
(XXXIX) The Third Option

"I'll take a barcrawl." Jackson asked, sitting down and leaning against the bar. The bartender returned a shocked look before clicking her tongue and walking behind the bar.

He turned around, resting both elbows against the bar, and started looking around the pub. A large stage and runway led to a back room in the center of the room. In the center of the stage were three long metal poles and a mic stand.

The sun had set, and patrons began piling into the pub in droves as the once peaceful settlement was instantly transformed into a lively and electric atmosphere. The bartender returned with a large pint and placed a napkin underneath it, sliding it across the bar to the young man, "That'll be two credits!"

Jackson reached into his jacket, pulled out the two credits that Kain had included within the note, and slid the small coins across the bar, grabbing the pint as the bartender disappeared to assist other patrons.

His drink came filled halfway with a reddish-orange liquid, which looked like fruit juice but tasted sour at first sip; however, after he got used to it, there was something sweet about it that left him feeling satisfied yet still hungry for another one.

Taking notice of some men moving closer toward the stage, three scantily dressed women strutted on stage as an older woman dressed in large, over-the-top clothing grabbed the microphone, "Welcome to The Drunken Mule, everybody!"

The crowd became unruly, shouting excitedly as she announced, "Please welcome to the stage your three favorite gems; Sapphire, Ruby, and Diamond!!!"

The curtains behind the stage pulled back, revealing a full band that started playing music loudly. At the same time, the three women approached the poles, grabbing them as they began dancing seductively for the patrons, who flew into a frenzy, waving their arms.

Jackson took another swig of the alcohol and noticed the note on the napkin, grabbing it as he raised it to his face, 'Backroom, upstairs.' He stood up, downing the beverage, crumpled the note, and placed it into his pockets as he walked around the bar.

He stopped outside the door, turning and looking around the room before disappearing into the back, entering a massive kitchen with dozens of chefs running frantically as they completed orders. One of the men noticed him and pointed to the corner with his knife before returning to work.

Jackson bowed to the man, walking through the hot kitchen, avoiding the men and women running around him as he turned the corner, locating the stairs and climbing them into a long hallway. There were two doors on his left and a third at the end of the path.

He stopped outside the door at the end of the hallway, knocking once as he adjusted his posture, waiting for a brief moment before it opened. A tall man gestured him into the room as Jackson looked around at the dozen of similarly dressed hooded men and women.

The room was filled with a dozen couches and a large hearth, filling the room with an intense warmth. An adjacent door opened as three more hooded men entered, "Jackson! I'm glad you could make it! Welcome, to The Legion of the Last Age!"

"Um..." Jackson was shocked, "What am I doing here?"

"Follow me; I'll bring you up to speed." Kain said, waving his arm to follow him as he turned back toward the doorway he had just entered. The two men he entered with stepped back, allowing Jackson to pass by as the entire group watched menacingly.

"Ah, don't mind them; they're just hazing you!" Kain laughed as the door closed behind them, leading the young man to a small den.

"Who are you guys?" Jackson asked, walking around the decorated room, looking at all the mounted beasts on the walls.

"We're The Legion of the Last Age, I told you already! We're a group founded back when the first Climbers entered God's Tower." The older man replied, removing his hood and mask to reveal a scarred face with jet-black hair to match his eyes as he leaned against the desk.

"Like a Guild?" The younger man asked, reaching his hands out as he lightly touched the items in the room.

"Kind of, but we don't operate in the open, nor do we have ties to Tetrakyts or any other Guilds... We know everything about you and think you would become a great asset to us and to you." Kain replied, reaching into his cloak and pulling out a stack of papers.

"I can't; I am doing the Solo Route." Jackson shook his head, turning to face him, "I can't join any Parties, nor can I join any Guilds."

"No, Jax, you don't seem to get it. When you asked if we were 'like a Guild,' I said 'kind of,' not yes. The Legion of the Last Age is a group of supporters who assist a singular Climber in ascending God's Tower. Everyone here had started the dream and given up before reaching Port Ilasa.

Many others wait for the next Climber to reach them on the higher floors. I know your dad's been missing for fifteen years, but your grandmother should have prepared you. Do you not know about your family's involvement in The Legion..? What about our ideology, 'Though we are many, we are one.'?" Kain asked with concern as Jackson walked around and sat down in a chair across a table from him, his eyes wide in shock.

"You know my dad and grandma? Are they alright? Where are they?" Jackson asked excitedly, life flooding his eyes as he grinned wide, completely ignoring the questions.

"We haven't heard from either in the last decade. We thought you were with your grandmother. Who the hell is the Warden then..? Shit, we would have traveled all the way to Duskgate to collect you if they had just done their damned job! Why weren't we notified? What the hell have you been doing all this time??" Kain bombarded him with questions, gritting his teeth as he paced back and forth.

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