

After roaming around, buying groceries and personal items, they all decided to go home. Eli already expected that Jackson would be coming back to Belle's house. What he didn't expect was for Allen to go with them. Belle didn't even know that he would come as well. 

Allen parked his car in front of the house next to Belle's which was vacant until earlier. In the morning, before she left with Neon, she noticed that there was a moving truck in front of the house next to hers, but she didn't know who the owner was. It was only at this moment that she found out the truth. 

Then she remembered something that Allen said earlier. "Doc Eli! I'll be seeing you around more often," was what he said and now it was clear to Belle that Allen literally meant what he said. 

"Are we neighbors now?" Belle asked Allen while Neon was opening the gate for them. "When did you buy this property?" 
