
Chapter 23 - Promise and Warning

Following Alexia's departure with her royal escorts back to the capital, an unusual quietness enveloped the Kageno estate that evening. The sun had set, casting long shadows that danced with the flickering candlelight in the grand dining room. Mr. and Mrs. Kageno sat at the head of the table, their faces etched with worry. The only other person present with them was their youngest son, Anos Voldigoad, who sat quietly, his crimson eyes reflecting the dancing flames.

"Anos," Mr. Kageno began, his voice heavy with concern. "We received a letter from the royal palace today."

Anos looked up from his plate, his gaze steady. "Oh?" he asked, his tone nonchalant. "What did it say?"

Mrs. Kageno wrung her hands nervously, her eyes darting to her husband for support. "It was from Princess Alexia," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "She... she came to our estate today, looking for you."

Anos' eyes flickered with interest. "Did she now?" he asked, his voice betraying nothing of his thoughts. "And what did she want?"

Mr. Kageno cleared his throat, his gaze meeting his son's. "She didn't say," he admitted. "But her visit has us worried, Anos. She's the second princess of the kingdom, and for her to come all the way here... It's unusual."

Anos remained silent, his thoughts focused elsewhere on the letter from the royal palace. He had half-expected the king to discuss with his parents, but he hadn't expected him to contact them so soon. The human king is bold, Anos really has to give him that much. He wondered what he had told them in the letter that Alexia gave them, and just how much they knew.

"Anos," Mrs. Kageno said, her voice trembling. "We're just a baron family, and you're... you're just a child… a baby. We don't want you to get involved in any political matters. It's dangerous."

Anos looked at his human parents, his gaze softening. They were simple people, content with their peaceful life. They had no idea about his terrifying true identity, nor the unimaginable power he held. To them, he was just their son, a child prodigy with a talent for magic.

"I understand your concerns, dear mother," Anos said, his voice gentle. "But you don't need to worry. I can handle myself."

"But Anos," Mr. Kageno protested, "you're still young. You shouldn't have to deal with these things."

Anos smiled, a small, reassuring smile. "I appreciate your concern," he said. "But I assure you, I'm more than capable of handling this."

His parents shared a worried glance but eventually nodded, placing their trust in their prodigious son. "Alright," Mr. Kageno said, his voice firm. "But promise us you'll be careful, Anos."

Anos responded with a solemn nod, "I promise." Then, a spark of mischief lit up his eyes as he added, "And don't worry, I won't be running off with any princesses anytime soon."

Mrs. Kageno's eyes widened, her hand instinctively clutching her heart. "Anos!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with surprise and a hint of reprimand. "You can't just say things like that!"

Mr. Kageno, however, erupted into laughter, his bald head gleaming under the candlelight. "That's our Anos!" he said, his face beaming with a proud smile. "Always knows how to keep things interesting—*Smack* Ouch!"

At this, Mrs. Kageno playfully smacked her husband's arm, contorting it into an odd angle. "Oh, you baldy! Don't encourage him!" she chided, though her eyes twinkled with amusement.

"Ow… My poor hand…" Mr. Kageno winced, rubbing his broken hand where his wife had 'swatted' him.

Anos, seeing his father's discomfort, casually waved his hand. A soft glow enveloped Mr. Kageno's hand, and his wince was quickly replaced by a look of surprise as the pain instantly vanished. "Well, if I didn't lighten the mood, we'd all be sitting here like a bunch of gloomy goblins," Anos quipped, his tone light and playful at his human parents' antics.

With that, the room erupted in laughter, the earlier tension evaporating into thin air. They finished their meal amidst chuckles and playful banter, each lost in their own thoughts. As Anos retreated to his room, a hearty laugh escaped his lips. His parents' reactions had been far more entertaining than he had anticipated, and he was already looking forward to the next round when they discovered his and Cid's impending engagements with the princesses.


The following morning, Anos was up early, 'practicing' his swordsmanship in the courtyard. He was so 'engrossed' in his training that he totally noticed the figure approaching him until a voice called out, "Anos, breakfast is ready."

Anos finally turned to see his human father, Mr. Kageno, standing there with a tray of food. Despite his bald head gleaming in the morning sun, his face was filled with a fatherly warmth that made Anos smile. "Thank you, father," he said, accepting the tray.

