
The Girl In His Past (2)

"Yes, he was. And that same girl has the same birthmark as you."

The space between her eyebrows kept folding as she looked at him and then suddenly she immediately said, her voice shaky, "That is not me!"

"Yes, it is not."

Hazel's eyes rolled sideways as she tried stepping backwards from him, "and why would you think that was me?"

"Because you both have the same facial features."

"I said that is not me." For some reason, Hazel's chest began to pump in and out. She swallowed hard trying to caution herself. She had no prior understanding about why she was trembling this way but maybe she knew now because his gaze on her made her even terrified. He looked angry of some sort as he clenched his fist. "I said it's not me!"

He looked at her, his neck bent to his right as if examining her. "Why are you like this?"

"You...you looked like you were going to strangle me."
