

Rhefia PoV

Leaning against the door once more, I watched as Sari guided the three children through some basic yet testing drills to help improve their physical stature in a way that wouldn't be considered cruel nor unnecessary; it wasn't something that they hated either, which made it all the better.

She was having them stretch and do various tumbles and exercises that would help keep their joints loose and make them rather flexible in general, which Ehretia took to like a moth to a flame while Aka just thought it was pure fun; Ipoala wasn't as enthusiastic as her sisters, but she loved being with them no matter what, so she joined them happily.

It had already been a few hours since Astra and Renna had left, so the house felt a little emptier than normal, but there were still so many of us here that saying that just felt like a lie even if it was a metaphor or whatever...

Shelur was outside going through some basic workouts with Cici as the Orc cooled off from the sparring session with Aethisia and Inik, which left the Nymph to finish off the more tedious work on the statue outside while Camara... well, she was downstairs currently vocalizing how much fun she was having instead of working.

So was Aethisia, and while a part of me - the disciplined soldier and mildly irate Dama who wanted them to do something besides fuck - wanted to yell for them to stop and get their asses to work already, more of me knew that wouldn't do well with either of them, and it wouldn't do well with the others as well.

A theme with this family was the ability to have so much sex all the time yet still manage to get things done before their due date each and every single time, so I knew Camara would eventually find her way outside to learn some more about carving while Aethisia would train again.

As for Kalia and Inik, the Dark Elf was my daughter technically, so the thought of her being beneath that crass Hawkkin prick was still a grating one, but I couldn't really say much when her Mother constantly subjected herself to rape play and other submissive roles whenever she worshipped her 'Goddess'...

Honestly, the more I thought about anyone in the family the more I realized how dysfunctionally functional we were, and it was something I contributed too as well considering the woman cooking lunch for us all shouldn't even be here if it wasn't for my momentary lapse in judgement...

My role as the 'head' of the family was another thing that was barely there yet also so heavy at the same time, the place as Astra's first wife, former soldier and more giving me the credence to lead everyone else whenever she wasn't here, which was... fascinating.

All of the reflection of these last months just felt surreal and fantastical no matter what lens I used to inspect it from, so watching as another complication occurred with the arrival of the 'in-laws' and the eventual complication of Astra opening a Club and getting up to no good simply because she was incapable of not making things interesting was enough to make me feel even older than I already was...

Then there was still the entire criminal thing that needed to be acknowledged sometime soon, which meant an eventual meeting with the Queen and likely a reunion that I didn't want to have to be at, as well as the unnecessary and boring interactions with various Nobles hoping to suck a modicum of something from me because of my return... 

All of it was tiring, but the best thing to do to not care about all of that was to accept the warm embrace of my new sister in law when she came sashaying into the house for a drink, which I provided to her nice and hot as I continued to indulge the mental fantasy of being able to have two almost identical sisters tending to my needs...

A fun fantasy that was extremely unlikely to happen, and one I wasn't stupid enough to pursue myself, so I just made due by raking my fingers through Annie's hair and making her throat my cock as she blew me on the sofa.


Renna PoV

Licking my lips once more and savoring the lingering taste of Arani's cum, I smirked at the Dawn Elf as she pulled on her pants and clasped her belt, my new Manager attempting to look prim and proper even as she sported quite the erection still.

Early as she might be, she had admirable stamina, and her balls were certainly deceptively 'powerful' considering how much she could put out, so I found myself appraising this diamond in the rough with a bit more intrigue now that we had come off of a very excellent fuck in a small, plain room meant for just that.

Semen poured out of my pussy as I moved, so I needed to wipe it all clear and - sadly - clean myself off completely as I drained her cum from my cunt, allowing me to don my dress again and not worry about the others being able to noticeably see that I had been creampied so much in these minutes...

A heavy dose of natural perfume thanks to my physiology guaranteed they wouldn't notice unless we made it obvious, so I finished fixing my appearance before coughing gently as I watched Arani get herself dressed.

Seeing her so elegantly fix her cuffs and adjust her dress shirt was so simple yet sexy to me as I stood there, and it was even better when I noticed how flustered she was at being watched, giving me that small thrill as I realized I was the more experienced one here, something that had... never happened for me.

"I shouldn't need to remind you that this remains completely off the books and unknown to everyone? We were discussing potential competitors and the approximate levels of response they'll have to the opening of Domus Stella, of course."

"Of course, Lady Duchess. I can't even seem to recall much of anything besides a formal chat happening inside of this room..?"

The seriousness of both her tone and expression made my smile widen, and I replied by helping her button up the rest of her shirt before I pulled her in for a kiss, whispering "That's good, Arani... and I can't wait to have more of these 'fruitful' discussions with you soon..."


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts