
Chapter 103 Meeting the President

Time flew by quickly and before they knew it two hours had passed and Colonel Banks was trailing behind a woman through the long, elegant halls of the White House.

He had a sense of purpose as he marched forward, his eyes fixed on his destination. They finally arrived in front of a door, which the woman opened, revealing a spacious room with a large round table.

Sitting around the table were four men, with the president seated in the center and the three generals scattered around the table.

Colonel Banks sized up the men, noticing their military decorations and the stark difference in attire between them and the presidents formal yet simple black suit.

The three generals were all distinguished men, with a lifetime of experience in the military.

They looked serious and somber, their faces etched with lines of experience, as they considered the events of the day. The president was equally grave, despite his formal attire.

Colonel Banks took a deep breath as he walked in and took a seat at a chair that was positioned opposite the president, his heart calm, not really intimidatedby there presence.

He placed his leather bag on the table and waited for what was to come.

The tension in the room was palpable as the president spoke, "Good afternoon, Colonel Banks. I'm sure you know why you are here." The president spoke first.

Colonel Banks nodded his head in agreement and replied in a calm voice, "Yes Sir, I do." The president gestured towards the three generals and said, "Perfect, The three generals here have been notified about the incident that took place earlier in the day."

The president said as he leaned forward towards Colonel Banks slightly the president's eyes bore into Colonel Banks, conveying a sense of intimidation "Just what the hell happened?"

The room went silent with nobody speaking, everyone in the room could sense the tension in the air and all eyes were pointed straight towards Colonel Banks waiting for an explanation.

Colonel Banks looked at all of them calmly not feeling any pressure as he began explaining what had happened.

"The soldiers were according to there reports deployed there by a superior order for a search and rescue, They however identified an Unknown Being which they assumed to be an alien and asked it to turn its self in to the Army or be attacked, The Alien in question didnt comply and the soldiers shot at the being missing completely and the bullets that were shot towards the assumed Alien missed and fell back onto the soldiers causing the causalties, that is the basic summary of what happened"

He spoke with a level of detachment that belied the gravity of the situation.

Colonel Banks looked around the room, meeting the gaze of everyone at the table, conveying a sense of confidence and resolve. The room was filled with a palpable sense of tension as they considered the implications of his words.

The president and the generals were clearly taken aback by what they had just heard. The president spoke up after a few moments of stunned silence, "Colonel Banks, alien, let's be realistic?"

Colonel Banks replied, "Yes Sir, that is what the soldiers thought of the unidentified being as, an alien."

One of the generals spoke up, "You're going to have to provide some sort of context or proof, Colonel Banks. Your claim is just to absurd."

"That is a very understandable conclusion however I have video proof of it"

"Then please show us" The president said.

Colonel Banks calmly nodded and reached for his leather bag. He removed a laptop and opened it, facing it towards the president and the generals and pressed play on a video that was already there on the screen opened.

The video played out on the screen, and everyone in the room watched the events with rapt attention.

They saw the red flash, heard Liutenent Colonel North's warning towards the Being, and watched as the red being shot up into the air at incredible speeds when the soldiers started firing there guns on the order of Liutenent Colonel North after the warning countdown, All that was left behind by the red being was smoke as it dissapered into the clouds.

The video ended with a black screen, and Colonel Banks closed the laptop.

The room was filled with a stunned silence, and the president and generals had their mouths agape.

Colonel Banks spoke, "That is what I am talking about, Sir. That is the red being that the soldiers assumed to be an alien."

The president and generals were left speechless for a while, trying to process what they had just seen.

"Colonel banks...." The president said not knowing what to say.

The room was silent for quiet a while before one of the genrals broke the silence and spoke up.

The room was silent for quite a while before one of the generals broke the silence and spoke up. He addressed Colonel Banks with a pointed question, "Who gave the orders to go there Colonel Banks?

The generals shifted in their seats, exchanging uneasy glances. One of them cleared their throat and broke the silence.

"Colonel Banks," he said, "we need answers. Who authorized this mission? You said superior, aren't you their direct superior?" The general's eyes narrowed as he continued, "I know I didn't order a search and rescue, and above me is only the president who can order the military like this" The general was visibly frustrated and agitated.

He oversaw the part of the army containing Colonel Banks, si the responsibility could defenetly fall under the genral Himself.

Colonel Banks looked to have been put in a tough position as this was a tough news to tell, he didn't know who ordered the soldiers for the search and rescue himself. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, feeling the weight of the silence in the room.

He knew he had to speak up but didn't know what to say, He cleared his throat and began to speak, his voice barely above a whisper. "Sir, I did not order the search and rescue." He looked up at the president, hoping to convey his innocence.

The President who had been sitting quietly spoke up. "Colonel Banks, if you didn't do it and he didn't do it," he pointed towards the general, "and I most definitely didn't do it," he pointed towards himself and continued, "then who did it!?" The president's voice grew louder, and he seemed to not be impressed by what was going on.

Creation is hard, cheer me up with a powerstone on your way out!

Karate_master_bcreators' thoughts