
CHAPTER 017: Childish

The floor contained marble and tiles. The soft paint of blue and white was enveloping the palace walls. The long hallway was packed with colorful paintings hanging on the wall. The furniture in each corner was not lacking; coated in goal and platinum. The vases that had not been blessed with taking care of flowers as well as the armor and weapons displayed were being covered with cobwebs and collecting dust. At some part of the floor, there was growing grass and mushrooms.

The heavy objects and important items were protected by a white piece of fabric.

It was a luxurious castle yet at one glance it could be seen that it was an abandoned place. No one seemed to be living here for a decade.

The boudoir of the princess was larger than any bedrooms in the castle. It was meant for the future king and queen of Menotalis. Currently, it became Princess Yanarym's bedroom.

Same as she arrived. The room was not cleaned a bit. In the middle of the room, the massive bed with a very soft mattress and smooth thin sheet and blanket. Fortunately, it was not itchy nor dirty, since the Original and Yanarym cleaned— every two weeks… they change the bedding. Other than that, they would not clean or touch another thing in this palace. Well, Yanarym would often go to the kitchen after taking over the princess's body.

That aside…

Yanarym would always wake up for three weeks in this enormous bedroom with no one. She did not feel lonely, and she was not exactly alone.

Maybe it was the Original lingering on her. That Original had been living isolated for such a long time. She might have grown a tolerance for not socializing with anyone.

But despite changing body constantly, Yanarym could adapt to the surrounding quickly.

Though she would always be Yanarym she had been.

While it was possible for her to endure long periods of isolation, she knew that extended periods of solitude would eventually trigger a sudden and overwhelming feeling of loneliness.

One of the advantages and disadvantages of having an INFJ personality. Yanarym used to hate herself for one of these reasons but now that it had come in handy ever since transmigrating.

In addition, Guide-sama was there to offer a conversation whenever she had a sudden thought about something. She was not spending most of her time in this castle being idle. She was usually outside and mostly spent three-quarters of her entire day at the Karinderya to have her constant meals ready whenever she would want one.

If not, she was on the dry market strolling on the stalls that would sell delicious snacks. She should mention that every other day she would sneak into Baiyes City just to go to Derop's shop. Trying to discover the components of those lethal substances she had to consume or have a chat with him.

Until today, she was dealing with him to expose the place of the information guild.

Anyways, at this moment was not supposed to be focused on the outside event.

Today was the day she had to face the people inside this kingdom.

Wandering her eyes around, she never had crowded people in this big room. This was an unusual scene... At the same time, she knew this would happen.

She had been preparing for this.

There were several people Eriela brought with her assuming that they were going to witness Aliah assassination of the first Princess who was alive and well.

Yanarym keenly observed those who were with the Queen.

She knew no one among the crowd.

Even asking Guide-sama would not be so beneficial because Guide-sama was unaware of them as well.

Yanarym had to take this on with the knowledge she gained and the experience she had with living for quite a time.

Standing side by side with the queen were her daughters. Eriela and Liezel were almost identical to each other. While Jasmine's black hair and green sharp eyes were so distinct from her mother's features.

Yanarym narrowed her attention to the three of them. They were such beautiful people. If she compared her looks to theirs the first Princess's appearance shined brighter than any of them.

Guide-sama: "You are being superficial."

'What? I like pretty faces. And I'm not saying that they're ugly. I just like mine better."

Guide-sama: "Yeah, superficial."

"It's not being— I don't want to fight with you right now. I have a different battle at the moment. Can't you be a little considerate and stop pestering?"

Guide-sama: "Hmp."

"Don't 'hmp' me, are you a child?"

Guide-sama: "Hmp."

Yanarym rolled her eyes in her mind. "Tell me the royal's thoughts exactly, okay?" She tilted her head and looked at the other people.

Behind the queen and princesses were people bowing their heads. Yanarym assumed they were the guards, ladies-in-waiting, maidservants, male attendants, officials, and some people in white.

'Who are they… Are they doctors?'

Fixing her gaze on the three middle-aged men, Yanarym observed that they were clad in barong tagalog, the traditional attire of the Philippines, which she had read about in some books, but wasn't entirely certain of. Additionally, she noticed a group of women dressed in barong and saya, who appeared to be of noble birth, and they captured her attention as well.

'Now it made sense,' she thought.

She had a subtle hunch about it; since the commoners were wearing the same but a slightly shabby version of outfits, but she was convinced after seeing these people around.

Menotalis was a parallel version of the Philippines but not in modern times. It was based on the Spanish-colonial period, around Jose Rizal's era! She was sure of it.

The clothes tell it all.

Was it because her nationality was from the Philippines that in every world, she had been into stories that were related to her home country? Or was it Guide-sama?

Guide-sama: "What about me?"

"I'm just saying. Aren't you responsible for my transmigration? How do you even look for what world I should be in next?"

Guide-sama: "It's a secret—."

"What? There should be no secret between us."

Guide-sama: "I am supposed to tell you but because you cut in, I don't feel like doing it anymore."

"You're so childish."

