
Short Story: Living a new life(1)

Ruby, that's a name that's been gaining traction lately. Unfamiliar. But I overheard it from one of the policemen accompanying us on our field trip.

I have played many Batman Games, read a few comics, and seen a few shows. And while I had spent years in the down low of the city and heard dozens of unfamiliar names every one of them was small, no one to fight Cobbelpot, no one to fight Falcone, this was a new one rising to the stage of Gotham.

And if the guards were anything to go by this dude was big. How? Many answers came to mind but truthfully it could be anything, with not even a twig of information to start the theory boat, I guess all of them call only be put on the back burner.

Still, as my head bobbed and weaved sitting in the bus, Dina weaned a pout as she smacked the handheld in her hands over her bag, and almost as if by first instinct her eyes full of childish rage turned to me, "Mira! Don't buy War Company! This game sucks!" Like a dutifully...daughter? She informed me about her completely objective assessment.

Dina in all her wisdom had decided to pick an RTS as her first game on her shiny new handheld, which as I don't even need to point out, is a terrible idea.

Consoling the pouty kid, I slid away the console from her hands, "Let me see, Alright." She nodded and let it go, seeing the game that had been paused was amusing, to say the least, it was a world-war-two game, she was playing as the SS and losing badly for a lack of Anti-Tank.

As my hands gripped the controls of the game a sense of familiarity set in, I had played many real-time strategies in my lifetime, on a PC, on a console, and on a handheld. I loved this genre to bits, shame it had been so long since I played one.

It was defiantly trippy as I gave the commands for the construction of a Panzer Support Command. And as my panzer grenadiers held off the advancing Shermans with AT grenades for engine damages, my first Panzer, a Panther rolled off the assembly line, and I felt a blooming smile grow on my face.

Survive, survival, by any means necessary I had drilled this chant into my core, but as the game drew to a stalemate and as my side seat gamer girl focused her attention solely on the screen—it hit me, Human beings don't just survive, right? If it was survival then. Food, water, and shelter would be it.

No, we live. And I had forgotten to do that? That would be utterly stupid of me, won't it?

Handing back the console I pulled out my phone and for the first time in ever, I initiated a conversation on the text channel.

Me: So I played a video game today...

[A/N: Since I don't have time for entire chapters over this week I thought I would write out a short chapter on Heylel's new life. Which will in all its forms include a story of learning to live again in a new life.

So, thanks for the support as I let my studies consume me again. Stay safe and enjoy.

Also if you guys wanna review... I would be grateful since I kinda need ten reviewed for this story to have an actual rating on the web novel page and not just be a 0.

By the way, I am not gonna write a self-review.]
