
Chapter 28 : A firm decision taken.

[AI Report: Status on Arjun.

3 bones broken- on forearm and shoulder.

2 lacerations from Diffindo on the flanks.

Mild burns on hands.]

As I glanced over the report detailing my injuries and surveyed the three second-year Slytherins lying on the ground, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret for my impulsive actions.

However, beneath the regret, there was a sense of liberation and confidence coursing through me. I knew I was arrogant, and there was no denying it.


With a resigned sigh, I accepted the potion offered by Jakrey, acknowledging the consequences of my actions. Jakrey, ever the efficient assistant, levitated the injured students toward the hospital wing for treatment, and I followed suit because I was needed for their care.

I couldn't help but wonder how my reputation would fare once it became known that I was not only healing my attackers but also ensuring they received proper treatment, albeit after a bit of punishment.

Upon reaching the hospital wing, I exchanged a nod with Madam Poppy, who rolled her eyes at the sight of her latest patients favouring me over her care. "Don't be jealous, Madam," I teased lightly. "I'll be sure to send a few your way if you're feeling left out."

Poppy, the kind-hearted matron with whom I had developed a budding friendship, waved off my offer with a weary smile. "No need, dear," she replied. "I could use some rest."

With her words in mind, I set to work treating the injured students, my thoughts drifting to the magical book I had stumbled upon concerning House Elves.

Though I was far from deciphering its contents, my understanding of House Elves had grown significantly. Their magic, I realized, was instinctual, much like that of magical creatures.

The topic of magical creatures led my mind to another intriguing subject: Familiars.

[AI Info on Familiars.

Magical animals or creatures that form a close bond with a wizard or witch are often likened to that of a wand. Some bonds are even closer than blood relations, allowing for the transmission of magical energy.

According to Newt Scamander, certain Familiar bonds can enable the sharing of thoughts, and Familiars play a crucial role in teaching their wizard or witch instinctive magic. Examples include Dumbledore and his Phoenix, whose bond allows them to cast powerful spells together, such as the Phoenix Flames and Flame Apparitions.

Note: Only one Familiar bond is possible, and those fortunate enough to have a Familiar understand and uphold this rule wholeheartedly. Other notable figures supporting Newt Scamander's theories include Dumbledore, Nicolas Flamel, Merlin, Morgana, and Phineus Black.]

It truly is interesting. If it were just a matter of luck, I would have left it. But I found another pile of notes regarding it.

According to the reports, the Dark Arts master who authored them had delved into extensive research, consulting Magizoologists, Ritual Crafters, and Potioneers to explore the intricacies of Familiar bonds.

He treated the bond as a tangible entity, conducting numerous experiments to understand its nature and potential.

Some experiments resulted in Wizards forming Familiar bonds at first sight, while others failed despite various attempts. However, there was a suggested path that involved closing the bond just before it was formed, a method known as Dark Raising.

[Dark Raising: The wizard sacrifices part of their blood and magic through a sacrificial ritual [a commonly known basic ritual] to an unborn animal, essentially becoming a donor or pseudo-family to it. The wizard must then raise the animal with utmost care and effort, forming a close bond through upbringing. This method is perhaps the only established factor that increases the chances of forming a Familiar bond.

The other advantage of this method is that the wizard can stop the path if he loses interest or patience. However, the animal may become addicted to the owner, and stopping the process midway could lead to dire consequences for the animal, due to the withdrawal symptoms.

Statistically speaking, the Familiar bond if formed, will act as an alleviator for the withdrawal, slowly tapering the familiar from the dependency.]

So, I delved into the research regarding it and made some analysis, provided at the courtesy of the AI. The consequences were clear: potential anaemia and a 10% decrease in magical reserves growth.

 However, the promise of a loyal companion, familiar with unique magical abilities that could be wielded by me, was enticing. The fact its presence is needed for casting the magic is not that much of a problem either.

I still remember Dumbledore in the movie, using Fawkes's flame teleportation.


The distant celebrations from the Gryffindor vs Slytherin match echoed through the corridors, serving as a reminder that the world runs on its course not caring about me.

But my focus remained on the decision before me: the choice of my familiar.

Various options flitted through my mind – a unicorn, a Niffler, or even Aragog. Each had its advantages, but my heart kept returning to one particular creature that resonated with the closest and most feasible one, which is also acceptable to me – a dragon egg.

It wasn't just any dragon egg, but one about to be sold to Hagrid by Quirrell in exchange for information on Fluffy.

The thought of having a dragon as my familiar filled me with excitement. I am living through one dream in my childhood. So, why not go all the way for a Dragon?

The only question that lingered was how to acquire the egg. Should I take the risk of polyjuicing and making the deal myself, or wait until Hagrid obtains it?

It was a decision that required careful thought, weighing the potential risks against the rewards.


After some thought, I realized it was foolish of me to consider making a deal with a dark wizard. Instead, it seemed much wiser to entrust the care of the dragon egg to Hagrid.

 So, over the next few days, I kept a close eye on Hagrid, observing his behaviour with keen interest. It wasn't long before I noticed a childlike excitement bubbling beneath his gruff exterior, reminiscent of a child eagerly anticipating Christmas morning.

Unable to resist teasing him, I approached Hagrid with a playful grin. "Well, well, Hagrid," I remarked, "you seem positively giddy these days. What's got you so excited?"

Hagrid's eyes twinkled with delight as he responded, "Ah, Arjun, it's nothin'. Just a little surprise I've got in store for myself."

I chuckled at his attempt to play coy. "Come on, Hagrid, you can't fool me. I know you too well," I teased, nudging him gently.

Hagrid's grin widened as he relented, unable to contain his excitement any longer. "Alright, alright, I'll spill the beans," he exclaimed. "I've got me hands on somethin' real special, somethin' that's been on my mind for a long time."

Intrigued, I leaned in closer, urging him to continue. "What is it, Hagrid? Don't keep me in suspense."

With a gleam in his eye, Hagrid revealed, "It's a dragon egg, Arjun. A real, live dragon egg! Can you imagine? Me, raisin' a dragon!"

I couldn't help but be taken aback by his words. Dear Merlin, he is just that stu* Cough * innocent to reveal the truth, "That's... incredible, Hagrid," I replied, struggling to find the right words. "But are you sure you're up for the challenge? It is a challenge to raise a dragon."

Hagrid's expression turned serious as he nodded solemnly. "Aye, I've been preparing' for this my whole life, Arjun. I won't let anything' come between me and raisin' this dragon."

His determination was evident, and I couldn't help but admire his unwavering resolve. Especially, since only he can raise a dragon alone.

"Well then, Hagrid," I said with a smile, "count me in. I'll do whatever it takes to help you with this endeavour."

Hagrid's face lit up with gratitude as he clasped my shoulder warmly. "Thanks, Arjun. I knew I could count on you, my friend."

