
Chapter 66: I am from Earth!

After hearing those words, the staff almost instantly became limp and began to glow in a muted red-orange colour.

Cairo did not appear to be disturbed by the warm limp staff that he was holding. Cairo flailed around frantically, mimicking the motion of a whip, in an effort to both disorient Avalandor and land a blow on him at the same time.

Avalandor was struggling to keep up with the staff that moved like a whip, so he used his shield to protect his head and neck. Cairo lowered himself to the ground and slashed at Avalandor's legs.

Avalandor was knocked to the ground and received burns on his legs after the whip became entangled around his legs. Cairo was the one who pulled the whip. Cairo gazed up at Avalandor and exclaimed, "Burning spirits!" as he did so. Lend me some of that dragon's breath so I can raze and scorch!"
