
Thank you for this gift

With her muddled up thoughts, Celeste walked away from the room where Veron was, into the next room where Salma had slept the day she was weakened.

She couldn't fathom what was wrong with Veron, but she couldn't bear to continue listening to all the hurtful words coming out of his mouth. 

Yes, she had badly wanted to reject him, but she didn't want to do it anymore, and the mere thought of it scared her. Why he decided to now use it against her baffled her. 

She badly wanted it to be a joke. But that feeling he wasn't joking was strong in her heart, she couldn't shake it off. 

For this reason, she sat in the room for hours, scared to go out or see Veron. She was completely exhausted, and just needed someone to tell her everything would be okay. She needed reassurance. She needed to know that her life was not finally falling apart beyond saving or redemption. She needed to know she would be happy again. 
