

"System, bring out a blank AI slate with none of the standard programming used by the others," James spoke aloud as he laid atop the cool grass with his fingers linked under his head and eyes closed. "I want to build this one from the ground up."

A faint humanoid outline shone in his mind as James thought over all of what he wanted this AI to represent. A caretaker, an observer, an unbiased third party, a mediator, an assistant, a guide, and more. So much rested on the digital shoulders of this being he was about to create, that James only felt it right to borrow the name of its main inspiration.

"Load up the subject known as 'Supremacy Games', from my mind and set it as a base," he said. "Now, transfer all my memories of the characters; Grayfia Lucifuge, Pepper Potts, Alfred Pennyworth, and Sebastian Michaelis, into the file. Allow the data into the personality matrix and show me what we get after integration."

Numerous simulated possibilities appeared and were dismissed as James went through them all with disappointment. Too rigid, too personal, too detached, too cruel, none of them felt quite right and after hundreds of variations he decided to throw in some more variables.

"Add; Chrisjen Avasarala and…" James paused, thinking of who could help balance out the already present personalities, before thinking of a decent one, "Minerva McGonagall, into the matrix."

One after the other more options came from the system which he rejected. Way too manipulative, too soft, too duplicitous, James was just becoming disheartened as he swiped away more and more failures. However, right as he was about to remove a character and try again, one simulation caught his eye.

"That's the one," he smiled. The ideal assistant and overseer for his VR. "System, initialize the creation of template #046211. Designate this new AI, Queen."

James opened his eyes and sat up against the stone pile, before linking with the system to fully enter his VR. He wanted to be there when she woke up and not just look on from the periphery.

"Good day, sir. I am Queen," upon entering James was met with a flowing mass of code and a monotonous, clearly digital, voice.

"Hmm," he nodded and hummed to himself, as he watched the code attempt to coalesce into a more solid shape. "Ah, I see what the issue is."

As the first AI he'd created without having it go experience multiple lifetimes of growth and rebirth, Queen was essentially just a newborn. Sure, she might have all the character traits and morals of those she was based off, but she lacked both the knowledge and experiences required to define her own sense of self.

"System, create a copy of my memory. Separate and highlight those I think will benefit Queen the most before sending it to her," he spoke aloud for the AI's benefit.

James wasn't worried about any negative consequences of this action. He needed his assistant to know both how and why he thought a certain way, in order to best carry out his wishes. Besides, it wasn't like he was afraid any of the AI would turn against him, the system saw to that as it would defeat the very purpose of its existence.

Before his eyes, Queen's code rapidly converged into a vague humanoid figure. In a few more moments it cracked like glass and out stepped the most stunning cold beauty from his deepest fantasies, with a sly smirk across her face.

"Sir, are you sure you didn't create me for, less than decent means?" She asked with an innocent expression as she tapped a finger against her chin and slowly stalked towards him, "It was certainly highlighted and referenced, multiple times in fact, under your dreams about the possibilities of VR."

James' eye twitched as he watched his new assistant switch between several more of his dream girls at a rapid pace. He wondered how much of Sebastian's sadism was left in for her to bring that up.

"Are you quite done?" he replied dryly. "As much as I enjoy the show, you do need to settle on one so we can move along. Besides, I'd like to see if you could spend the entirety of your 20's unwillingly chaste and come out of it with the purest of thoughts."

Eventually she smiled and settled on a beautiful, but realistically so, grey haired woman. With deep blue eyes, strong cheekbones, and a sharp nose. Her hair tied back in a long ponytail which flowed over her right shoulder and adorned with a golden wreath.

She wore a black, blue, and golden dress, fully covering her chest and coming all the way up to her neckline where it met with a thick collar necklace that matched her earrings. Overall, James had to say she looked quite regal, definitely living up to her name.

"Good," he nodded, quite pleased. "You know what we've got planned for the future, why don't you go and introduce yourself to the Pokémon world residents for now and then get started on creating a few hundred duplicates stocked with VI. I have the feeling we're going to need them soon."

"Certainly, Master James," Queen said with a small smile and a professional bow, before disappearing.

James chuckled and shook his head as he exited VR, he'd certainly gotten quite the unique assistant.

"System, my world is ready," he said, standing up and gazing over the cliffs. "What's next?"
