
224 Fate Lock and Bond (2)

"What are you talking about?" Xiaolin asked, evident confusion in her tone.

"Well, there aren't many people of the spirit race in our world, so the legend is mostly lost, but with me being one of the very few of the spirit race, I did an extensive study on the matter." Maya paused to consider her words. "Apparently, most spirit creatures from birth have the ability to bond with another same or different racial folk. The bonds aren't the same though.

"Like a higher intelligent spiritual being than most others, your bond is one of the superior spiritual levels. You might not have a clue of this, Xiaolin, but you're one of the royalties of the spirit race."


"Of course, there are other criteria you have to meet, but that's none of your concern now," Maya continued. "Basically, your bond is to make sure you don't die at an earlier age, as you are pretty weak at the lower ranks."