As they sat down to eat, Mr. Kageno looked at his son with a serious expression. "Anos," he began, "about Princess Alexia..."

Anos raised an eyebrow, a spoonful of porridge halfway to his mouth. "Yes?"

"I... I want you to be careful," Mr. Kageno said, his voice filled with concern. "I know we already talked about this yesterday. I know, but… The royal family... they're not like us. They have their own rules, their own ways. I don't want you to get caught up in their games."

Anos chuckled, setting his spoon down. "Father, you worry too much," he said, his tone light. "Like I said, I can handle myself."

"I know you can," Mr. Kageno said, his gaze steady. "But that doesn't mean I won't worry. You're my son, Anos. It's my job to worry about you."

Anos was silent for a moment, his crimson eyes softening at his human father's sincere words. This was a new sensation for him, this feeling of being cared for. It was oddly comforting, even if it would have been deemed disrespectful in his previous era. Then, with a gentle smile, he reached out to pat his father's shiny bald head. "I appreciate your concern, dear father," he assured him. "But trust me, I'll be fine."

Mr. Kageno let out a bitter laugh, shaking his head. "You know, Anos," he began, his voice filled with a strange mix of amusement and melancholy, "sometimes, it feels like you're the parent and I'm the child. You always seem so much wiser, so much older than your old man. It's... it's a bit disconcerting, to be honest."

Anos looked at his father's complicated expression, his crimson eyes filled with understanding. He knew it was incredibly strange for his human parents, having a son who seemed so much older and wiser than them. But he also knew that they loved him, and that they were doing their best to understand him. And for that alone, he was infinitely grateful.

"I know it's strange, father," Anos said, his voice gentle. "But I'm still your son. And I always will be. No matter how old or wise I may seem, I'll always be your child."

Tears welled up in Mr. Kageno's eyes as he listened to Anos's words. He reached out and pulled his youngest son into a tight embrace. "No matter who you are... what you are…. You will always be my little child," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "And I am so proud to be your father."


Anos slowly returned the hug, feeling an anomaly in his chest that he couldn't quite explain in words. He had lived for eons, traversed through different eras, and experienced unimaginable things, yet this simple, heartfelt moment with his human father touched him in a way nothing else had.

After a moment, they broke the embrace, and Mr. Kageno wiped away a tear that had escaped from the corner of his eye. "Well, enough of this sentimental talk," he said, trying to lighten the mood. "You have a busy day ahead, don't you? Preparing for the Academy and all."

Anos nodded, his mind momentarily back on the upcoming events. "Indeed," he replied. "I should get ready."

Mr. Kageno smirked, folding his arms across his chest. "Actually, Anos," he began, his tone teasing, "I have a different kind of task for you. You know, your brother and sister have been at the Academy for some time now. And you'll be joining them there soon."

Anos nodded, his attention piqued. "Yes, I am aware, father. What do you need me to do?"

Mr. Kageno chuckled lightly, shaking his head. "Despite you being the youngest, you always seem the most reliable. So, I want you to keep an eye on them," he requested, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "It's a bit funny, isn't it? Asking the baby of the family to look after his older siblings in the dangerous capital. Truly, a crazy world we live in."

Anos stared at his human father, his expression unreadable. For a moment, there was silence, then he burst out laughing. "Well, who am I to argue with my dear father's wisdom?" he replied, playing along with his father's joke. "Don't worry, I will make sure to keep an eye on my dear elder siblings."

Mr. Kageno let out a sigh of relief, his shoulders dropping slightly. "That's all I ask, son," he said, his voice filled with gratitude. "Take care of yourself, and take care of your brother and sister. That's all your mother and I want."

As Anos watched his father leave, he allowed himself a soft smile. Despite his true identity and immense power, he cherished these simple moments with his human parents.

With his father's words echoing in his mind, Anos made a silent promise. He would protect his human family, their world, and maintain the peaceful life they've built, regardless of what the future holds.

He was ready to face the challenges that awaited at the Academy, the reunion with his siblings, possibly even with the reincarnated Hero Kanon, and whatever else that lay ahead. As the Demon King of Tyranny, Anos Voldigoad, he was more than equipped to do so. His journey was just beginning, and it promised to be an exhilarating ride.


