
Good girl in the midst of bad girls

Somewhere in the outskirts of the city, a completely knocked out Salome and Audrey were pulled out of a van and thrown into a completely dark room.

Ice-cold water was poured on them, which jolted them up almost instantly. They both sat up at the same time, confused as to what was happening.

They set their eyes toward the only source of light they could see, which was a small opening in the door of the room or whatever place they were kept.

However, the light didn't last. Before they could think of going to the door, or even taking any action, the door was shut close, leaving them in total darkness.

"What is going on?" Audrey asked with a small, shaking voice. "Salome, are you there?" She called, remembering that was the last person she had been with before she couldn't remember anything again.

"Yes, I am." She heard Salome's voice.

"What's happening?" Audrey asked again.

"I don't know. Why are you asking me that?
