

"Is she here yet?" the oldest lady asked as she walked to the living room.

"Soon, and we have to treat her with everything we have. This is our one and only chance to pay tribute to God."

"I know and that is why, I have prepared everything under my own watch Everything will go perfect as you want." She assured her husband.

The house was preparing for welcoming their Angel who visited earth to complete the biggest mission which anyone could ask for. There was just one thing that the angels would agree without a protest and that was the end of Lucifer. They hated the man who went against God and caused a lot of troubles in the heaven which even was a concern to their lives. They waited for a very long time for some one to take the courage to end the era of Lucifer and finally the one designated for it has arrived.

"Mother." A small yet soft voice caught the attention of every one gathered.

"Cristian, we have been waiting for you."

"Sorry, mother. We just stopped by the church for a while as per Kristen's request." He smiled and bowed before moving to the side, revealing the beauty behind him.

"Who gave you the permission to use name for our Angel?" His mother frowned at him before walking to the girl who stood there with a pleasant smile.

"He is already my friend and I prefer everyone calling me by name. I want to be one among you." Kristen assured as she walked to the older woman.

"That is so sweet of you dear but we have to give you the respect or it had be awkward for us. It would be rude to address you by name for the normal angels like us."

"Oh come on, this is going to be awkward for me and not you. I prefer my name or else, lets do something. You can call me Lilah." She looked around at everyone, greeting all with due respect.

"Lilah?" The older man asked in confusion.

"I do not want Lucifer to identify me by my real name so I am just going under this new name."

"Do you think just changing the name would make you unrecognizable for him?"

"Yes, I asked her the same but she smiled." Cristian complained as his small eyes, squinted more.

"Don't worry about anything like that. I am not that silly to just change my name and walk to him thinking, he wouldn't recognize me." She laughed, diverting the topic.



Soon they treated her with delicious food and asked her to rest for a while, because the coming days would be very hectic for her. Kristen was not at all in the mood to waste a single day by resting as the words by her uncle were ringing in her ears. Three months is all she got to accomplish the mission or else, she will have to be with Lucifer with the devil. She hated the thought of even meeting him yet alone survive three months without getting caught. Kristen would have snapped his neck the moment they meet and prove the world wrong that not all girls fall for his charms.

"I will prove it to you uncle." She muttered before taking a bottle from her bag.

The vial she bought along with her, containing the medicine which could hide her true identity even from the God. She had a hard time soothing the Angel who makes the medicine to provide one for her without anyone knowing. She was all prepared, much better than anyone else knew and that was where her confidence came from. She also asked Cristian to bring her few books from library which she needed to know about the hell and the rules circulating. She was obviously not planning to enter hell on her own, but he should take her with him on his own.

It came out as a surprise for her that the devil is walking on the earth like she had heard in random stories but to add fuel to it, he was so damn ignorant. Sure, she hadn't seen his face properly but what gave him the right to sleep with a human? Even though he is banished from heaven, he still carries the blood of God and is a celestial being. But who are we kidding? He is literally the epitome of sins and she was there to burry him with his sins.



"Make sure that she is protected when we have her around. You don't want to be on the bad side of God by making a mistake." The lady was talking to the others in the mean time.

"Oh mother, she is not a baby. She came here to correct the devil so she will be able to protect her. You all are over reacting." Her elder son, Oliver commented.

"I warn you to keep your foul mouth shut for the next few days. She is here for all of us, to represent us all which you couldn't do."

"You are talking as if I was directly made by God with all the blessings just like her. She was probably made just for this and God would have already given her the power to end him." He smirked again causing a small wave of muttering among the angels.

"Oliver, please. We have talked about this." Cristian spoke as he kept his hands on his brother's thighs as a small reminder.

"So we are done with the conversation and everyone will behave properly. I don't want any complaints from Lilah till she leaves." The older woman spoke as she stood up to raise a toast.

Thus all the angels on the earth decided to be on guard on their Angel who arrived to help them out of the misery of being played by Lucifer. Little did they know that everything is not under their control and the man has his own ways to escape. The night passed by smoothly as everyone rested with a hope sparked in them for a bright and full of virtue.
