
Falling into place

Aaron's Pov

"Wow" Eric squeals with delight.

"Big brother you look so amazing"

"Anything else" I say exasperatedly

Who on earth forces one to wear a tuxedo to a mere dinner date?

"What's with that look brother? Do you feel nervous?" Eric says sarcastically.

"If you are done drooling over your handsome brother you can leave now" I say ignoring the fact that Eric doesn't even bother to filter his sarcasm.

"Not until Mr. Han escorts you out" says Eric and walks to the other side of the room.

"Why did you bother him to come? I could have gone there on my own" I question. Can't he just trust me with this?

"I can't possibly risk my life. What if you never go there? Who is going to answer grandpa?"

Eric's silly assumptions put me off the edge. I chuckle and arch my eyebrow.

"Of course I will" Eric says rolling his eyes

It is hard to interpret why he is behaving like an innocent youngest grandson when in reality he is quite mischievous

"Did grandpa promise to give you the company if you keep an eye on me?"

"Big brother you know I can't be bothered by such means. After all I have no interest in business"


"What's with that look can't I be obedient?"

"You never were"

"Well I can't be stubborn like you forever"

"How I am stubborn? I am attending the affairs settled by grandpa"

"You doing it under compulsion"

"Whatever" I curtly reply and walk out to the living room.

"Oh yeah I remember! Did you find that person you met in the café?" Eric comes running after.

"No not yet. I have asked Mr. Han to look into him"

"Brother, are you well?"

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Like you never liked girls and now you are suddenly showing so much interest in a boy"

"Drop that gibberish" I sound cross. But I do feel weird about it. What was there in Little that has compelled me to think about him. I shove that thought aside and try to make things clear.

"It isn't like"

"Then what is it like" Eric asks with curiosity

"How many times do I have to explain? That little man saved me from having to spend a lot of time on a date I wasn't willing to attend. I can't repeat all the details again"

"Still..' I throw a cushion at him and he sways to gain balance.

"Sir, Are you ready to leave? " Mr. Han enters the room

"Sure let's go"

We are not even half way through that we face a road block.

"Is there another way?" I ask.

"Yes there is but it will take a while"

I call Eric to see if I can postpone today's appointment

"But she is already there waiting for you" Eric screams on the other side of the phone.

"Don't ruin the family's name" he stresses.

"Ok". I end the call with him and address Mr. Han

"Let's just take the alternate"

I texted Eric, to let her know I might get late, and she can leave if she wants to.

Why I am going through all this hassle? What if I could meet Little again and he could ruin my date as well. I would not have to answer why I didn't like the lady.

"Mr. Han I gave you a task how far has it been?"

"Yes sir, I got all the information needed".

"Details" I ask urgency in my tone

"We checked but there is no man working at the café who matches your description; however, one employee disclosed that there was a replacement for just an hour that nobody knows about"

My ears become more alert. Mr. Han continues

"We then looked into the surveillance cameras. It was apparently a lady who cross dressed. But the cameras couldn't capture her face properly so we couldn't dig up any further information on her"

I am left in awe. Every event starts to fall into place. No wonder all that felt different.

So little was actually a girl who confidently deceived everyone?

The moment this thought crosses my mind a jerk sends me smacking my forehead into the seat ahead

What in the world does this sudden brake means?

"Sir, I think we have a problem", Mr. Han says anxiously.
