
CHAPTER 34: Core Palaces

The kingdom of Menotalis had five core palaces.

Terra Palace was the palace for the kings.

The facilities in the palace were extensive. This castle was where the king would live for twenty-five years or so, depending on how long he would like to rule the kingdom. Meaning the king would live there for a long time. He needed everything set in place, the library was located across from his office, near the conference hall. The area where the conference meetings with the minister were also located.

This particular stronghold was usually filled with visitors that needed to have an audience with the King or the royal family. Moreover, this was the only castle that would permit or allow a civilian, or people to enter.

The marriage of the king and queen was for political rather than romantic purposes.

Fretum Palace belonged to the queens.

This castle was as dignified and enormous as the Terra Palace. Whatever the Terra Palace had, Fretum Palace had to have that as well. On appearances, the queen was on the same footing as the king.

Predominantly, in this country where queens and princesses were deeply respected.

The only difference between the castle was that the queens would usually bring more ornamental and embellish their residences than the kings did.

It would be extremely rare to see a king and queen residing in a single place together.

But not entirely impossible, King Rashio and Queen Eulasha did that when they were alive. King Rashio would always be in the quarters of Queen Eulasha; he would eat, sleep, bathe, and relax at Fretum Palace where his wife resided.

The second monarch that replaced the first monarchy was different. King Mertl never initiated coming to the Fretum Palace to be with Queen Eriela.

After the third Princess was born, they never slept together again. They would once in a while have dinner for formalities and pleasantries.

Despite that, they were still being looked up to because neither King Mertl nor Queen Eriela was having lovers to keep.

With that said, Vita Palace was where mostly the harem of the king was located.

In this current generation of Menotalis monarchy, the 40th. Neither King Rashio nor King Mertl was having other women than their queens.

Although it was a palace for a harem, the facilities were not lacking nor inferior to the king and queen's castles. It was one of the most beautiful residences where royalty could be living, aside from the king's women. Princesses would usually live there if the queen wanted the Fretum palace by themselves.

The two princesses, Princess Jasmine, and Princess Liezel were occupying that palace.

They divided it into two quarters for themselves.

Inviso Palace was where the special guest of the monarchy could stay. It was infamous — not because of its castle but because of the area it was covering. It was large enough to have four more accommodations that were designed as a smaller version of the castles.

In Summary, Inviso Palace had five mini-fortresses. And despite its smaller establishment. It did not lack any provisions for the honored guests.

Lastly, Adamas Palace was also currently known as the forsaken castle of the first Princess.

Formerly, it was a castle meant for the crown prince and crown princes before they could usurp the throne.

When the first Princess was a child, she wanted this castle to become 'hers'. It was changed to hers.

Everyone was convinced that she would become the next crown princess of the Menotalis once the bride selection for the 41st Generation had finished. It did not matter if she lived there earlier.

Before she moved in, Adamas Palace was renovated into what King Rashio, the father of Original had demanded. No library, no salamanca, and no training grounds, but there was a music hall and a dancing ball. There was nothing there but a ton of rooms that she had never even wanted.

Thinking about this, brought frustration to Yanarym. She grimaced and returned the hood to her head after cooling from the heat. Once she returned to her social standing, she would often visit the Inviso Palace to study there.

She had been walking for a minute.

It was mentioned in the story of Caius that each country on Seerian's continent had a black-market district in each capital. The location was not so far from the kingdom, Yanarym reached the hidden area of the capital.

It had a shabby alley where there were some kids in worn clothes and some not-so-friendly inhabitants lingering in the dark corners. Yanarym was not that terrified of this kind of place, she had been captured by a syndicate in her third world when she was a child. The black market was not that terrifying if she would be careful.

After all, this was the only place where could have firsthand a variety of lethal drugs, medicines, and potions. That was what she needed to consume to strengthen her immunity to distinct kinds of substances.

Yanarym halted her steps when she arrived at a lodge. According to Guide-sama, this store had the most varied poisons in this black market. She gently pushed open the wooden door and was welcomed by the dingy, aging, run-down dwelling, along with the wind chimes creating the gentle melody indicating someone was at the door.

The place smells damp and pungent—strange enough though that it was not tingling or hurting her nose. If she were to describe it was the blended odor of an antiseptic and chemical, the flavor of something bitter and sickening sweetness in the air.

'Smells like a hospital in here,' Yanarym commented in the back of her mind.

It was not disgusting— for her. She actually… somehow liked the peculiar odor of drugs and medicines.

She veered her eyes to the surroundings; it was so dissimilar to Ilustrado. There were countless transparent cabinets containing many vials that have fun colors. Those shelves had growing molds and vines on them.

This shop was far from the woods, but it seemed like it was cultivating its nature here. The vials and glass containers were stored on each shelf and some exotic names were on the labels.

