

Stephen flipped the pages of the document he was currently working on. He had a deadline to meet and those documents needed his signature but after rereading them he realized there was an error.

He took off his glasses wiping the light sheen of sweat that had come to form on his forehead.

He hadn’t eating anything all day as he has been very busy buried in his work, That all he did recently ‘work’.

He didn’t have the time or energy to socialize or even leave his study, he told himself it was to meet the dead line of the contract he was working on but deep down he knew he just didn’t want to think of her. Even thou he would have loved to forget her he couldn’t get her out off his mind and she proved to be a huge distraction.

He hadn’t talk to her since their last fall out. He had gone over to her house to resolve things with her but unfortunately she had already left for London by then.
