

After lunch, Belle went to the derma clinic that she visited last time. Now, she didn't have to hesitate. She told them to get rid of her scars and make her flawless once again. 

(I can finally wear my dresses!) Belle exclaimed mentally in happiness. Ever since she recovered from the accident, she never had the chance to wear her dresses again because of the hideous scars that she got when she was tossed about in the river. It was already a miracle that she was still alive. Even so, she still felt sad whenever she sees her scars. 

She went through a medical consultation with her preferred doctor and they talk about the things she should avoid after the treatment. 

Since she wanted to wear a dress, she told the doctor to prioritize the scars on her legs and thighs. She wasn't that worried about the scar on her arm and back, she could always cover them, but she felt like giving her legs some breather. 
