
How Much Qi Do You Have

Since he came to Earth, Seth hadn't wielded the sword he had gotten off Zuroc, and he thought now was as good a time to change that. 

With his eyes focused and his senses spread and alert for a change or surprise, Seth's sword clashed with Tera's Spear, the long slim weapon pushing away the blade of the blood-hungry spear and then, under the manipulations of its wielder, it was spun around and sent speeding for the head of the opponent, but unfortunately, it wasn't so easy to take the head of his opponent.

Though a bit surprised to see a sword in Seth's hand, Tera easily recovered from the parrying of her attack and with ease, after her weapon was deflected, she spun the spear and had the bottom shaft of her weapon rise into the air and block Seth's ambitious strike from hitting her head. 

Just after that was done, a pulse of energy throughout her body and then a bright light in the shape of a sword appeared in her left hand, and she swung the weapon at Seth.
