
Feeling Powerful And Needy

"What was that?" Dorian, who was the first to recover, asked, shakily getting to her feet and taking several deep breaths. Adriana followed after Doriana a few seconds later, but her breath remained heavy, and her eyes kept darting left and right, fear in them.

"Well, you two are okay," Seth hummed, looking at both Adriana and Dorian and nodding

"Seth, what was that?" Dorian repeated her question once more, but this time her voice was firmer and contained a bit of panic and haste.

"That was Alice breaking out of her shell," Seth answered simply, his words irritating Dorian, but before she could speak, Adriana quickly spoke first.

"Is she alright out there, Seth? That monster might do something to her," Adriana said with fear in her eyes, making one wonder for whom she was afraid.

"Ehh, what monster?" Seth asked, his forehead scrunching.
