
Peace was never an option

"You are telling me the person we hired to watch Alicia is dead?" Fernando sat on a red throne-like chair with his legs crossed as he looked down at the messenger.

"Master, it is as my spies tell me," said the kneeling woman, dressed in white armor and a dark mask with swirly lines.

"We paid them to watch her not die," said Fernando with his hands on the bridge of his nose as he signed in annoyance.

"I am sorry, Noble Knight Fernando," said the woman, lowering her head even more.

"Noble knight…? That title irks me, you should be calling me pope," said Fernando with a deadpan complexion as he rested on the armchair.

"But sir, you have to be voted by other Noble knights, cardinals, and arch-!" said the woman before Fernando raised his hands to silence her.

"I know, I know—"

Fernando closed his eyes and internally screamed, "Arhhhhh!!!"

With that, he opened his eyes and continued, "You are dismissed. Also, try to do your jobs better. I don't pay you to kill yourself."

The woman scorned Fernando under the mask while getting up to leave.

Fernando looked at her back before screaming, "The next time you give me that face, I will hang it on the walls."

The woman then walked away at a faster pace.

Fernando then smiled and said. "June Mayfair, funny lad, that one."

"But how do I bribe the competition? I know next to nothing about them!" Fernando took a huge breath and decided.

"I will have to talk to and make a deal with, The man of mysteries."

Fernando gritted his teeth but called down and stood up.

"Well, this will be a… pain,"

Fernando then went to a red banner with yellow markings and a staff in the center. He then placed his hands on it

The yellow markings turned blue and lighted up, forming a hologram of a man with only dark features.

"Good evening, Noble knight-" the man was about to say before getting stopped by a wave of Fernando's hand.

"I don't think I want to hear that titl-" Fernando was about to say before getting interrupted in return:

"Let me finish my sentence, child!!" The man of whisper said condescendingly while looking down at Fernando with blue light streaks from his eyes.

"Well, aren't you an arrogant old man," Fernando said while fetching a few documents from his pocket and bringing them forward.

"What's the quality?" The man said with a smile on his face."

"Duke Deyricia, in very uncompromising positions, a weird hobby you have, but that is not my… problem!" Said Fernando, who just wanted the deal to be done, so he could close the communication channel.

"To become pope right… don't ask how I know I can see it in you, so consider it done."

The man then pooped out, with the pictures disappearing with him.

Fernando could have sworn he saw lotion, but at this point, he didn't care and just tried to be happy with the deal.

"God, I hate these people!" Fernando said while going through a door.

The Dragon born

A carriage flew through vast mountains, seas, and forests.

On the carriage, Derrick sat right next to Bash and asked, "So, what made you do this task?"

"Huh!?" Bash replied in confusion before getting clarity and answering, "I am an adventurer and love tough battles:"

"Of fucking, course you do… you almost fought me, so it checks out," said Derrick with his eyes rolling.

"Boi, are you calling me a weakling!!?" Said Bash in a jesting tone as he moved a bit away with a fake offended tone. "How rude, all because you got that… dragon amp."

"Dragon amp!? Is that what we're calling it!" Said Derrick with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, you can't say it doesn't fit," said Klide watching them from the back as she smiled.

"Wow!? You two are ganging up on me, How…professional of you!" Said Derrick slowly as he emphasized each sentence with spite in his tone.

"Not like you have anything better, mister namer! Hypocrite!" Said Bash, emphasizing even more before swerving left as a giant blue lightning bird passed by them.

"Careful there," said Derrick, slightly losing his balance. "And I can think of something… eventually at least."

Derrick sounded sure and yet unsure.

"I believe you… Mr. Dragonborn, do not spite me with dragon tongue." Said Bash, begging, putting his hands in the air as he looked up at Derrick.

"Get your eyes on the…sky," said Derrick in panic, pointing to the sky.

"Oh, stop being a drama queen! Is this the first time you're flying?" Bash asked, looking at Derrick while now looking toward but slightly turning.

"I did skydiving… also you called me boi previously, so how old are you?" Derrick said, remembering a previous statement with his head tilted.

"70!" Bash answered quickly.

"What!? how long do people in this realm live!?" Said Derrick, almost falling after he heard the number.

"Mostly 1000," Said Bash, fully concentrating on the ride, feeling slightly uncomfortable as if something was watching him.

"That's pretty interesting!" Said Derrick, returning back to his seat until Bash stopped him with a call.

"Don't sit, be on alert!" Bash said, watching around with his eyes extremely focused.


Lighting struck the mountain far away,

Bash then processed to fly frantically, moving left, right, up, and down multiple times., causing both Derrick and Klide to be concerned as Derrick asked, "Bash, what's wrong?"

Bash ignored the call and slowly stretched his hand sideways as he slowly said, "The air behind us is moving… weird—some-thing is behind us!"

Derrick's eyes widened, and he quickly checked the back.


At the back of the carriage were black clouds constantly exiting lighting bolts. Derrick focused, and he swore he saw a bird beak and blue lighting—eyes.

"It's the bird," said Derrick in confusion, and he stopped looking back and went to bash, screaming, "It's on our tails can't this thing move faster."

[Boom!][Boom] [Boom]


"I've been moving faster ever since it passed us. It's fast…very fast," Bash said while thinking. He suddenly got an idea and dived down.

The bird followed as it dove out of the clouds. They both plunged, with Bash now getting off the reins and trying to look back.

"Bash, what-"

Bash raised his hand to shush, Klide and Derrick, finally getting a glimpse of what was chasing them.

His face turned pale as he recognized this creature in the adventurer beast guide.


Bash said as his hands dropped and swayed in the air.

"Bash, what's wrong?" Asked Derrick, not liking the look on his face

Bash ignored him and continued talking, "What is a beast of this stature doing here…"

He said with his eyes becoming more shocked and depressed, "The king of storms!!"

The bird then spread his wings, causing a massive storm that spanned miles to assemble above it
