
Insane Intuition

"Portable Tower, I respect you because you are a legendary item that guided great people in the past. But, I can't believe that you put forward that Fifth Class Knighthood that has no Signature to me!"

[Listened to Me. Noah, it is the best….]

Noah just sprinted away as he heard a commotion on the main road. Oak Town was having guests that came from a long distance. And the town has prepared to welcome them. 

Noah knew about them too that's why he ignored his tower and ran to see who they were.

Knighthoods are military Clans, Schools or Sects that have a set of values, morals, sacred Codes and more importantly, Knight Techniques.

Knight Techniques are battle techniques that range from Bodily Techniques and Weapon Techniques.

At their very depth, the Knight Techniques has a special move that has some element of a unique aspect. That is the signature and it can not be found anywhere but within that Knighthood.

Knighthood is classified into five. They are…

Class 5 or Fifth Class

Class 4 or Fourth Class

Class 3 or Third Class

Class 2 Or Second Class

Class 1 or First Class.

Class Five were ordinary schools that were usually funded and established by an experienced Rank 1 Master that wanted to pass their understanding of Knight Legacy to the younger generation. However, they are usually affiliated with at least Class 3 Knighthood.

Shifting Steel, the knighthood Noah came from, was only Class 2 because they managed to produce 2 Rank 1 Masters. 

Class 1 Knighthood was very rare and in all of Draining Petal Island where Noah came from there was no Class 1. The requirement to be a Class 1 Knighthood was to have a living Grandmaster. and that was super rare or outright impossible.

There are 7 Knighthoods in Oak Town and sadly, Floating Feather was ranked 5th. And Noah found it beneath him to join them due to them not being the best.

"They are Moon Wolf Knighthood. They have come back with a gift to the lord!"

"Woah, look at that silver wolf in the cage?"

Noah stood among the kids as he watched the procession of the Knights in black armour. Their helmet was shaped like a wolf with a silver fang and the hilt of their sword was also shaped like a wolf's head too.

Knight has this imposing presence before the masses as they behaved like some moving statues with no emotions.

[Let's make a transaction]

Portable Tower said. Since Noah was in public he didn't say a thing.

[Nod if you agree to it. I will tell you where the closest item is and you will join Floating Feather]

Noah put his hand on his face and said, "I do not agree!"

[Will you drop your ego and consider joining them!] The tower flared.

"Why not Moon Wolf, Rosy Blade, Oak Shield Knighthood? They seem great and they are a direct representation of the main Knighthood. Feather was owned by an old man close to death who decided to make his school!" 

Noah grumbled as he covered his mouth while the kids around him cheered at swordplay.

[No time to explain. However, as a gesture of good faith I will tell, however, say you will consider Feather]

"I will!" Noah said.

[And, if you decide to retrieve the item, no killing will occur.]

Noah was silent for some time as he watched the procession stop and they greeted an old man that was passing by, he turned out to be a hermit but also the father of the lord of Oak Town.

"No killing. I can't guarantee that!"

There was silence but then the Potable Tower told him the place. The whole one hundred Knights that belong to Moon Wolf were actually transporting the damn item.

And Noah's eyes went directly to the cargo that had instruments and he was able to understand what was going on.

The cargo, where the item was carried, was guarded by one Rank 9 and five Rank 10 Masters. The rest of the knights were all squires at level 10.

In a normal man's head, this was a good power and force but for Noah, his brain has already calculated how to kill them all in just less than a minute. 

But that thought alone made the Rank 9 Moon Wolf Knight clench his sword at the same time, he looked directly at where Noah and the kids were standing.

Noah's heart skips a beat at the realization. At the same time, the captain of the whole procession was Rank 7, he unsheathed his sword and glared at the town folks.

'This Knighthood Intuition is off the chart,' Noah thought but then there was a whistle, the whole Knight clenched their sword warily looking around the crowd of people.

This also alerted Noah and then he made the appropriate decision to focus on anything else but the knight's relation to him and the item.

The people on the other hand were taken aback by that action and they stepped back. But the knight captain explained that it was training.

Even with that assurance, some began to leave, parents called their kids and Noah, too, followed and left the place.

He had calculated how to kill all of them but the bad thing was the people around will see him. Not only that, the items seem to be in a large box, and taking that thing will not be easy without being slowed down.

Worse, was that he would be hunted down till he was exhausted. He was only a boy with limited stamina. That was why he ended his fight as fast as he could.

However, the few people that left were followed by knights. Turning a corner, Noah was shocked by the person he saw. It was the Knight captain, a Rank 7 Master.

Noah's shock and fear were genuine as he never expected their intuition was that great. 

"Run, our Knighthood has no qualms about killing children. Obey and survive!" The knight captain declared.

Noah gulped down and stared at him.

"Good! Get naked!" The man like the rest was in black armour that covered his whole body. With a wolf fang helmet. His eyes inside were red and he looked like a caged beast ready to be unleashed.

Noah trembled as he removed his shirt, his rough dirty covered body revealed and then he got properly naked. His necklace was made of wood that was shaped like a flat pagoda. It looks super ordinary and the knight didn't even look at it.

"No marking!" The knight said. "Yes!" A seductive voice said behind Noah, turning back his heart skipped a beat and he saw the most exotic beautiful woman in his whole life. 

Even in his underdeveloped body, Noah for the first time felt the need to have that woman. Her red hair and her red eyes accentuate very well with her red armour, sadly her face was cold.

If he was at home with his parents, he would boldly tell them he wanted to marry her. As even before the invasion, they have been having this with him and another girl.

"Sorry, kid. Wear your clothes!" Noah did as he was asked but the woman was still in his mind. Then the knight gave Seth a coin. "We are wrong!"

He then walked away with the woman as he said, "He is a boy!" And she said "yes!"

But they were not far when Noah sensed a gaze on him. 

[No blood] Noah was reminded.

Noah shook his head and dashed inside a house where the family cursed at him, he reached the other street and climbed over a roop and ran fast, in time he fall on a moving caravan that took him far, then he entered the house after avoiding getting beaten by the people because he just barged in their house. Until he reached a new street and jumped into a school gate.

All this trouble was him running away from pursuers that wanted the coin he was given.

[Moon Wolf serves as a higher Police in the Town, they have unnatural intuition toward danger. So, when they sense danger from anywhere and anyone, they act upon it even if that means devaluing any person. However, if it turned out to be wrong for a reason, their code demanded them to be generous and pay with an apology]

The coin given to Noah is Silver and it has the Moon Wolf face on it. This money can be exchanged with 100 normal coins. And the value is enough for a frugal man to live for a year. Frugal man that has no one.

The pursuers cursed as they glared at Noah.

Noah comprehended the Knight wasn't completely sincere as he wanted to know how Noah would survive the mobs. True to Noah's assumptions the red-haired woman and the Rank 7 Knight were on the roof watching him.

"He is a normal kid!" The red woman said, "Hmm. He is not a Transformer then. Good, we are worried for nothing while the actual evil intentor got away!"
