
Congratulations she is pregnant


I barely got myself out of Julia's house, thanks to her I was able to make it to the hospital safely,  but I don't owe her anything, she is reason for me being in this state.

I did not even notice the hits I had over my head, the gifts given by the men who were in Julia's place and only noted them when the nurse pointed them out for me.

The only thing I care about right now is my wife, who is inside the OP fighting for her life, while Mike glared at me wanting to fight me.

I wouldn't turn him down, and he came to me grabbing my collar showing me how much hatred he held in his eyes for me. I do too, I will never be able to forgive myself for not being there for my wife.

But above all I hate him to be there when I clearly instructed him to be with my sister, who was hurting because of the mess I created and she might be blaming Peral for it.
