
The Dragon's Rightful Mate

When he moved out of the frozen bathtub, she prepared another tub almost immediately and he slipped into his normal cold bath.

After a while, he was done, and he moved away from the bathroom to the main chamber to dress himself up.

'Prince Rex,' he heard a voice in his head. It was the king.

'Your Majesty!'

'Alpha Lucifel shall not be mated with princess Mariah anymore,' a sad voice came and although it was bad news, his heart bounced in excitement. This was the best news he had heard in a while.

He feigned concern and curiosity, 'Is there a reason for his sudden change of mind?'

'He has found his mate.'

As he said it, Rex looked plainly at the wall opposite to him before standing up and collecting his sword from his maid. 'What shall I do in this case, Your Majesty?' He asked, wanting to know what this man wanted from him.

'Rex, I would love you to inform Princess Mariah about this in the kindest way because I know Lucifel would not relay the message most favorably.'
