
Chapter 88 The Mysterious Monster: A Deal with the Unknown

With a sharp intake of breath, I aimed my palms at the stone wall, after a deep breath, I ordered Elo to shoot the energy Beam from my palms.

"Shoot" I said and the entire cave lit up like a flash bang for a second and as soon my eyes recovered from the bright light of the laser I saw.

The laser hit the wall with a loud crack, sending a cloud of dust and debris flying in all directions.

As the dust ran rampant, I squinted, trying to make out anything in the haze.

All I could see was the faint blue glow of my laser, still pulsing with power in the dust that clouded my Vision.

"Elo, stop the laser," I commanded, and the beam disappeared, leaving behind a thick cloud of dust.

The dust settled around me, thick and choking, thankfully I was inside the Armour so I was safe from Breathing all of that dust in thanks to my Air Filter in the Armour.

I could barely make out my own hand in front of my face all I could see was the piercing blue beam still emanating from my palms.

All of a sudden the dust began to move, swirling around me in a frenzy. I took a step back, wondering what was happening.

The dust spun faster and faster, and suddenly it was like a miniature tornado had formed in front of me.

I couldn't see anything beyond it, and I couldn't hear anything over the roar of the swirling dust.

I felt a sense of unease creeping up my spine. I couldn't see beyond the dense cloud, and I had no idea what was happening beyond it.

I waited, heart pounding, as the swirling dust slowly began to move away from me.

It felt like an eternity before the dust settled and I could see what had formed. A solid wall stood before me, perfectly intact.

I stared at it in disbelief. My laser beam had been strong enough to destroy a boulder, yet the wall remained unscathed rather it somehow recovered?

I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off.

I scanned the cave, on high alert unsurprised by the intact wall but eager to locate the monster lurking within.

I was certain that the tornado that brought the Immortal Wendigo here was summoned by another powerful monster, as mentioned by the system. It had to be here somewhere.

The way the wall fixed itself only goes to further my belief that there is another Monster here, the same one that had propably summoned a tornado in the city afterall a tornado so suddenly was just an odd occurrence.

My mind raced with questions as I searched the barren cave.

Why did this other monster save the Wendigo? What were its intentions? I felt a growing sense of unease, as if I had walked into a trap of some kind completely unprompted.

The sand that had lodged itself into my armor obscured my vision, making it difficult to see the details of my surroundings.

I rubbed my armor's eyes in an attempt to clear my vision, but only succeeded in making it worse.

My vision only got cloudier, As I squinted through the dust, I waited in silence for something to happen.

I knew I wasn't alone in this cave with the Immortal Wendigo.

There was another powerful monster lurking in the shadows, one that could summon a tornado and destroy entire cities.

Silence hung in the air, broken only by the sound of my breathing.

Suddenly, a bone-chilling cackle shattered the silence, echoing throughout the cave. I tensed up as my ears perked up.

I spun around, trying to locate the source of the noise. It sounded like it was coming from the tunnel I had come through, but it was getting closer, louder!

The cackle grew louder, bouncing off the cave walls and causing my ears to ring painfully. I covered my ears, trying to block out the sound as it grew even more painfully louder and closer.

Just as the cackling reached its crescendo, it abruptly stopped. The sudden silence was almost as unsettling as the sound itself. My ears were still ringing as I looked around cautiously. From the dark part of the tunnel, I saw something move. My heart pounded in my chest

I looked around cautiously, still trying to locate the source of the laughter.

I knew I had to be ready for whatever Monster was coming, so I asked Elo to activate my Chest beam. I focused my blurred vision on the opening tunnel, determined to shoot down anything that came my way.

"Hello, James," a voice boomed through the cave. It sounded ancient, as if it hadn't been used in centuries. My eyes widened as I felt a trickle of sweat run down my back. "How do you know me?" I asked, my voice trembling slightly.

"Kekeke," the voice chuckled, sending shivers down my spine. "A little birdie told me about you, James. You lead quite an interesting life, don't you?" I stepped back, my tounge on the verge of commanding Elo to shoot the Arc reactor laser beam as it pulsed with energy. "What do you want?" I demanded, my voice slightly hoarse.

"I wouldn't shoot that if I were you, James," the voice warned.

Something small and quick darted across the shadows, too fast for me to see. "I'm not here to harm you. I'm here to offer you a deal."

Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter and are looking forward for more, Leave a powerstone or a comment as that let's me know that you enjoyed the chapter.


Have a great day :)

Karate_master_bcreators' thoughts