
UVR Pods

After buying a few manga's that had updated since the time of his death, a new function appeared in his system, an [Inventory]. From reading the brief overview provided about its abilities, James was left somewhat disappointed.

Apparently, it only stored items purchased directly from the [Shop] and didn't allow him to place anything else within. While no doubt incredibly useful, such a limitation made the viability of the function decrease greatly.

Shaking his thoughts away from his crushed dreams as the average anime protagonist, James brought out the final reward he'd received from this last mission and was provided another brief explanation of its uses.



A ticket that allows for the purchase of anything within the [Item] tab, from any universe, created through VR or not, with a cost of zero FP.

One-time use item.


He knew exactly how to use this one.

While some may say it was somewhat of a waste, considering how this Voucher could quite literally purchase a world if he used it on something like Installation 00, James knew that the true value it held laid elsewhere. Where it truly shined was in the fact that he could buy from worlds he didn't plan on creating through his VR.

So, without another minute to think over the matter, James purchased what he thought would help grow his VR the most and it appeared in his [Inventory] not even a second later.


[UVR Pod (Supremacy Games)]


Finally, James had a way for his players to enter Full Dive. This would open the floodgates as now he could implement time dilation, FD only worlds, the Hub, and everything else that a true VR deserves. He planned to make Ready Player One look like child's play in front of ASTIR and now he had his way to do so.

James brought out the large silver-metallic pod and it appeared on the grass before him. He ran his hand over the surface and 'felt' the smoothness of the material, before pressing a blue button on the side to reveal a luxurious interior.

He clicked another button and a small window of glass brightened up, displaying 60 blue tubes of nutrition serum, which would be used to sustain the players for extended periods. Each tube contained enough to last someone a week of continuous VR use while keeping their body in tip-top shape. It could even go so far as to make the user healthier, solving things such as obesity, arthritis, and even cancer, should they continue to use it for extended periods.

James sighed as a small smile graced his lips before he spoke out in his mind, "Queen, can you scan this thing from out here or should I put it back into my [Inventory]?"

A second later, a calm and regal voice sounded in his ear, "I can't scan it in the physical world, sir. While I can see your memories as they come in and thus essentially 'see' through your eyes, it's not the same as being there personally.

You would need some form of technology connected to the VR before I could do so."

"Hmm, thought so," James mused, before waving his hand and sending the Pod back. "You can scan it now though, right?"

"Yes sir," Queen said after spending a moment to do so, "It has been added to my data-stores and I have documented all possible ways to recreate both the Pod, and the serums."

"Whew~," James sighed while wiping imaginary sweat from his brow and smiling, "I'm glad that worked. I was going to be bloody pissed had it not."

James had tried to recreate Full Dive Pods from various realities multiple times before this in his VR, all to no avail. No matter how he tried to manipulate the system in his favor, it just wouldn't work.

After near-countless failed attempts, he discovered that his Reality Synch feature only applied to fully created worlds and not individual objects. This meant that he couldn't just think up something like, say a lightsaber, in his VR and receive all the specs to recreate it in the real world. It was essentially the same as just drawing it up on paper and then expecting to know how to build one from scratch after a glance, simply impossible.

Some might call him stupid and say that he could've just made something along the lines of a Sword Art Online world and get the tech that way, but James would call those people short-sighted, 'I mean, come on. A VR world, within a VR world? This isn't Inception, that's just crass.'

This was why he spent his voucher on the Pod, rather than some fancy castle or item of immeasurable power. James had no plans to ever recreate a Supremacy Games world and that reality had the best Full Dive tech he could think of.

He was lucky that Queen could scan from within his [Inventory] however, as it saved him time and from needing to buy more from the [Shop].

From the beginning, James had felt that his system was intimately connected with himself and thus it was natural that the VR which sprung from it would be so as well. All he had to do was allow his AI temporary access and she completed the task easily enough.

"Store away the blueprints for now," James said, "we can't just give them away or else people will doubt our intentions. Plus, people rarely treasure what they receive for free…"

"Then, do you have something in mind, sir?" Queen asked.

"Yes," James replied after a moment's pause, "I'm thinking that from now on, our tournaments will have real prizes. After I recreate my body, we can even move to tangible prizes along the lines of stuff like; Devil Fruits, Super Soldier Serum, 5-U-93-R, and so on. For now though, we can have these blueprints be the grand prize for a Halo multiplayer tournament.

We can give whomever wins the rights to either reproduce them in the Marvel reality, or sell them to someone who can. If I like who ends up getting them, we could even set it up so that the producer has the rights to sell the blueprints to future linked realities."

James was getting excited now, "It could be like our gift to our first link, a tribute to our origin so-to-speak. If all goes well, ASTIR will undoubtedly spread far and wide across the Omniverse and I think that our first few realities deserve some kind of privileges, don't you?"

"But sir," Queen asked, confused, "do we even have control over the future links? Maybe this first one was chosen by the Gods back on your home planet, but what's to say that Marvel and future ones aren't just completely random? What if you just flat out don't like the next reality we link to?"

"Heh," James chuckled while waving a hand nonchalantly, "who cares? If we don't like them then I just won't go there when I get my body back and we can award them something useless. Besides, they're going to be contributing FP no matter who they are and that's all that counts at the end of the day."

"Very well, sir. It's a good idea," Queen replied. She just wanted to make sure her master didn't regret this in the future. "I'll see it done."

James smiled as he withdrew his focus from his mind and turned to face his empty island, 'Now that that's taken care of, let's get this place fixed up.'
