
Invading Stonewick (1)

The ancient vampire town Stonewick was considered the strongest stronghold for vampires in the entire Europe. Although it was still part of England, its entire governance and jurisdiction system fell under Lord Marcus Caldwell as the reigning head of the Caldwell family.

As of now, the lord had ruled over Stonewick for more than five hundred years.

The town was always covered in a mysterious, impenetrable shroud. In Stonewick, vampires lived as vampires should, free from the restrictions that the Law Of Three Races set in stone. As to what the lifestyle entailed, no one had ever been courageous enough to live long enough in the town to find out the answer.

In the past, a lot of people used to criticize Lord Marcus Caldwell about Stonewick. These people were mainly human beings who hated the vampires and wanted to chase them off the land.
