
Five From Sixty

At once, everyone rushed to the person who shot the firework signal into the sky.

"A survivor!!!" a woman's voice was heard from afar. "Here! Please help! We have a survivor!!!"

Ryan, Zane, and Brett ran toward the source of the voice.

When they came close, they had to slow down to digest the scene in front of them.

They had landed on one side of the town borders, but more than a wall was waiting for them.

Against this side of the wall, a few corpses were found piling on top of each other. Blood splattered against the wall along with flesh bits that were ripped out of the victims.

Judging from the way the bodies were all facing the wall and also the bloody fingerprints that were pressed against the concrete blocks, these townspeople wanted to climb the wall to run away.

Alas, ten meters was not easy to climb when one panicked. Or when one was being chased by predators.
