

He was afraid. He was not confident. At first, he was determined to get stronger in order for him to meet his master again but when they met again, that desire disappeared. He would practice his magic once in a while but he couldn't improve which only added to his frustrations.


"Why are you being so reluctant? You've been using your magic well and when I asked you to do such a simple thing you said that you can't do it?" Cygnus was getting disappointed as the seconds passed by.


He didn't like this version of Ezio at all. He preferred the Ezio he first met and the Ezio who was cold, but this cowardice was something he couldn't tolerate. The people who stood beside him were not this meek and weak.


"Master, I just, just can't do it. I tried but I couldn't improve. I couldn't make a breakthrough!" He was ashamed. He wanted the ground to swallow him at that moment.

