

Pierce was walking back to the palace after making sure Lucifer had reached were he had to. He had a sense of victory plastered on his face. As he neared the palace premises, he saw the angels crowding the place. They were renovating the palace and the premises as if they were anticipating some celebration that confused him. He looked at the angels and tried to figure out what it could be.

"Ohh, you reached. Where were you?" One of his friends asked, as he kept the curtains down and approached the confused male.

'What is happening here?" 

"Oh, a lot of things happened in the past two days. Where did you go?"

"Explain what happened, Xin." He asked again as his eyes caught one of the light lamps carried for washing.

"Gabriel. He held a meeting and convinced everyone in the council to vote for him. I don't know what magic he used but all agreed to it." Xin sighed.

"Vote him as what? What was the sudden reason for this rush?" 