The next day. The morning sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon when Anos found Millia in the kitchen of the Kageno mansion. She was busy preparing breakfast, her hands moving deftly as she chopped vegetables and stirred a pot of soup. Her face was a picture of concentration, a stark contrast to the fear and uncertainty that had once marked her features when he had first saved her.

"Good morning, Millia," Anos greeted, leaning against the kitchen doorway. Millia jumped, nearly dropping the knife she was holding. She turned to him, her eyes wide with surprise.

"Anos-sama!" she exclaimed, quickly bowing her head. "I didn't hear you come in. Good morning."

Anos chuckled, pushing off from the doorway to approach her. "I didn't mean to startle you," he said, his tone apologetic. "I wanted to talk to you about something."

Millia looked up at him, her eyes filled with curiosity. "Yes, Anos-sama?"

Anos stood in front of her, his crimson eyes carefully studying her facial expressions. "I'll be going to the Midgar Academy soon," he began. "It's in the royal capital. I wanted to ask if you would like to come with me."

The words hung in the air, heavy and ominous. Millia's face paled, her hands trembling as she clutched the edge of her maid dress. "The... the royal capital?" she stammered, her voice barely a whisper.

Anos nodded, watching her carefully. He knew about her past, about the terrible trauma she had suffered in the capital's underground facility. He had hoped that she would be able to overcome it, but it seemed that the wounds were still too fresh.

"I... I can't," Millia said, her voice choked with tears. "I'm sorry, Anos-sama. I... I can't go back there. I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

Tears streamed down her face, her body shaking with sobs. Anos quickly moved to her side, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "It's okay, Millia," he said, his voice gentle. "You don't have to go. You can stay here, at the mansion. You can help protect my parents while I'm away."

Millia looked up at him, her eyes wide with surprise. "I... I can do that?" she asked, her voice shaky.

Anos nodded, giving her a reassuring smile. "Of course," he said. "I trust you, Millia. I know you can do it."

With that, Millia's sobs slowly subsided, replaced by a look of determination. She nodded, wiping her tears away. "Yes, Anos-sama," she said, her voice firm. "I'll do my best to protect your parents."

Anos patted her shoulder, a proud smile on his face. "I know you will, Millia," he said. "I know you will."

"Millia, could you go check on the garden for me?" Anos then abruptly asked, his voice casual. "I think I saw a few weeds sprouting near the roses."

Millia nodded, wiping her hands on her apron. "Of course, Anos-sama," she said, quickly exiting the kitchen.

Once she was gone, Anos slowly walked to stand in the middle of the kitchen doorway. His senses keenly detected the presence of the elf woman eavesdropping on them, skillfully concealed to his left, with her back firmly against the wall to evade detection. Though she had disguised herself as a maid, Anos easily pierced through her sophisticated facade, seeing through her like the contrast between day and night.

Without turning to look at her, Anos spoke while still looking forward, his voice cold and stern. "I don't know what your relationship with Cid is, but considering my brother's trust in you, I'll overlook your current insolence," he began, "however, let me make one thing clear... if anything were to happen to Millia..."

Suddenly, a horrifying tyrannical aura erupted from Anos, so powerful and intense that it made the elf woman drop to her knees. She gasped, her eyes wide with fear as she struggled to breathe under the immense pressure.

Anos didn't even glance at her. He simply continued on his way, leaving the trembling elf woman in his wake. His message was clear: harm Millia, and face the wrath of Anos Voldigoad.


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Chapters 1 through 23 can be accessed by the public on Patreon.

Chapter 24 「 Epsilon's Watchful Eyes 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 25 「 Encounter with the True Demon 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 26「 New Atomic Magic 」 (Now available on Patreon) 

Chapter 27「 Quantum Magic & Family Drama 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 28「 A Reincarnator From My Era? 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 29「 A Date with the Demon King 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 30「 Assistant Principal Lutheran 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 31「 A Father's Dilemma 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 32「 The Academy's Arrival 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 33「 A Father's Desperate Plea 」 (Now available on Patreon) [ Unreleased Chapter ]

More chapters coming soon.

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