
I'm impressed

Unlike the last time that Veron was in Silver Lake, the atmosphere was rather dull and gloomy. While they drove past houses and streets, headed for the royal palace, he noticed something.

Some people seemed to be in a hurry to get somewhere, while others had confused and surprised looks on their faces. This was the condition he found a lot of werewolves, which made him wonder what Jadon had done. 

When they finally arrived at the palace, Veron was surprised at the number of people gathered in the courtyard. He was expecting this to be a simple execution with only the most important people in Silver Lake invited to witness it. What was Jadon up to?

As if an inaudible announcement had been made, the people, who were initially looking with different emotions on their faces at the torture equipment set up in the middle of the yard, turned their attention to the car that just arrived.
