat , Grover and Percy also came

" Good morning, you too "

After saying their greetings both sat down at the table and started eating

" So , Percy are you ready for the game "

"No not all , how can learn to fight in one day "

" Don't worry percy , you have natural battle instincts "

" You can definitely fight with them on equal grounds " said Grover

"Yeah , cheer up Percy , you will definitely survive this " said Alex

" I hope so "

After some time Chiron assembled all people and said

" Hero's and warriors "

" We have a new friend with us "

" His name is Percy Jackson "

" Now he need a team for him to Join "

Then a voice came

" We will take him " said Luke

" Hello , my name is Luke , son of Hermes, this team leader "

"Percy Jackson "

" Now , listen these two flags belong to two teams "

" Whoever finds the opposite side flag first they will win "

" Let's start the game "

After hearing the announcement the two teams ran with their flags

" Percy come with me " said Alex who came to the side of Percy

" Alex , you are also in blue team "

" Yes "

" Now let's run and find the enemy flag "

" Keep your eyes open . Don't get killed "

" watch out " said and stopped the sword coming towards Percy

" Annabeth, don't target newcomer "

" If i don't target him, how can I stop you from running "

" You got me , Percy run and find the flag "

" Don't get trapped "

Then percy ran

" Aren't you worried about him ? " said Annabeth while attacking

" He is not as weak as you think "

" If you are praising him , then he must be strong " said Kicking Alex in the stomach but Alex dodged

" Yeah , and your team is going to loose " said Alex

" We will see "

While Percy

" These guys take camp way too seriously " said Percy while walking at a small water stream

On the otheside of the stream he saw a red team flag

" I found the flag " said Percy while walking towards the flag

" I won " said Percy touching the flag

" Do you think , It's is that easy to get " came a voice and Percy got surrounded by red team members

" Oh , no it's a trap "

" Yeah , and now you are finished "

At the same time on the other side of the stream Alex and Annabeth came fighting

" Percy I said don't fall in trap " said Alex

After hearing that Percy shouted

" Alex , help please "

" Can't you see I'm dealing with her "

" Just fight them "

" Even if you die , I will bring you back to life " said while dodging Annabeth attacks

" Is there is no time out in this game "

" No time out , Percy fight them like a man "

" How can you say it , when I'm facing this many " said Percy

After fighting for 1 minute Percy fallen to ground with injuries

" It seems like , we won " said Annabeth

" It's too fast for you decide that " said Alex as he felt that the power of Percy raising

At the same time on one side Grover and Chiron was watching this

" Don't we have to help him ? "

" No , he is going to suprise us " said Chiron

while Percy who on the ground heard a voice

" Go to the water "

" The water will give you the power "

Percy crawled towards the water stream and dipped his hand and the water healed all his injuries and he felt that his strength increased

Percy stood up and attacked the guys and defeated some of them and the orher guys backed off

" It's seems we won " ssid Alex pointing the sword at Annabeth neck

" Yeah "

Then Percy lifted the flag

" We won "

" Yeah , we won " shouted all the blue team members

" Do you know , this was going to happen " asked Annabeth

" I guessed it "

" You cheated , you used your powers "

" Don't accuse me , I didn't use them "

" You have a proof , you didn't use them "

" Then do you have proof , I used powers "

" Yeah , you guessed that Percy would win , you used your time powers to know this "

" I didn't use them " said Alex

" You used them " said Annabeth

And the two started bickering with each other

Seeing their bickering

" Are they always like this ?"asked Chiron

" Yeah , they are always like this " said Grover

" They are really close , aren't they ? "

" Yeah "

Soon the night arrived

The camp was celebrating and there was meat roasting on camp fire

There was lively atmosphere around the camp

Alex and Annabeth came to where Percy and Grover were talking

" So , Percy how does it feel to win and able use your powers "

" I feel like , I became a mutant "

" I'm not gonna grow a fish tail or gills or anything like that , am i ? "

" No , you are not fish , Percy "

At the same time at the center of campfire

A buring figure of 3 feet , with a large wings and a demon face and body like molted rock came out of campfire and roared

" Roar !!!!!"
